Ocean Master

Chapter 14 - A War Of Fish Clans.

Almost all the soldiers of the clan army had weapons, but Sebastian was among the minority that didn\'t have them. Of course, he complained, but they explained to him that he was not grown enough to wield one.

Big Group told him that when he finally met the requirements for his first evolution, that was when he would understand.

The army had 43 soldiers, most of them were always out hunting so Spankster wasn\'t able to amass a lot of them for the attack. Only 17 soldiers were available to go with her.

Big Group didn\'t go, as the Commander of the army, he had to act the part. Sebastian was once again speechless by how this Grouper learned such weird tendencies. But he couldn\'t know, magic powered Oceania Afterall.

As soon as they left the clan lair, they took to the more open parts of the expanse with no intention to hide their movements at all.

Despite the confidence that they had in themselves as part of the 2 leading powers of this expanse, they still sent some of the swiftest fishes to the front to act as scouts.

Following them, Sebastian felt weird. He\'s fantasized of himself being in the U.S army before but never had he fantasized of himself being in an army of fish. The world was really funny at times.

[You have activated skill: Swim.]

[You have activated skill: Electroreceptors.]

Sebastian kept these 2 skills active as he followed them. After having a lot of experiences and having done a lot of experiments while battling in the last 2 days, he already knew how best to utilize his sharky body casually and in battles.

During the past few days of hunting and power-leveling with the clan\'s army, he already amassed a sizeable number of skill points and adaptation points.

And yes, he finally bought the map from the f*cking system store.

The system didn\'t grant him access to the store yet, it said his access to get the map was a beginning bonus. For him to access the store permanently, he had to cross the great divide of getting to level 6.

According to Leroy, after the mutation to level 6, he would become a new species entirely. With these and a lot of other reasons, he felt the motivation to get to the sacred level 6 as soon as possible.

Suddenly stiffening, he felt his electroreceptor ability discovering a slight stir under him. Without thinking, he bit down.


[You have activated skill: Bite.]

[You have killed an Ocean Sunfish- Level 3: You have gained Experience points.]

[You have gained 1 Adaptation point.]

Not a single member of the army stirred on noticing his action, instead, they gave him a proud look that said- that\'s the kid we raised, what a strong warrior he is now.

Sebastian felt embarrassed being looked at like that, but he quickly shrugged it away. He was already used to such looks for the past few days.

Perhaps prompted by his action, one of the soldiers who was a Green Moray Eel decided that the silence among them was too much, so he decided to start giving his boring tales again.

Sebastian could feel practically every member of the army rolling their eyes as the shameless eel continued rambling on.

Unknowingly to them, as this happened, they already went a sizeable distance into the territory of the Sting Tail clan.

Sebastian\'s eyes twitched, he looked around and didn\'t see anything but he was sure that his electroreceptor ability discovered something a moment ago.

He tried to focus further, then he saw it contracting, then everything was revealed before his eyes.

"We\'re surrounded!" He yelled.

His teammates reacted, aggressive expressions dominating their faces immediately but the attack came much faster than expected.

Sebastian didn\'t know what it was, but he felt something like a rope rapidly wrapping and tightening around his tail. Without thinking, his mouth aggressively bit down on instinct.

[You have activated skill: Bite.]

He felt the rope-like thing loosen from his tail as he rapidly turned to look at his comrades.

Most of them were thrashing about as they were dragged by something looking like a rope. He squinted his eyes before they shone in realization the next moment.

"A carnivorous Plant!"

Perhaps, they\'ve not had an encounter with one before, which was evident from the expression that was on his teammates\' faces. Seeing it, he knew that he had to do something.

"I think it\'s an ambush, this is a carnivorous plant and I don\'t think it\'s working alone". As Sebastian yelled, he already rapidly swam forward to help a few of his teammates.

Perhaps, they understood him, perhaps they didn\'t but hearing him speak lit up bright lights in their eyes. Before they could react, 6 other opponents rapidly started swimming in their direction.

The opponents were a young viper, a Common Fangtooth, 2 Tunas, and 2 Blue Marlin. All 6 newcomers glided through the water in their direction with astonishing speed.

Seeing the newcomers, Spankster\'s face burned with hate. "Sting Tailers".


She yelled before charging out the next moment. Her long pointed bill suddenly started glowing in the familiar light of magic power, it peaked before exploding the next moment as she collided with the young Viper.

They rolled, pushing the water aside as they both quickly entangled. Seeing this, chaos started immediately as the enemies from both sides hauled themselves at each other.

Sebastian felt like facepalming. This was the only defect that he saw in the Leroy clan army, they were too disorganized and chaotic in battles.

Well, everyone was battling, he couldn\'t be left out.

[You have activated skill: Dash & Bite.]

He bit hard at one of the 2 Blue Marlins; the fellow reeled back in pain before quickly gathering momentum for a fierce battering ram. Sebastian tried to dodge but the Marlin was faster.

Its sharp bill swiftly cut through his flesh before he could react.

[You have been hit by a skill: Magic empowered bill cut.]

His brain was quickly stimulated by the pain. Letting out a deep sharky guttural growl, he hauled himself at the Blue Marlin again with his sharp teeth stabbing and snapping through the water menacingly like mechanical saws.

The carnivorous plant below them again tried to restrict his movements, but one snap of his jaws let his teeth cut its branches apart.

As he quickly got consumed by the adrenaline burst of battle, all his teammates already submerged themselves in the feeling also. They were winning, but reinforcement came the next moment in the form of 3 big Tuna fishes.

A war of fish clans began.

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