Thumbs Up, Level Up

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

There was a pill in a glass case. It was quite big. When Ji-Cheok used his Eye of Insight, the information appeared.

[Great Purity Divine Pill]

[Class: A-

Type: Elixir

A medicinal pill made by the Wudang Sect using the secret Alkahestry. It is said to be of the highest quality among this type of elixirs.

If you control your breathing and Qi after taking it, your Qi will rise with one gapja’s worth of cultivation.]

‘One sexagenary cycle?! This is an elixir that can basically give you instant B-rank Mana and Cultivation! This is amazing!’

?It is worth hundreds of billions of won at the very least, Master.?

‘It’s that expensive? I guess it can be. The Jaso Elixir was ten billion won. Elixirs are expensive because they are effective even if you’re not a Hunter. So if you’re a prince of the financial world, you can bring things like this as a housewarming gift?’

“It’s from the Wudang Sect in China. They claim that they somehow recovered the ancient Alkahestry using their skills. I heard that they produce five of these a year, and because of that, the Wudang Sect is getting stronger,” Adam said.

‘Wow… Alkahestry… That’s a similar ability to Alchemy. Hm… I think it might be possible for both Mu-Cheok and Seong Kwang to increase their Qi with this. Maybe I should learn Alkahestry skills…’

“In other words, this is the real thing.”

“Wow. You didn’t have to bring this… But thank you.”

Ji-Cheok quickly took the [Great Purity Divine Pill] and put it straight into his Shadow Pouch.

[A/B] didn’t try to stop him. He was rather looking at Ji-Cheok with a curious expression.

“There’s no big reason as to why I’m giving you this gift. Alfred!”

“My name is Oswald, Young Master.”

The old butler Oswald tapped his wrist. Then, a video appeared in front of Ji-Cheok.

It was an American news video, but it was already translated into Korean thanks to advanced translation magic tools.

?Today, a long-awaited dungeon in the White House has been destroyed. The time it took for the best Hunters from the ABM Guild to destroy the dungeon without casualties was thirty-two hours, which is…?

“So you went ahead as soon as I released the information about the dungeon destruction,” Ji-Cheok said.

“Well, time is money, my friend. If you get good information, you should use it quickly. Besides, I trust you, Ji-Cheok. I’ve never seen someone crazier than you.”

‘You’re trusting me because I’m crazy? You’re insane. My lovely self, on the other hand, is perfectly sane.’

“I saw that you asked for Likes even as you were being watched by the Gods. That’s fucked up, am I wrong? Don’t give me that innocent-wrongly-accused look,” Adam said.

He placed his index finger on his temple and spun it around, the universal way of telling someone that you thought they were crazy.

‘Ha… I’m so sad that he misunderstood the situation. I really just wanted to have more Likes. Do you know how it feels to be this dedicated to earning Likes?! Well… Even one of the greatest like [A/B] couldn’t guess that my ability was to buy skills with Likes. So I’m sure this misunderstanding may never be resolved.’

?Master, to be honest, your behavior at that time did seem a little crazy…?

‘Shut up, Cheok-Liang.’

“I’m a little surprised that you would say it like that,” Ji-Cheok said.

“Oh, really? You sure don’t look surprised.”

“Let’s just move on from the topic. So, you want to recruit me?”

“Of course! The conditions that I have set for you are the absolute best. The first thing I’m gonna do for you is to give you an American citizenship. I can also throw in some extra cash and get you dual citizenship, if that’s what you want.”

‘Dual citizenship you say…’

It was literally having two nationalities, which was never easy. There were some exceptions that were allowed, but it was still not easy. There were many restrictions, but having dual citizenship was a privilege that a lot of people wanted.

“And there is your salary. What do you think about starting with a basic annual salary of two hundred billion won?”

‘Are you crazy?’

Ji-Cheok almost said it out loud, but he stopped himself with his superhuman power from cultivation training.

‘This guy is absolutely insane. Two hundred billion won?’

?You should calm yourself, Master. This person is one of the richest men in the world. That kind of money may not be too much of a burden on him. Besides, with that much investment, he must have judged that he could benefit even more from you.?

‘Ha… I guess you’re right. I should relax. I’m about to produce hundreds of thousands of potions. I shouldn’t be shaken up by things like this.’

?That is the spirit, master! You are destined to rule the world!?

“And we will split the profits in a 95 to 5 ratio. I’m only going to take the minimum amount of the transportation cost. That’s not all. My company can also lend you the latest items for free. I’m also going to give you a personal secretary. You want a house? I can build a mansion in a matter of seconds. Do you want to date a Hollywood movie star? I can do that too!”

‘Wow… He is too generous. Is this what it’s like to be an American prince?’

[A/B] was looking at him with a very confident expression.

“In addition, my company will protect you from attacks like the ones you suffered in the past. Cult of the Spider, Golden Horizon, Fingers of Perdition.. You name it. We will protect you from everything.”

Adam started to name shady organizations of the underworld that Ji-Cheok had never heard before. But Ji-Cheok answered firmly.

“I will have to decline your offer.”


Adam looked utterly surprised.

‘Oh, that’s a new look from him. I can use that on my thumbnail for my next nationalistic video. ‘American Giant Guild Master Surprised by Korean Hunter!’ Something like that.’

?Do you want me to make one right now??

‘I’m just kidding, Cheok-Liang.’

“Why? I can assure you there is no one in the world you can give you a better contract than this one,” Adam said.

“There are a lot of things I’ve invested here. If I was to join ABM, I can’t harvest my investments. You might think I’m cocky for saying this, but…”

“But what?”

“You should invest in me.”


He continued to be utterly surprised.

‘That Oswald person doesn’t seem to budge… I hope he’s not a robot.’

“Ha! You’re insane! I like this. I really do. You’ve just asked the world’s greatest Adam to invest in you. You do know how I founded the ABM Guild, right?”

“Yes, I do. People call you an investment genius. So if you listen to what I have in mind, you will be more inclined to invest in me.”

Ji-Cheok took out a leaf of the World Tree from his Shadow Pouch.

“I know that’s the leaf of the World Tree. It’s a very valuable thing. But what about it?” Adam asked.

“What if I told you I can mass-produce this? As far as I know, the leaves of the World Tree are rarely found, only in dangerous dungeons.”

This time, Adam wasn’t utterly surprised like before. He looked at Ji-Cheok with very serious and cold eyes.


“Yes, Young Master. Your prediction seems to be correct. It looks like he can grow the World Tree that he took out in the spider dungeon.”

Both seemed to have been paying attention to the fact that Ji-Cheok was raising the World Tree.

?They seem to have obtained a sapling or seed of the World Tree like you, Master. But I am assuming they could not grow it…?

‘Yeah, if that wasn’t the case, they wouldn’t react like this. Still, I have to agree that ABM is the strongest and the largest guild in the world. They even have a World Tree in their possession.’

“You. I like you. You crazy motherfucker. This is great,” Adam said.

His curses were perfect, even with the subtle American accent.

“So, would you like to invest in me?” Ji-Cheok asked.

“What kind of investment is it going to be? Are you going to give me exclusive distribution rights for the leaves of the World Tree or something?”

“The leaves of the World Tree are great on their own, but… If you use them to make potions or pills, things like that, the effects will be incomparable. Even severed limbs can be regenerated.”

There were a few top-tier Healer Hunters who could regenerate missing limbs. The problem was that those kinds of skills had strict limitations, such as long cooldowns or horrendous mana consumption. A potion made with the leaves of the World Tree could do all the good things without any of the drawbacks.

“So, where do you want me to invest?” Adam asked.

“I want you to invest in Jungjin. Through that company, I will be proceeding with potion sales and real estate development.”

“You trust that Ji-Han guy?”

“It doesn\'t matter if I trust him or not, we’re already in the same boat.”

Adam stared at him for a while.

It wasn’t the cocky attitude he had before, however; in fact, he looked rather serious.

“So what do I get from this investment?”

“I think it would be better to talk with our Director, Jung Ji-Han. I think we can give you the overseas distribution rights. That is, if we build a legitimate partnership.”

Realistically, no matter how many potions Ji-Cheok made, if overseas distribution channels were not properly established, sales would become quite cumbersome and difficult. He knew that the potions would sell no matter what, since the price was very low, but there was no need for him to not take the easy road, which was to partner up with [A/B]. Also, just by joining hands with the ABM Guild, he would be able to exert great influence on other countries.

‘Wait, when did I become so smart?’

?It is because I am your Divine Spirit, Master. Just as I use Master’s abilities, Master can also use mine. Of course, there are some limitations.?

‘Oh… So this is all thanks to you? Thank you so much for this.’

?You are most welcome, Master.?

“Hm… It’s very interesting, but it’s not something that I can decide on the spot. You understand, right?” Adam said.

“Of course.”

“Great. I will come back. When I do, I should have a more positive answer to your request. See you soon.”

Adam got up from his seat. Ji-Cheok got up with him and saw him off.

“Then, I’ll see you next time.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

He left the house accompanied by the old butler named Oswald.



‘That was tough.’

Ji-Cheok returned to his living room and sat on the sofa.

‘There was a lot of pressure, but I think it worked out well.’

* * *

“That guy is a new kind of bonkers. What do you think?”

A luxurious limousine was sliding smoothly on the road. The old butler, Oswald, was behind the wheel.

“The amount of Karma was staggering. I dare say that he has already reached your level, Young Master,” Oswald said to [A/B], who was sitting in the back seat.


Ji-Cheok had joked about Oswald being a robot or something, but he had no idea that Oswald was in fact one of the Awakened, and his job was actually a Butler. In addition to that, he wasn’t just any regular Butler, but a special type called Plane Butler.

He transcended dimensions and space, and his very definition was ‘the being with the most suitable ability to assist his master.’ In proportion to the level of the being he served as a master, Oswald would have more diverse and powerful abilities. In other words, the stronger [A/B] got, the stronger Oswald got automatically.

There was the downside that he could not become stronger on his own, but that was not a problem in the slightest. The man named Adam Bronze was strong enough to look down on the whole of mankind.

And one of Oswald’s skills was called [Guest Reception], which allowed him to obtain information about the target. Concretely, Oswald used this ability to measure the Karma that his opponent had built up.

“Just like we predicted… Ji-Cheok has a job with a fixed level which allows him to use experience points in a different form. That’s a hidden job, isn’t it?” Adam said.

“Even if that is the case, this is nevertheless the first time that I have seen someone who accumulated that much Karma in such a short period of time. He is truly unique, the most exceptional out of all the Hunters that we have encountered.”

“Tsk. That means we’re never going to be able to recruit him.”

“Yes, Young Master. He appears to have a strong, independent disposition.”

“Then we should be content with just forming a partnership with him, I guess. The fact that he offered it first, though, makes it kinda boring.”

“Do as you please, Young Master.”

“Hey~ Don’t be like that, Alfred!”

“My name is Oswald, Young Master,” the butler said as he drove quietly.

1. In principle, Korea does not allow acquired dual citizenship—acquiring Korean citizenship involves giving up your other one. Natural dual citizenship (e.g. the child of a mixed couple or the child of a Korean couple born on foreign land) is subject to a number of rules and regulations, but in principle, one of them must be relinquished.

2. This is written in English in the original, so we’ll keep it as such.

3. This is also in English

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