Aether Beasts

Chapter 109 - 109(18+)

Chapter 109 - 109(18+)

The effects of the technique slowly wore off after a few minutes, and my mind was once again peaceful, or as peaceful as it could be. It was basically back to its usual state, though with a whole lot of new information.

Zirani\'s lap was quite comfortable and I would\'ve stayed there for longer if she hadn\'t noticed my recovery.

"Come on, we can rest later."

I let out a sigh and got back to my feet. "Can you blame me?"

She chuckled and gave me a playful smack on the arm. "No, but we\'re training now, fun later, I promise."

I stretched. "Deal. So, wanna explain what happened? I mean I\'ve got a good guess, but that was… a lot more potent and in-depth than I imagined it would be."

"A lot of the information you received isn\'t going to be useful immediately," Zirani said. "Especially since it goes into the genetic makeup of the tree."

I raised an eyebrow. "The genetic what?"

She spread her arms out. "Like I said, a lot of information. That\'s a topic for another time. What you have to focus on is specific parts of information, the most important being the pattern, remember how I said there is a pattern for everything?"

"Oh." It suddenly dawned on me, and all it took was a moment to bring up the information on the tree\'s pattern. It was complex, but it was there.

"That pattern is the tree," Zirani explained. "That\'s the main way you\'ll change the aether. Certain patterns affect aether differently and change it. If you formed a pattern like this then your aether would attempt to create a fleet tree in exactly the same shape, size, and weight as the one you used the technique on. Patterns like this affect the shell of your aether directly as it\'s a far more complex pattern than simply creating some wood or a vine. It\'s something all arcanists beyond the great scar are expected to learn, but it\'s harder for us due to the complexity of plant life and the sheer variety when it comes to the green, you with me so far?"

I nodded. It was a bit confusing but thanks to everything she\'d already taught me and my excellent memory when it came to the arcane I was able to keep up.

"Good, now I want you to repeat what you did with the tree to a few more of the plants."

I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off. "I know it\'s not a pleasant experience, but I need you to do this. It\'s just for this one time and then I can send the information through our bond. I want you to experience this fully."

The honesty and sincerity in her eyes so I turned as I pulled aether from my core, readying myself for another bombardment of information.

I fell almost every single time, I used the technique, and for some reason, I\'d expected the smaller plants to be easier, but no, they held just as much if not more information. It was only on the last two plants that I managed to remain standing and not topple like a sack of cores. For some of the plants, I managed to understand what they did right away, but for others, I was left baffled as I tried to figure them out. Luckily I had Zirani and with her help, I was able to sort through the information and she helped explain certain aspects of what I was getting, though the talk of atoms and particles went completely over my head, not that she expected me to understand any of that.

"Let me get this straight, all things are made up of smaller things called atoms and particles."

She sighed and shook her head. "This is a conversation for another time, Aiden let\'s just continue with the training. I want you to use the technique on one more thing."

She held up a hand before I could protest. "Just one more thing."


She smiled and it was then that I noticed she had one hand behind her back. She revealed the hand and more importantly, what was inside it. A dark green seed.

"You want me to scan it?" I asked.

"I do, but hold on." She moved up until she was behind me. "Just in case you fall. Here."

She dropped the seed into my open right hand and I moved it up to my eye. It looked like the impact seeds, but a bit smaller, and its color was such a dark green to almost be black. I wondered why she wanted me to scan it, but one look over my shoulders at her face told me she wasn\'t going to tell me until I\'d actually scanned it so I formed the technique and shot it into the seed.

Almost immediately my brain stopped for what was probably a second but felt a lot longer. The flood of information that hit my mind was like a tidal wave crashing against a cliff, but instead of washing against it, it chased through, breaking and shattering the cliff. I lost sense of my body and everything else, but my thoughts and bit after bit of information entered my mind, so quickly I couldn\'t make sense of any of it. It was an endless wave, or it seemed to be, and what was worse was the fact I couldn\'t really think or panic, since any such thoughts were drowned out the moment I thought them up.

"Calm, Aiden, calm."

Zirani voice broke through the haze of my mind as the flood turned into a trickle. Feeling returned as did the knowledge that I was shaking. My hands felt sticky and Zirani was gently stroking my head while she whispered calming words into my ear.

"What. The. Fuck." That was about all I could say, and even that was hard to get out as my mind was still processing the information that had hit me, as though it was trying to catch up as to what had happened. Damn, that had been bad, not in a painful way, but in a claustrophobic way, like I\'d been trapped in my own head unable to think or do anything, but watch. I was pretty sure a lot of the information hadn\'t stuck and I could feel some of it fading.

"I know, I know." She continued to calm me. "I didn\'t want to do this, I truly didn\'t, but it had to be done."

"You could have warned me," I replied, a tinge of anger in my voice.

"Would you have gone through with it so easily if I had?"

I opened my mouth then shut it as I considered her words. "Probably not. Why exactly did this need to happen? It feels like someone tried to shove an orange through a hole the size of a grape, my mind being the hole and the orange being whatever the hell that was."

"That was to get you accustomed to the feeling of having large amounts of information sent into your mind," Zirani explained.

"Please, please don\'t tell me it\'s going to be like that every time." The experience had somehow felt just as bad as the bath did, which was sayings something since that was ten minutes of constant physical pain.

She shook her head. "No, it won\'t even be as bad as any of the plants. This was just to strengthen your mind, and help it get used to the feeling. It will be a lot more receptive when I do it and our bond will help greatly as we are connected so your mind will welcome me, as it does when we communicate telepathically or send emotional and mental images over. All of that Is technically sending information over."

"Are we done for the day?" I asked, feeling mentally exhausted.

"We are." A slow smile crept over her face. "Though I promised you a bit of fun, and well I\'m feeling rather bad for having sprung that on you. Why don\'t you lean back and relax while I give you some much-needed relief."

I felt my member begin to rise as Zirani walked around until she was in front of me, and spreading my legs open. I moved up until my back was against a tree.

Her hand worked at the string to my pants and she quickly had them down along with my underclothes to reveal my hard and ready manhood, eager for her touch.

"Such a lovely treat." She warped a gentle hand around it and I immediately felt some of the stress and pressure leave my body, replaced by pleasure at her warm touch.

"Damn Zirani." I smiled as I stared down at her. "You really know how to make me feel better, huh?"

She didn\'t reply and leaned forward to take my tip into her wet and warm mouth.

"Fuck," I groaned as her tongue worked at my tip while one of her hands stroked the shaft. It felt amazing and I let out another loud moan as she began to push herself down, her tongue working as my erection entered deeper and deeper.

She gagged as my tip hit the entrance to her throat, but unlike the previous times, she didn\'t pull back and instead force herself onwards, gagging all the while.

"Yes, Zirani." I resisted pressing a hand to the back of her head to force her down, but I didn\'t know if she\'d like that, and she seemed to be doing fine.

Her eyes rolled back up into her head as my tip finally entered her throat, and soon after more of my manhood followed, until her nose was at the edge of my stomach. I stared down into her wary eyes and even with my erection deep in her throat, she still managed to wink.

I moaned as she walled and worked my tip and part of my shaft with the ridges of her throat, something that only Sandra had done before.

I don\'t know if it was the stress or just the fact that I badly needed release, but my orgasm rose quicker than normal and my seed burst into her mouth and directly down her throat and into her stomach, filling her up with my hot cum.

She kept her eyes on me the entire time, occasionally moaning as my seed filled her.

"Damn I needed that," I said with a sigh of relief as Zirani moved up, cleaning me until just my tip was left. I shook as she sucked at the sensitive flesh, draining the last drops out before letting me fall from her mouth.

"Feel better?"

I nodded.. "Much."

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