Ocean Master

Chapter 47 - Skill- Soul Shriek.

[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite.]


[You have applied the Vampire effect to your prey: -2 HP for 10 seconds.]

[You have killed a Grouper fish- Level 13: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 3 Skill Points and 5 Adaptation Points.]

After feasting on the group of Blue Tang fishes, Sebastian\'s stomach was already bloated and full but this could still not stop the instinctive drive in him pushing him to kill more prey.

After staying in his sharky body for days already, he already learned that it was better for him to let go and allow his instinct take over at times.

Fighting against his instincts was just him bashing his head against a rock.

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]

[You have activated skill: Spike Attack.]

He bulldozed his way through to the most chaotic part of this senseless battlefield, slamming and shredding 2 other fishes to death in the process with his sharp spike adaptation.

What made him even more excited as he battled was that almost all the prey here were strong and thick-skinned enough to act as perfect test subjects for him to practice his dissecting skills with.

Most of them were above level 10 already, very few were below level 10, which meant that they already amassed some experience, making them veteran hunters in this part of the sea.

Despite all this, he still held the upper hand, and besides, this was not a one-on-one battle; this was a free for all chaotic battle.

Despite the staggering number of Blue Tang fishes that he ate a moment ago, they were still not enough to take him to that pivotal level where his evolution could start, so he tried to fill that gap with the prey before him.

He didn\'t try to use area of effect skills like his Magic Teeth, those would just attract too many enemies that he could not deal with at a time.

Instead of doing that, he took it close and personal, the way approved by the ancients, the primordial and sacred way of biting.

Seeing a swordfish swimming across him, he reacted and immediately latched on to it and bit like the apex predator that he was.


[You have dealt 14 Damage to your opponent.]

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash.]

At the last moment, he rapidly swam forward, dodging the glowing bill of another swordfish who rushed at him. Seeing this scene, he was stunned at first but he finally understood what happened.

"So, you guys actually care about family".

He didn\'t get any response from the 2 swordfish, only a weird sound of intimidation but this did not faze him as he immediately attacked both siblings at the same time.

[You have activated skill: Tail fin attack.]

[You have activated skill: Dorsal fin attack.]

Adding these 2 to his already activated skills, he immediately dashed at the 2 swordfish. He already knew their strength and weaknesses, so all he did was avoid their dangerous bills.

As he expected, the 2 simple fellows only knew how to charge their magic power to empower their bills and he easily took advantage of this.

Dodging their charges while attacking from their flanks, he dealt considerable damage to both fishes in a few minutes. They later intended to escape but they could not as he quickly did short work of them.

Seeing that he still didn\'t get to the threshold after eating these 2, he felt disappointed. Finally feeling tired, he decided to leave the battlefield to rest.

As he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a loud sound that seemed to have drilled a hole through his mind.


[A skill has been used on you: Soul Shriek.]

[You have been inflicted with soul damage: -11 damage {×3}.]

[You have been inflicted with the soul lock effect.]

Sebastian felt his brain turn sluggish before going numb for a moment, then everything before him turned dark.

When his eyes opened again, he saw a pair of sharp talons picking up an enormous Grouper fish and a tall sharp beak immediately stabbing at the fish and pulling out its eyes.

The fish struggled fiercely but the draconic bird-like predator held it firmly. After a few more beak stabs, the fish went limb as the predator finally started feasting on its prey.

In just moments, the hunter became the hunted.

Seeing this scene, remembering what happened to him, and seeing the notification of the system, Sebastian\'s eyes widened as a warning issued to him by Leroy echoed in his mind.

He even felt like the turtle was beside him now.

"Until you\'re strong enough, when you meet the Dragon fireflies, run! Don\'t even contemplate struggling, run!"

As this went through his mind, with his electroreceptor skill, Sebastian could already see the 3 Oceanic birds that seemed like an enlarged version of fireflies.

They seemed like a beetle and eagle that were randomly mashed together by a mad scientist, the combination result was frightening and goosebumps-inducing.

Unlike on earth, birds here were adapted to swim with their wings.

Before his brain could even process everything properly, his body already responded with superhuman reflexes.

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash.]


The water parted before him speedily as his tail fin, dorsal fin, and caudal fin all worked at overdrive to propel him out of this battlefield. In seconds since the 3 birds descended, even more blood already dyed everywhere.

Sebastian deliberately dove into those waters that already got muddled and mixed with blood, at least red could give him a camouflage to escape before the birds could react.

He prayed for the best but his heart sank when one of the bird\'s eyes landed on him, it seemed that they didn\'t intend to let any of their prey escape.

Flapping its wings that were far larger than its body, the huge firefly bird ripped the prey under it to shreds with its extremely sharp talons before going after the escaping shark in pursuit.

And compared to the shark, its speed was far faster.

Immediately, Sebastian felt horror grip his heart as he tried to increase his speed further. With his electroreceptors, he could see the rapidly dwindling distance between him and the strange Oceanic bird.

Thinking of how dreadful Leroy described this bird left him quaking in his boots. But amidst his quaking, he suddenly remembered something.

"The heck! That was Leroy\'s standards, and my current standards are higher than Leroy\'s. They may be strong, but it doesn\'t necessarily mean that there is a 100% chance of me dying either".

"Besides, I can dissect a completely new Oceania species at the same time if I manage to kill it".

"That\'s an achievement".

As these thoughts went through his mind, panic faded like the wind and he immediately arrived at a plan.

His eyes excitedly glittered like the night sky.

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