Become a Star

Chapter 92

Additionally, just as expected, many people expressed their concern for Chae Woo-Jin’s family on the internet. When it was reported that Chae Woo-Jin’s younger sister had gone to school on Friday morning with swollen eyes, many people felt sorry for her. In addition, people who had been bullied or had family members that were victims of bullying became more sympathetic.

–– This is precisely why bullying is scary. Even in action scenes, people without stunt doubles immediately become victims because they were attacked by a group of people.

└ He didn’t repay violence with violence but just endured everything by himself. To be honest, even if the Blue Fit members attacked Woo-Jin oppa all at once, it would’ve been over with just one kick. T.T

└ How dare you say that about Blue Fit? Nobody knows what exactly happened yet! For all you know, he might have been bullied at school. And frankly, if you take a good look at all the people who have been bullied, you’d know there was a good reason for it.

└ This person has posted the same comment on other posts. How persistent. Chae Woo-Jin had no problems at school. It’s a well-known fact that all his teachers loved him and his friends at school were goody two shoes. Even though he didn’t have a lot of friends, I heard he was very close to his friends, so nobody could lay a finger on him.

└ Woo-Jin, what are you doing on the internet? It’s so obvious it’s you.

–– I think Chae Woo-Jin intentionally said those things on TV Star because our oppas are doing so well, especially Si-Hoo oppa!! If my oppa loses his title as The Masked King because of the trauma caused by this incident, I’m not going to let it go!

└ My thoughts exactly. My poor Si-Hoo oppa! Fortunately, The King of the Masked Singers

had a recording last Wednesday, so I think he’s clinched his sixth victory without a hitch. But what are we going to do about the next recording? T_T

└ He left on his own, so why is he playing the victim now after such a long time? He must have felt bitter and regretful after leaving, lmao.

└ Everyone, you’re now looking at the people who are mourning in the blue hole of the universe.

— You guys make me laugh. Didn’t you see Woon Jong-Shin tell Woo-Jin to sing even though he said he didn’t want to? And Kang Hee-Joo was the one who talked about the donation first. Chae Woo-Jin even told the production team to edit it out. But you people didn’t even look at the caption added by the production team stating that they didn’t edit it in the spirit of spreading good deeds, did you?

└ Woo-Jin, it’s time for you to take your medicine. Please refrain from commenting here.

└ Exactly. If he really didn’t want the production team to air that part, wouldn’t he have personally gone and requested them to edit it out!! And wasn’t he the reason why there was animosity within the group back then? It was a hot topic among the fans, no?

└ What? I was with TM for a very long time, and it’s my first time hearing about this. What are you talking about? And like what you people have said, if Blue Fit is innocent, there’s no reason for you guys to be agitated, right?”

After watching TV Star, Blue Hole went into panic mode; they couldn’t do anything initially, so they just observed. Eventually, out of the two waiting groups, they were the first to make a move. In general, the posts and articles on the internet were criticizing Blue Fit, so they started posting rebuttals and made accusations against Chae Woo-Jin everywhere. Even now, they were still relentlessly attacking him. As soon as other people started getting sick of Blue Hole’s actions, Wish Baragi members quietly made an appearance.

<I used to be a huge fan of TM\'s idols, so I used to camp outside their headquarters all the time. That was when I saw Genie and became his fan. After watching the new episode of TV Star, I was so upset that I cried all night. But then, I was suddenly reminded of something, and looked through some old photos and finally found one from three years ago.

These photos were taken before Genie started donating to the foundation. As you can see, Genie often wears short sleeves even during early spring or late fall because he’s rather sensitive to heat. However, in this photo, he was the only one wearing long sleeves while everyone else was wearing short sleeves.

I didn’t think much of this picture at that time, but I cried for a very long time after looking at it now. Below is an enlarged image of the back of Genie’s hand. Please take a look and judge for yourselves.>

A longtime fan of Chae Woo-Jin found some old photos and uploaded them to the internet. One photo showed Chae Woo-Jin wearing short sleeves while others wore long sleeves. Another picture showed the opposite. The issue at hand could be found in the enlarged image of Chae Woo-Jin’s hand taken from the photo where he was wearing long sleeves.

The picture was taken with a camera equipped with a telephoto lens, so even when it was magnified dozens of times, the bruises on the back of his hand that couldn’t be hidden by the long sleeve were clearly visible. The bruises were on the back of his hand and not his fingers, and they looked like defensive injuries. Judging from the bruises, one could easily imagine what he was trying to hide under the long sleeves.

<To be honest, I became Chae Woo-Jin’s fan because of his looks. Hence, even if Woo-Jin couldn’t sing or act, I had decided to continue supporting him and being his fan. If people were to ask if I only fangirl over celebrities for their looks, I believe I can answer that question with confidence.

Thus, I wouldn’t be disappointed in him no matter what he does. Fortunately, Woo-Jin was perfect at everything, so I’m very grateful to him as a fan. Regardless of where I went, nobody mocked me for being his fan. In fact, I was pleased because everyone thought it was only natural for anyone to be his fan. However, the past 24 hours have been terrible.

While Woo-Jin was going through such a terrible thing, I was busy screaming at him on the streets when he passed by and was in a hurry to take pictures of his pretty face. Nevertheless, he was always smiling. I’ve never seen him frown.

Hence, I’m beside myself. I don’t know if I’ll do anything crazy in the future, so if you see my username, I ask for your kind understanding.>

Several barags also went to the community sites they had been active in for a long time and posted on their bulletin boards, declaring war on Blue Fit and Blue Hole. Some of these members were known to be gentle and polite, so the other members were flustered after seeing the sudden change in their demeanor, but they were understanding.

–– Si-Hoo oppa, I will support you till the very end, so please make sure you keep your title as The Masked King and show everyone your skills.

└ Your oppa doesn’t even have any skills in the first place. Since he’s like a tree with no roots, even when the wind blows on the leaves, he’ll be blown away.

└ I wonder if your oppa is really the one behind the mask. Was he lip-syncing again this time around? Well, judging from his soulless voice, it must have been him. I know that even if we present solid facts to people like you, you’ll disregard them anyway. I’ll still leave the link here. Go look at the difference between the lip-synced performance back when your oppas debuted and the live performance.

If a post spoke favorably of Blue Fit, even just a little, dozens of comments mocking Blue Fit would be published under it in less than a minute. People defending Woo-Jin would leave a link to the post that compared and analyzed Blue Fit’s lip-synced performance back when they just debuted and the actual performance without lip-syncing. They then proceeded to ask if the fans would still continue to support Blue Fit.

–– Why is Chae Woo-Jin so quiet when he was the one that sparked this entire debacle? He needs to say something and take a stand, so our oppas won’t be wrongly accused. Isn’t he doing that purposefully?

└ What does Woo-Jin have to say? TM is the one who needs to take a stand, not Chae Woo-Jin. But why are they not saying anything when things are so chaotic right now? Please let your brain cells work. I feel so sorry for your brain cells because they will die without being given a chance to work properly for once. Also, it’s ‘purposely,’ not ‘purposefully.’

└ If you have any complaints, you should take them up with TM. You’re whining about something you obviously don’t know anything about!

└ Since you’re a child with poor comprehension skills, let me kindly explain it to you. Just know that the blue people are just assholes. Say it once. It’s catchy, huh?

–– Please stop making pregnancy attacks [1]! [2] Even though she’s terrible at Korean, she must be good at math. She knows her place[3] very well.

In less than a day, a video of Blue Fit’s manager assaulting their fans as they tried to rush in while the Blue Fit members watched was uploaded to the bulletin board. Details about a dispute in a bar that led to an assault and a GIF of the idols tossing gifts from a fan into the trash without taking a few steps also surfaced. So much information had appeared in such a short time that one of the members even asked if the people who posted all these details were originally Blue Fit’s anti-fan.

–– Alright, I acknowledge everything. But there must have been a reason why they bullied Chae Woo-Jin. My oppas would never have done that to Chae Woo-Jin for no reason!

└ You’re right – there are so many reasons. He’s handsome, smart, good at singing, kind, and perfect. Here’s a link to a compilation of instances that clearly show Min Si-Hoo’s character. Since he’s your beloved oppa, please go and take a look. I can’t imagine how someone who treats his fans like this would treat Chae Woo-Jin, let alone children like you.

└ So are you bullying someone too? Judging from what the original commenter posted, it seems that way. What a wonderful combination of idols and fans that bully others.

Not only did it counter-argue Blue Hole’s response that there was a reason why the victim got bullied, but it had also led to a petition to urge TM to reveal the truth behind ‘Shining Star’ and Blue Fit. The public opinion also began to lean towards one side after seeing how confident Chae Woo-Jin’s fans were and TM\'s attitude in this incident – they were still tight-lipped about everything.

“Don’t we need to somehow come up with a contingency plan?” TM\'s CEO, Kim Seok-Hyung, looked at Seol Moon-Young. Seol Moon-Young shrugged and gave him a look as if to say, ‘This was all your fault for not being able to handle the matter properly.’

“You were the one who removed Woo-Jin from Blue Fit. When Woo-Jin left, Si-Hoo didn’t have what it took to fill the void. You were the one who suggested using the song Woo-Jin sang.” Kim Seok-Hyung was taken aback by Seol Moon Young’s laidback attitude and an expression that suggested he had done nothing wrong. Seol Moon-Young was strangely dignified for someone caught between a rock and a hard place, as his unyielding act back then as a producer had led to this incident.

“I’m well-aware of what you’re planning to do. You’re planning on telling the public that ‘Shining Star’ was a tragedy caused by my own greed, right?” One could not kill the goose that laid the golden eggs over something like this. Rather, it was an issue that could be resolved cheaply by sacrificing Seol Moon-Young, by getting Blue Fit to say that they had done so only because of their producer. The matter would blow over after they had done some self-reflection for one to two years. As for the bullying, they would simply argue that a little fight among young children was a common thing.

As Seol Moon-Young smirked after pointing it out, Kim Seok-Hyeong swallowed his saliva and remained still.

1. It’s a typo. 인신공격 means personal attack, while 임신 means pregnancy. However, later on, it became an internet term that’s mainly used when men slander women.[/ref]! Blue Fit and we are victims too.

└ Oh, you’re pregnant? I’m guessing you haven\'t heard that having a good heart as a mother is good for prenatal education. Listening to bullies’ songs is not good for children either.

└ To the commenter above, she used the word ‘attack’ though. OP, are you saying we got pregnant and attacked as a collective group? Or are you telling us to get ourselves pregnant? I don’t get what you’re saying at all. Well, judging from how you called yourselves victims, you must be delusional. I suggest you go to a hospital.

└ They’re victims, alright; victims of their own a ☜

2. In the raw, the writer said 피해(를 주는)자, which translates to ‘a person who does harm/damage’. It’s a play on the word 피해자, which stands for ‘victim’. ☜

3. 분수 means fraction, but it also means place/position. ☜

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