The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 91 - Terrible Party

"…somehow I never thought of this plan at all."

Kayla said while looking at the giant Victoball opened and the people inside are out.

"I think you can be a good leader, but it was because we\'re too close with Roy that we ended up always thinking of relying on him. We need to improve ourselves so we can be independent from him."

Angela is right. They are too much relying on me. I thought that I had taught Kayla many things, but I forgot one important thing. Being independence and stop relying on me too much.

It\'s fine to rely on me or anyone, but if they rely too much on another people, she will end up unable to do things that she should be able to do on her own. Maybe I should left them on their own more often.

It\'s good that Angela noticed it early.

While Kayla and Angela are thinking of how easy things could have gone had they be a little smarter and less reliant to me, Ellen\'s party is fighting among themselves.

"It was your fault! You should have known to not use powerful magic inside an enclosed space! You even did it knowing that underneath us are hollow area!"

"My fault? If it wasn\'t for me, the monsters would have killed all of us! Then it was you who emptied our food supply! They were supposed to be enough to last for a week and you emptied them in one day!"

"I told you guys that we shouldn\'t have enter the dungeon! I agree with Ellen to practice this so-called magic control and you refused it! Both of you were too hurried when you heard about the unexplored area and you choose to blindly enter!"

Here is the situation. There are five members in Ellen\'s party. Ellen, an old lady, someone else, someone else II, and the third someone else. I haven\'t heard their names and I don\'t care either.

Someone else is blaming someone else II for destroying the dungeon. The third someone else actually agree with Ellen to have Kayla and Angela helped them in the first place, but knowing that they\'re here instead of practicing, the other three must be the one who choose to enter the dungeon right away.

2 versus 3. So the 3 win.

That mean Ellen and the third someone else against the old lady, someone else, and someone else II.

Now that they\'re out, the blaming game begin. I don\'t think they can stay as a party anymore. Aren\'t they the one who saved loud girl\'s village? The loud girl would be sad knowing the party disbanded.

The old lady tried to stop the fight while Ellen ignored them. She\'s just happy to be out after almost a week without sunlight.

"Alright, they have been rescued. Now let\'s go home. I haven\'t been able to sleep indoor at all since I left for the capital."

"Oh, right! Did you buy souvenirs?" Angela asked.

"Nope. Since I thought you girls are trying to help Ellen\'s party, I thought to hurry up and return. Let\'s go home instead of watching them fight. No matter how long we waited for them, they won\'t say any thanks to us for helping them."

"Okay then. Ellen! We\'re going back now!" Angela shouted.

"Wait, no!"

Thanks to Angela, now the attention of Ellen\'s party turned toward us. The old lady who tried to stop the fight also turned her head toward us.

"You! You should have done this in the first place! If only you didn\'t take too long to rescue us! Then why did you put us in a small space! We got bruises from being thrown inside that small ball!"

Shit. This is the part that I hate.

Just like back in the past a patient come to me when I was a doctor in a small clinic. His arm was terribly infected by a disease and I had to amputate it. Then he blame me for being unable to heal him. If I didn\'t cut his arm, he would die once the disease will spread. But he didn\'t listen. And in the end, I have to leave the city because he spread rumor about me being a quack doctor.

Now I have to experience it with a group I just save?

Well, it was actually Kayla and the others who were being targeted now.

Victoria is doing fine since she\'s the oldest. She had more experi… I thought of her being reliable because she had a lot of experience, but why did she end up punching that someone else II right in the nose. I think it\'s broken.

"Hey! We just saved your life! If you don\'t like it I can kill you here!" Victoria said.

"You broke my nose!"

"Thanks for the clarification. I am indeed just broke your nose. Maybe I should break the rest of your bones."

Victoria said threateningly.

"Roy. Can you stop Victoria from going wild?"

Angela come to me and ask me to stop Victoria.

"No. In fact, I support her if she want to fight them all."

"Why? You should stop it before things get worse!"

"This is the consequences of your actions. Not me. You all decided to save them without knowing how terrible their personalities are. I\'m just a bystander here. The one who agreed to save them wasn\'t me. You should learn how to handle this because in the future, you might get into a worse situation."

"So… I should join the fight?" Angela asked.

"Your choice. Mine is ignore them and go home quickly. But if you choose to join them, I\'ll stay here and watch."

Sophie and Lina seeing the situation get worse, approached me. They asked what happened. And since they are a bit older than Kayla and Angela, and have more experiences dealing with people who has terrible personalities, they choose to watch the situation.

But why is Victoria picked a fight with them? She was supposed to be the oldest one among us.

Then it turned into someone else and someone else II fighting Victoria. There\'s no way they can beat her barehanded. And it\'s not like she will take any damage.

Knowing the situation get worse, the old lady tried to stop the fight to no avail. She doesn\'t even try her best to stop the fight, huh? I guess she\'s a terrible person as well.

The third someone else together with Ellen looked at the situation and walked over toward me.

"Roy, thank you for saving us."

"Thank you and I\'m sorry that they ended up like that."

Ellen and the third someone else said their gratitude for us saving them. They also apologize because of their attitude.

"I didn\'t do much. It was Angela and Kayla who did the most."

"Right. Angela, Kayla, thank you for saving us. We will pay you handsomely."

Ellen said her gratitude toward the girls.

Why can\'t it just be \'we will pay you, handsome\'?

"But next time you choose someone to get us, please don\'t let them be too loud." said Angela.

Too loud, huh? Oh, right!

"That loud girl… are you the one who helped her village?"

"Huh? Yes we were, but how did you know?"

"It was me who wrote the message on the ground."

"It was you?! Jewel had been looking you ever since! She said she wants to learn more from you. And it was thanks to your message that we can easily handle the bandits. Because of that, we were labeled as heroes since the leader of the bandit is infamous. By the way, my name is Jessica."

It was the third someone else who explained to me. So her name is Jessica.

"Well, I thought that if you\'re her heroes, then how come your party has terrible personalities?"


Ellen and Jessica looked at each other, then Jessica started explaining to me how they ended to be that way.

Their party is called Gladius with the old lady as the leader. Other than the old lady, all the other members are changed frequently.

She made the party to be all-women only and most of the members she picked are those with hatred toward men. Although not all of them really hated men, they got influenced by the old lady\'s hatred toward men. That was why Ellen\'s attitude toward me on the first time we met was horrible.

That mean they all have terrible attitude from the beginning if someone planted hatred inside of them. At first it was just toward men, then it ended up to everyone else. Although they are still good toward girls. That was why they helped the loud girl.

"So the old lady gathered women with terrible attitude from the beginning?"

"…although I want to say you\'re wrong, that\'s the truth. Sorry for being harsh on you before." Ellen bowed her head and apologizes.

"It\'s okay. It was fun to have someone to tease. At least you didn\'t try to attack me."

I looked over at Victoria who\'s still arguing with the others. Well, she\'ll be fine. Age-wise, she has more experience than that old lady. I think it will be over soon.

"Let\'s ignore Victoria and go home. Or you girls want to join them?"

I asked Angela and Kayla.

"…no thanks. Let\'s just go home," said Kayla.

"What about you two?" this time, I asked Ellen and Jessica.

"We\'re returning as well. As for them… I think I\'ll leave the party. I can\'t stay any longer with them." Ellen replied.

"Me too. I have never liked Tiffany from the beginning." Said Jessica.


"That girl." Jessica pointed at one of the girl arguing with Victoria.

"So it\'s someone else II…"


"Nothing. Just talking to myself."

It\'s not like we will meet again in the future.

Oh, wait!

"Wait! About that loud girl. Can you please tell her to lower the volume of her voice if she wanted to see me?"

"…we have tried to tell her to do so many times. We failed…" Ellen sighed.

Well, damn!

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