The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 766 - 766 Found More Fruits

As soon as I reunited with Shelia, I informed her that we won’t save the agent who got knocked out by the weretiger. She looked sad after hearing it.

“Don’t worry. You just want to fight the weretiger, right? For now, we will check on the abandoned village where the other agent was found. If there’s still a trace of the agent there, maybe you can find where the agent was when he fought the weretiger. But we will just focus on the magicless area and not leaving it. Let’s hope that we can get the weretiger in the magicless area,” I said.

If Shelia wants a fight, then she can have it. I will help. It’s for her to get stronger after all.

Maybe we can stay inside the magicless area and find the weretiger. Then we will lure it to the other side of the magicless area so we won’t get closer to the city inside, while also letting Shelia and the weretiger to fight however they want.

“Shelia. If we find the weretiger, we will lure him out of the magicless area so you can fight freely. Let’s get you to fight in Monsters World as well. Maybe the weretiger is forced to be under contract. If it’s a tamed monster, then the cult also won’t be able to take it back as well,” I suggested.

“Alright. That’s a good idea. Let’s do it then,” she said.

“But we won’t chase it if it goes into the city. We will just continue in the magicless area,” I said.

Even in her human form, she is still a werewolf. So she still has her amazing sense of smell, which was proven by how she found the previous agent in the abandoned village before I could see him with my Divine Vision.


Then we ride on Ray’s back together and return to the abandoned village. It still look the same as a few hours ago. I guess no one was here.

“There’s no other remaining scent here other than ours from before. I’ll go check where that guy was found. There should be a remain of the weretiger if that monster attacked him physically,” Shelia said.

“Don’t get too far from me. When my scent is getting fainter, return to my side,” I said to her before she leaves.

I checked the village to see if there’s anything here. I’m not as detailed as an agent in investigation, but I still can do more than average person at least.

There are several buildings in this village. Former buildings since they were never maintained at all.

Everything here was built with logs. So only wooden building. And all the logs have become rotten. That’s how the buildings crumbled. The support became so weak after so long.

There’s nothing here. It has been abandoned for decades it seems. And the most likely location they go to is the city in the middle.

I don’t think I will find anything else here.

Oh, wait! I see a fruit on a tree here. That’s the fruit that looks like a grape and allow someone to use magic in this place.

After I brought the ten master level mages to the Monsters World, I also asked them to give the elves those fruits to see if the elves can grow them. and the elves’ response was positive.

It might not be much, but this could be useful. Because there are other places where magic can’t be used.

We are still appraising it to see if there are other effect of the fruit. But from what the master level mages, there is no side effect at all.

I guess it’s fine to eat it now then. It’s just one.

The duration on how long I can use magic won’t be long. Just a few minutes if I only eat one. But that could be life-saving minute.

I ate one and after a few second, I feel that I can use magic again.

I tried using air magic for breathing, and then I threw Victoria away and summoned her back here using portal.

It’s weird that I opened a portal only for an earring, but it’s fine. Although the earring doesn’t have legs, it can still move like a slime. I guess that’s because the earring is originally a slime.

“Was it necessary for you to throw me?” Victoria asked.

“No. But it’s faster than if I put you somewhere and get away from you. If we find anymore fruit, you will eat it. I think that you eating that fruit is more effective than me eating that fruit in this place. But let’s find out more if we find any,” I said.

If Victoria consume the fruit, then during that short moment, she can transform into something else. Though I need to tell her directly what she needs to transform into since we can’t use telepathy here. We need both of us to eat the fruit if we want to use telepathy.

Also, I need Ray to eat one as well. He can be faster if he can use magic.

The more fruits we have, the better. I guess it will be fine since the elves are breeding it. It won’t be long until we can eat them. I hope.

Now, where is Shelia? Oh, she’s still in my sight. Since there’s nothing else to see here, let’s follow her.

“Ray, let’s go.”

I put Victoria earring back on my ear again and then jumped on Ray’s back to look for Shelia.

“Shelia, did you find it?” I asked.

“I found a scent that I don’t recognize. Maybe it’s from the weretiger,” she said.

“Weretiger should also have a good sense of smell, right? When you find it, just stay still and don’t get any closer. Let it chase after you and lure it so we can trap the weretiger and bring it to Monsters World,” I said.

“I know. But it might have transformed into a regular tiger form. If you see any tiger, it might be the weretiger,” she said.

Oh, right. That’s also a monster. So instead of staying in its weretiger form, it can change into a regular human form or a regular tiger form.

Though so far, I didn’t see any other human or tiger in the area. And so, while Shelia is following the trace, I keep checking the surrounding to see if there’s anything else to find.

We found three more fruits. So I had each of them given to each familiar here.

Ray can now run faster and even run in the air. I guess he used magic for it. Unlike me who can use Aura to run on air.

Well, Ray can’t use Aura. He can only share Aura that he contain.

Victoria said that he’s like a portable charger. He can’t use it on himself, but he can share his Aura and magic to others.

Next is Victoria. As I expected, she can transform in that few minutes. And after the duration is over, her form will be the last form that she transformed into.

“...But why a nose ring?” I asked.

“Moo and I will answer your question,” she said jokingly.

“Quack!” I quacked like a duck.

“That’s not a moo so I won’t answer,” she said.

Now what? If I find another fruit, I will put it on my nose. Unless I’m going to risk getting my nose wounded by pulling the ring out forcefully. Even if she didn’t pierce my nose, it’s so tight that I’m sure I will lose my nose if I pull it forcefully.

I hope we can find another fruit before we encounter anyone.

As for Shelia, I told her to keep it in case she needs to fight a weretiger or other creatures in this magicless area. We don’t know if we will find it or not.

After walking a while, I found another fruit. So I put it on my nose and now I have an eyepatch. It’s better than a nose ring, but why?

“Arrrr... you seriously asking me that?” Victoria asked.

Why the accent though?

Well, an eyepatch doesn’t bother me much so it’s fine. And it’s also useful if I want to trick my opponent. Making them think that I have a blindspot when I can still see fine even if both eyes are closed.

I can use Divine Vision at all time now because I’m riding on Ray. Although he can’t share his magic he can still share his Aura and charge mine. So I don’t need to worry about headache if I use Divine Vision for too long.

“The smell is getting closer,” Shelia said.

I used Divine Vision and I can see a male human in the forest. He also seem to have noticed us since he’s downwind. Our scent is being carried by the wind to his location.

“Shelia, this is enough. He noticed us and started to follow us. Let’s slowly get out of this magicless area and lure him out. If possible, let’s bring him to Monsters World. There you can fight however you want after we ask him some questions,” I said.

Shelia with a smile on her face followed me out of this place. She can’t wait for the fight.

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