Ocean Master

Chapter 83 - The Crab Cave.

Inside the cave that Sebastian found with his new hunting partner resided a staggering number of Giant Crabs. They were not up to 50, but their astonishing size alone was enough to make the sight brain-numbing.

The entrance to the cave was covered with thick red leaves that fell from the trees in the surroundings, but this was not enough to stop neither of the 2 sharks from seeing inside.

Yes, just like Sebastian, Verni also had the electroreceptor skill.

The Giant Crabs looked like a battalion of soldiers when placed together like this. Their fiery red eyes glowed in the darkness of the cave, their super sharp claws glinted under the illumination of the faint light going in.

Their adaptations were so varied, random, and fearsome that they looked like machines made for war. 

Seeing such a sight, Verni felt his head going numb. Originally, even as a great white shark, he had little chance of easily defeating a group of 5 Giant Crabs.

Facing 50 Giant Crabs was a stretch that left his fragile heart beating rapidly. The normal instinct that he already honed in battle was to escape immediately, but seeing the Big bro beside him made him relax.

After Sebastian\'s performance against the Goblin shark, he sincerely already saw him as a fierce powerhouse that was unbeatable.

Feeling the confidence emanating from his senior, he also felt his blood pressure rising as his blood became hot with battle intent surging into his head.

"You\'re my support".

Sebastian laid his plan in the most basic way that he knew that this slightly intelligent Shark could understand. Seeing the excited gleam in his eye, he knew that his plan was understood so he no longer wasted time.

Despite not having electroreceptor skills like the 2 sharks, both of them already hovered above their cave long enough to alert the Crabs.

The ones close to the entrance menacingly raised their sharp claws to deter the opportunistic predator away. But the next moment their eyes widened as a shadow enlarged in their vision.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Dash.]

[You have activated skill: Battering Ram.]

Like a train that already gathered unstoppable momentum for miles, Sebastian rushed into the cave and rammed at the 3 Giant Crabs at the entrance.

A loud booming sound reverberated as the collision spread shockwaves to the surrounding. The Crab\'s already outstretched claws injured Sebastian, but he dealt even more damage to them.

[You have activated skill: Crushing Bite.]

Crunch! Crunch!

Almost the same time that he bit down at the nearest Crab, cracking its shell apart completely, Verni also arrived and bit down.

Like before, they pulled in opposite directions, ripping the poor Crab apart.

[You have jointly killed a Giant Crab with your hunting partner- Level 15: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 2 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

Without wasting time, Sebastian triggered his spike adaptation, activating the skill in the same process as he bulldozed his way deeper inside the cave to wreak havoc and kill before the Giant Crabs recovered their nerves.

Just like him, Verni did not hold back as he unleashed his all immediately. 

His body glowed with a visible yellow manifestation of his magic power, a strange yellow fire magic. An adaptation that looked like a horn also appeared in his head which his yellow fire magic wrapped up immediately.

After doing this, he rushed at the Crabs.


Like his big bro, his 8-meter-tall body wreaked havoc through the ranks of the Giant Crabs. He didn\'t stray more than 2 meters away from Sebastian, he still remembered the order clearly to support.

The attack was so abrupt, well-timed, and coordinated that the Giant Crabs had little time to react which they paid dearly for.

In just about 30 seconds since the 2 sharks appeared, 3 of them already died and another was on the verge of death. Seeing this, the other Giant Crabs grew angry immediately which manifested in the form of fire.

Like most other creatures in this region, they had fire magic. They roared in anger before pushing the raging fire outwards.

[You have activated skill: Sonic Reflection.]

[You have activated skill: Sonic Drill.] 

[You have activated skill: Magic Teeth.]

The Crabs first froze for a second as their roars were reflected back at them, dealing both mental and physical damage at the same time.

Taking advantage of their temporarily being frozen, Sebastian threw 2 Sonic Drills out, drilling terrible hole injuries through the shells and body of 2 Giant Crabs before they recovered.

After doing this, he set his body properly, then he opened his mouth wide.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

While his teeth rapidly shot out like bullets from a sub-machine gun, Verni stayed behind him and formed a fire magic shield that kept all the raging fire induced by the Crabs at bay.

The Crabs suffered from the magic teeth skill. Though none of them died to it, most of them suffered injuries from it which were irritating to them.


While making some weird noise, the crabs added to the cacophony of noise by clapping their pincers and claws together, producing loud drumming sounds.

Then suddenly, they converged their fire magic towards themselves like they were accumulating power. They each accumulated it to form spears made entirely out of the fire before shooting them outwards. 

Bam! Bam!

Just 2 fire spears and Verni\'s magic shield popped, Sebastian immediately activated his magic shield and blocked with his body but it was equally breached.

While shooting these fire spears, the Crabs started marching forward like they were suddenly receiving orders from an unknown entity.

Sebastian and his pet still killed some of them as time went on, but they were also receiving damages from the fire spears and the Crabs were already closing the distance dangerously.

Despite his powerful teeth, Sebastian was wise enough to know that he had no chances of emerging victorious in a melee against so many Crabs.

As he thought, his eyes suddenly twitched as his electroreceptors showed him something else. Verni also detected it as without hesitation, they both activated their magic shield and rapidly retreated.

An elderly Giant Crab that was far gigantic than the others suddenly appeared, its backshell opened naturally like the lid of a bowl to reveal boiling fire inside as it aimed at the most troublesome shark- Sebastian.

The fire rapidly congealed before shooting out a hot energy beam. Its speed was so fast that it arrived before Sebastian could react.


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