Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 1721

Chapter 1721: Bet

If it wasn’t for the demon of immortal dao exhausting his strength, he’d be able to offer some degree of resistance, even though Lu Yun had put him into the world inside the Tome of Life and Death.

Most importantly was that, without that last surge of strength, Mo Yi no longer needed to put her life on the line to ensure his death. With her level of strength, it was an easy afterthought to execute the demon in his current state.

Each of the three anomalies had been bigger than the last, and now all three of them were involved with each other!

Lu Yun had refined the realm monster and turned it into Fairylands, and was now in the Abyssal Tomb! The demon of the immortal dao had an awful hunch that the Land of Reincarnation was truly about to come to an end. He was focused on trying to kill Mo Yi even in this moment because the cycle of reincarnation propelled him to do so.

Despite being the watchdog of the land, the demon was also subject to the rhythm of the loops and repeated the same things that he’d always done.


“Is your true form really a dog?” Lu Yun arched a brow. “Don’t they say that dogs are loyal to a fault and won’t betray their masters even upon pain of death? Why are you telling me all this?”

“How do I know who my master is??” The demon glared. “Perhaps I had one before, but my past memories have all been worn away after so many cycles! I don’t know who I’m serving, so how am I supposed to be loyal??

“I’ve told you everything I can and you can see that I didn’t mean any of it. So… show me some mercy?”

He was still in the form of a demon, but Lu Yun could read a trace of trying to curry favor in his scarlet eyes. Being inside the Tome of Life and Death was a certain release for him.

Repeating the same thing over and over again and remembering that he’d done the exact same thing before had created a monotony that’d almost driven the demon crazy. He wasn’t like those from the outside realm, able to leave whenever they wanted to.

Take Chu Xingran, for example. He’d borrowed the Curse King’s identity after entering the Land of Reincarnation, but one truly did exist before his arrival. That one had repeated being an enemy of Lu Yun\'s again and again. When Chu Xingran replaced him, he’d taken up the old Curse King’s mantle and committed the same actions.

If nothing out of the ordinary occurred, the dead Curse King would return once Chu Xingran departed and fulfill the loops of his destiny once more.

The demon of immortal dao couldn’t do the same. He had to remain in place and protect the Land of Reincarnation, ensuring that the loops continued. Moving to the world inside the Tome of Life and Death was a kind of release for him.

Lu Yun captured that wisp of emotion from the demon. This was his world and he was the ultimate sovereign. Even powerhouses beyond sequence would have to keep their heads down and noses clean in here. Lu Yun felt that within this world, he could create anything and rule over everything.

There were mountains of issues to be tackled outside, and neither did he have the energy to open the world of sequence and become its creator.

“But listen, you can’t let me out!” the demon hastily said when he saw that Lu Yun was about to leave. “If you let me out, I’ll be affected by the rules of the world and continue doing what I was doing before. You’ve shaken off your destiny and affected everyone else around you, but I can only follow what’s been laid out for me.”

“Very well, it’d be inviting disaster if I let you out anyway, so you can stay in here.” Lu Yun held his forehead and agreed with resignation. He’d discovered that the will attacking Fairylands at every possible second had vanished after he stored the Imperial Seal in the Tome of Life and Death.

The demon of immortal dao didn’t seem to possess such a powerful will, so it should originate from something else inside the seal. Regardless, it was the correct move to suppress both seal and demon inside the treasure.

Although Mo Yi’s matter was happily settled for the most part, the seal remained a threat. While Lu Yun could use the Tome of Life and Death to crush the various spaces within it and even erase the demon, he couldn’t destroy the seal itself.

He would have to keep the seal within this world even if the demon hadn’t made his request. The Tome of Life and Death was his greatest asset and ultimate trump card. If the book couldn’t contain the seal, then they needed to all give up and just await death.


“You’re awake.” Chu Xingran looked at Lu Yun curiously when he suddenly opened his eyes. “Have you taken care of the problem?”

“Mmhmm,” Lu Yun nodded. “It was the guardian of the Land of Reincarnation.”

“Stop, that’s enough, don’t say anything more!” Chu Xingran literally jumped away when he saw that Lu Yun wanted to start a conversation. He wanted nothing more to do with this land. Everything had been a nightmare and couldn’t be forgotten quickly enough.

“Ao Qin and I caught thirty thousand sequence experts over the past couple of days when you were in seclusion. They’re all above ninth level sequence and below fifteenth level.” Cackling, Chu Xingran rubbed his hands together. “They’re from the outside realm and the elites of their factions. No one in this land can compare!”

Lu Yun’s expression froze. “Thirty thousand sequence experts between ninth and fifteenth level??”

Chu Xingran nodded fawningly.

“Er… release them, the three thousand before are enough.” Lu Yun shook his head. The aura of slaughter was fading. His conscience wouldn’t stand for it if he killed another thirty thousand cultivators.

The three thousand he’d turned into Infernum before had all been affected by the atmosphere and lost their minds, raging through the battlefield to engage in senseless butchering. They’d died when they came for his group, and he couldn’t raise his hand against innocent cultivators who’d done nothing to him.

“Just kidding.” Chu Xingran rolled his eyes and reluctantly took out a bag from his robes, tossing it to Ao Qin.

“Heh heh heh, I told you so. Lu Yun would never do something like that.” Ao Qin’s eyes gleamed when he peered into the bag—it was full of glittering crystals that he started counting with gusto.

“Are dragons really as the stories say, fond of anything that sparkles?” Lu Yun asked with surprise.

“These aren’t ordinary baubles, they’re enigma stones. They’re used in the outside realm and similar to the immortal crystals of the world of immortals and purple crystals of the Hongmeng. They’re currency for exchange and a cultivation resource.” Ao Qin put the bag away with immense satisfaction. “The Darklake crown prince is indeed wealthy beyond compare. No wonder the Dafeng miss will marry none other than you.”

The two hadn’t left when Lu Yun entered closed door cultivation. Instead, they’d made a bet. Chu Xingran felt that Lu Yun was a hypocrite at heart, which compelled their actions from moments ago.

Lu Yun hadn’t accepted the thirty thousand lives that didn’t exist, so Chu Xingran lost a bag of stones to Ao Qin. Both of them were now ready to go home.


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