The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 222 - Forgive Me

At first, Dante assumed he had misheard. But when Laina repeated her words, he was dumbfounded. 

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, confused as to what he could have done to warrant such a response. 

Dante thought Laina was joking with him. But it soon became clear that she was serious. Confused and caught off guard, attempted to clarify the issue. 

He leaned in close to Laina, attempting to wrap his arms around her. But this time, she move away. Dante clenched his jaw. He was about to shrug his hands back when he stopped in his tracks. 

"Laina, what\'s wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with concern, "Did I do something to upset you?"

"No, of course not!" she replied without skipping a beat. 

But Laina could not look him in the eye as she spoke. She averted her gaze from him and could barely keep her composure. She hated doing this to Dante, especially after what had happened. But Laina had no choice.

She took in a deep breath, mustered the courage she had in her heart, and looked straight into his eyes. She could see the mixed emotions spiraling within him. She had to harden her heart. She must. Laina reached out her hand and placed it on Dante\'s. 

"Just as you have asked me to trust you, I need you to trust me now."

"Of course I do," Dante said as he cupped Laina\'s face in his hand. 

She did not flinch at the cold temperature she felt on his skin.

"But can\'t you tell me anything? Anything at all?" he pleaded. 

Laina shook her head, "I just need you to trust me on this one. That\'s all I ask."

Dante let out a sigh. He did not want to be away from Laina, no matter the circumstances. She had never asked him for anything, so this was a first. He wondered what might have caused her to reach such a conclusion, he could not say for sure. 

"When can I return to your side?" he asked. 

"I…" his question was a pleasant surprise for her. 

It broke her heart even more. 

"I will come to you," Laina finally declared after much thought. 

Just as she was about to speak again, the door to the room burst open. Margaret entered the room with Marius trailing closely behind. The both of them had been eavesdropping on their conversation. 

Margaret was surprised by Laina\'s request. Although she had not approved of them being together, she had since come around to the idea. Especially after what had just transpired, Margaret knew Dante as the best candidate to keep Laina safe. 

But before the handmaid could even open her mouth to persuade the Crown Princess otherwise, Laina stopped her. 

"My decision is set in stone," Laina said with a heavy heart, "I have made up my mind."

Dante, though unwilling to accept the circumstance, did not protest any further. He respected Laina\'s decision. He kissed her on the forehead. 

"I will wait for you to summon me," he declared as he got back up on his feet, "I wish you a speedy recovery, my love."

With that, Dante and Marius took their leave and closed the door behind them as they did. Laina held her tongue as she listened to the fading footsteps beyond her room door. When it had finally gone silent, Laina laid back down in bed and covered her eyes with her hands. 

Margaret, stunned by Laina\'s actions stood, there in silence for a moment. She was still processing what had just happened. That was the last thing she had expected Laina to do. 

When she turned to see Laina, she was surprised to find the Crown Princess almost in tears. She immediately ran to her bedside with a handkerchief. Laina wrapped her arms around Margaret as she allowed her own tears to flow. 

The handmaid did not say a word. She provided a shoulder for Laina to cry on as she rubbed her back. 

"I don\'t want to send him away, Margaret, I don\'t want to!" she cried.

"Then why did you do it?"

"I had to...I had to…" Laina cried. 

It pained her to send him away. But she had to do what was necessary. If she was to uncover the secret behind the curse Dante was inflicted with, she would have to do so on her own. 

Margaret seemingly understood Laina\'s intentions, although she was not quite certain. Either way, she would do everything in her power to help Laina achieve her goals. 

"I\'m sure he will understand," the handmaid said as she consoled the crying princess. 

"You… you think so?" Laina sniffled. 

"I know so," Margaret said with a smile as she wiped the tears from Laina\'s eyes, "The feelings you have for one another are clear for all to see. Most importantly, you trust one another."

Listening to Margaret, Laina felt a little more reassured. The hardest part of her quest was over. Telling Dante to leave was the hardest thing she had ever needed to do. 

Everything from this point forward would be a breeze. Laina turned to Margaret. Just as she was about to tell her handmaid her plan, she paused for a moment. She trusted Margaret with her life, but will her handmaid believe her? What if Margaret had been withholding information from her too?

Laina replayed the events that transpired in her mind. She remembered the interaction Dante and Margaret had. It seemed as if the both of them were hiding something from her. 

Thinking it would not be wise to reveal her plan to Margaret, Laina decided not to say anything else. 

"Your Highness," Margaret spoke up, drawing Laina out of her thoughts. 

The handmaid got down on her knees and held Laina\'s hands in her own. 

"What in Kinshearth are you doing?!" Laina gasped in shock, "Margaret, what\'s wrong?"

"I have failed to protect you, your Highness. As your handmaid, I have failed in my duties. Please punish me as you see fit."

"Margaret, get up now!" Laina said as she attempted to pull her up. 

But the handmaid was persistent. She remained on her knees, refusing to get up. 

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