Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 303 - Its Not My Fault

Chapter 303 - It\'s Not My Fault

Wang Mo was like a scrawny rat compared to Shen Junxi who was blessed with the physique of a mountain climber, so when Shen Junxi punched him, Wang Mo could no longer hold on to his footing and fell on his butt.

Madam Yao shrieked, her entire face turned ashen as her gaze swivelled between? Shen Junxi and Wang Mo, she wanted to stop Shen Junxi from hitting her husband but at the same time, she was afraid of getting implicated.

These rich people they don\'t look like were easy to target! Ah!

She wanted to think of some counter-attack, but nothing came to her mind.? What should she do? Should she create trouble? Should she say that they were messing with her and her husband and they were totally innocent? But what if she ended up offending these two great Buddhas? But didn\'t they already offend these two? Then a little more was not a problem, right? Madam Yao thought she had thought everything through but Madam Zhu was someone who had seen enough scheming and drama in the inner court of many officials of the town, so how could she not know what Madam Yao was thinking?

Madam Zhu, whose eyes were like bottomless pits, swept over the crowd and Wang Mo who was being beaten by her husband and started speaking " Madam, years ago your husband saved my husband, for that we are really grateful. We also gave you and your husband enough gifts and monetary compensation for your grace, and because of this kindness of yours we trusted you with our hearts and entrusted the responsibility of taking care of our niece in your hands"

Then Madam Zhu carelessly darted a glance at the two-storey house behind her and continued ignoring Madam Yao\'s resentful gaze " twelve years ago your family\'s conditions were barely what was the word? Ah yes, \' manageable\' but within twelve years of us handing over the responsibility of our niece, your household management seemed to have taken a turn for the best. It\'s flourishing with abundance, I once hoped that the same could? be said for my niece"

" I did hope you and your husband did nothing to let us down, however - I and my husband seemed to have trusted a pair who are worse than that of a pair of beasts! My niece is half your age, did you not feel shame while pocketing the money that should have been given to my niece? It\'s not like we didn\'t give you a share of the pie, so why did you do this?"

Although Madam Yao was brash, arrogant and a bully in the village, she wasn\'t considered bad because everyone believed that she was a woman who brought fortune to her husband, to think that fortune was actually ripped from a child!

How absurd!

Among the crowd of onlookers, the busy body woman who once had a row with Madam Yao shouted" what a sin! How can you be so greedy? You took your share and still pocketed the money? Don\'t you feel ashamed of building such a huge mansion-like house from the money belonging to a child?"

" What nonsense are you spouting off? Be careful with your words, if not see how I rip your mouth off you shrew !" shrieked Madam Yao like a chicken whose neck was being strangled, seeing the vicious glint in her eyes the onlookers quieted down. Only then did Madam Yao turn to look at Madam Zhu and politely smile though the smile looked a bit strained " Madam, you said it yourself it has been more than twelve years. Though our family was poor, everyone starts from somewhere right? Just because we were poor back then doesn\'t mean we will stay poor for all our lives? My husband worked hard to save our hard-earned money and that\'s how we built this house, we didn\'t touch a cent from the money you asked us to give to your niece"

"Oh? Is that so?" said Madam Zhu looking at Madam Yao blankly, she neither refuted nor accepted Madam Yao\'s reasoning.

" yes, that\'s true I swear so please let go of my husband! We are innocent, I-"

"Hubby, you heard her" interrupting Madam Yao \'s \' oath of honesty \', Madam Zhu swaggered towards her husband who was pressing his foot on Wang Mo\'s chest so hard that the latter was having a hard time breathing, " she says that they didn\'t pocket a cent from the money that we sent for Wan Wan"

"Why are you wasting your time with that hag? Huh?" snarled Shen Junxi as she pressed his foot on Wang Mo\'s chest until the latter was plastered to the ground " it\'s a waste of time to talk with these people. Only with fists and kicks will the truth come out of their mouth, isn\'t it right, Brother Wang?"

Wang Mo who was could almost see his life flash in front of his eyes was scared stiff he knew that Shen Junxi can be twice as cruel as generous he was once. His wife was no match for the Shen couple " It\'s? - it\'s Su Bai.? He was the one who caught me, that girl - your niece, she is too much of a scaredy-cat cough. No matter how much I tried she couldn\'t just hide it from the Su family. And - and Su Bai found out he gave me a very enticing offer Master Shen. It\'s not that I wanted to betray you but I too have a family and I just wanted to give the very *cough* best to them"

"So you thought it was alright for you to betray my trust? And let a child as small as your son to be starved and bullied in that house?" snarled Shen Junxi, he hated Wang Mo, but he hated himself more for trusting this trash. He thought that just because his heart remained the same throughout the years, everyone else would stay the same too - who would have known that humans greed was simply too insatiable.

" it\'s not my fault! No one cared about that girl!" Wang Mo who was beaten until he could see the galaxy in his eyes, couldn\'t stop himself from blurting out " you never came to check on her and Su Bai didn\'t care about her either, I - she is nothing to me... Why should I care about her?? I did what I thought was right for me, you can\'t blame me for that - I\'m neither family nor friend, I was just your benefactor and nothing more, why should I involve myself in your family\' matter? If you want to question someone, question Su Bai he was the one who -"

However, Wang Mo couldn\'t finish what he was saying because Shen Junxi has punched him again, and he kept punching him until Wang Mo fainted because of his excessive injuries.

Even then Shen Junxi didn\'t want to stop if not for Madam Zhu who pulled him away and Madam Yao who covered her husband \'s body, he might have really killed Wang Mo.

" that\'s enough !" shouted Madam Yao, her face quivering as she started at the Shen couple.. She was both afraid and angry but she didn\'t want to lose her husband the father of her child either, so she had to step in " I accept that we are in the wrong but you are at fault too, if you cared so much about that girl then you should have shown you it! My husband and I might have pocketed a little bit the entire thing went in Su Bai\'s pocket. If you want to blame someone blame him, not us - and if you want to ask for your money back, then you might as well kill my entire family because we don\'t have a penny!"

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