The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 734 - 734 Defeating the Cat

Even if I could catch up with him, he used his flexibility to dodge my attack and even tried to counter.

It has been quite a while since we fought. Even Angela had killed the Barbarian King already. Hurray for the rise of the new Queen!

Well, she won’t be the queen though. This territory will be given to Varadis who will take care of it.

There are still monsters at the sea, the sky, and the land. But more and more tamers have been defeated, so those monsters won’t be a problem for long.

Even the archangel that Graham defeated has joined us. Or more like he decided to follow Graham. But that’s good enough.

Graham also told me telepathically that the newly joined archangel will ask his angel followers to join Graham at the Monsters Village once I returned him to the Monsters World. More healers are always welcomed.

Some of the monsters decided to retreat. And that makes the fight become smoother.

Everyone is tired, but they still fight. Even the angels started to get exhausted. So, the fewer the enemies, the better it is for us.


As for me, I still took my time facing this cat-man. He’s different from any close-combat fighter I have ever fought. Including the werewolves.

His agility and flexibility from transforming into a half-cat half-human taught me a lot. Not the impossible movement that I can’t do with a normal human body. But I still learn a lot.

He’s experienced in true hardship. He grew up with survival at any cost. And since he had no choice but to kill me if he doesn’t want to die, we continue fighting.

Not only his half-human half-cat transformation is annoying. His beast transformation is also annoying.

Just like Jewel, he has learned many kind of cats to transform to. From a cat specialized in speed, cat specialized in sneak attack, or a sabertooth tiger that could hurt me with his large fangs even though I protected myself with the armor and Aura.

But with how this place is covered thanks to the Aura weapon I have, he couldn’t use his speed to its full potential. And sneak attack is impossible with how I can use Divine Vision and Mind’s Eye.

To be honest, I can kill him easily at this point. But I wanted to grow stronger more. If he could damage me, there could be other enemies that can kill me.

He’s afraid of the cult. He won’t join us, and even if he join, I’m sure he will betray us for the cult.

Why is that? It’s because of his instinct.

His instinct told him that there’s a being who is far stronger than me. Someone who is impossible for this cat-man to kill. Maybe there are more than one of them.

This guy is afraid of them. The cat-man didn’t think that he could survive if he betray them. That’s why he will risk everything here to kill me.

“Why don’t you just die?!” he shouted.

“Because I’m stronger than you. Soon, I will kill you with ease. Not now though,” I replied.

I only used the sword that came with the cane after I caught him in this barrier. My swordsmanship seem to have gotten better now.

Over time, he has injured me several times. But now, it was no more than a skin-deep scratch that don’t even hurt and healed in just a few seconds.

When I first captured him, he used his speed and power to attack me. He left a claw mark on my chest.

And after a few more times, I no longer need to use Aura to protect my body. the skin-deep wound doesn’t hurt and it’s a waste to keep using Aura against him.

By this time, each attack he sends couldn’t even touch me. It’s time to counter attack.

“Thanks to you, I have grown even stronger.”

The more we fight, the more frustrated he becomes. His attacks becomes fiercer and faster. But more predictable as well.

As everything he used on me didn’t work, he finally charges at me head-on. With his sabertooth tiger form about to pierce my head with his teeth.

I also had enough. I don’t think fighting any more will make me any stronger than this. I will still gain experience, but it’s not the time since the others haven’t finished fighting yet.

Even if they don’t need my help, I will help them. We don’t know if we’re still going to fight after this or not.

But most likely, we will. After this, I will return back to the Monsters World. To the destroyed base of the cult and wait for the cult to deliver their supplies.

At that time, they will know that the base has been destroyed. But my goal is to put at least one Blobby into any opened portal at that time if possible.

And I don’t know if we will attack those places right away or not. Though I hope that I can take a rest before that.

In front of the charging sabertooth tiger, I stabbed my sword to the ground and prepare myself to receive the attack unarmed.

“Come at me, overgrown cat!”

When the sabertooth tiger get closer, I grabbed his two huge fangs with each hand and stopped him.

Then I threw him to the ground. Headfirst. And it was so strong that his two large teeth that I grabbed were removed.

This is also the first time he falls on the ground but didn’t land foot first. Must be weird for a cat to receive fall damage like this.

It’s not just fall damage though. After his head was slammed on the ground, I pressed my knee into his head.

“Well, as a fellow survivalist, how about you tell me everything you know about the cult? I want to know if it’s possible for me to kill the Evil God. Tell me before I kill you with your own teeth,” I said.


“Oh, right. You can’t talk with your mouth like that eating dirt,” I said.

How could I be so stupid that I pressed his head to the ground and asked him question?

Or maybe I’m not stupid. I was only trying to kill him since anything come out of him won’t necessarily be correct.


“...Fine, I will release you so you can speak,” I said before I lifted my knee from his head.

“...I now know that I have no chance against either you, or the one we worshiped. But from our fight, I had a feeling that the True God will be stronger than you,” he said.

“Will be? Not already strong enough?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling. I don’t know about anything else. I’m also under a masked man calling himself the Archbishop who picked me to be another Archbishop. I only followed order. That’s all I do,” he said.

I don’t think he’s lying. He has truly given up on survival.

“Thanks for the info. I won’t kill you with your teeth anymore. That seem painful. I’ll make it quick and painless,” I said as I grabbed the sword I previously stabbed on the ground.

“Fellow survivalist, huh? But you have a big ambition unlike me. I hope you can get what you want then.”

That was his last words before I cut his neck.

Seriously, if only he’s not with the cult, I’m sure that we could be good friends. And I could add more skill to put in my Shameless Survival Arts together with him.

Though he did teach me another thing other than fighting experience. That surviving is not shameless.

I guess our biggest difference was that I have a bit of pride in me. That’s why I called it Shameless Survival Arts.

But for him, survival is not shameless at all. I guess he experienced much more hardship than I did.

Well, that’s that. We have killed two of the strongest enemies in this lawless country.

Next is... to destroy the barrier I made myself and get out.

I concentrated Aura on my fist and punched through the barrier. I spent a lot of time fighting that one cat. Now I need to help the others.

There are still several master level mages in this place. Angela has helped the others, but it’s still difficult since the master level mages started working together.

They have tried to use another powerful magic by getting other mages to protect them. But so far, their plan failed.

And now, I have joined the fight. There’s no need to worry about another large-scale magic.

It took some time before we defeated and captured the rest of the master level mages and tamers. As for the remaining monsters, those whose contract is still valid since their masters were captured, I transported them to some place in Monsters World. Far from where the tamers can contact them.

Of course the tamers have collars wrapped on their neck so they can’t use any magic as well. So there shouldn’t be any problem with monsters for now.

Since they’re master level mages, I broke their bones and dislocated their joints before transporting them to prison.

It’s over. Finally our main objective for this mission has been completed.

There are still more problem ahead though. I wish I can take a rest right away.

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