Ocean Master

Chapter 234 - The Darkest Hour Of The Night Is Just Before The Dawn; Appearance Of The Sea King Inheritance!

As his soldiers waited for it, so also did Captain Omega waited for it.

The darkest hour of the night was just before the Dawn. This was true, not only in terms of night and day but in situations like this one also.

Though this Captain always acted like this mission was not a big deal, inwardly, he knew that this was not the case. Those that were close to him knew that the constant rubbing of his head was due to his nervousness about the situation.

The past 5 days confirmed his speculation that this inheritance was unlike the ones that he\'s experienced in the past. 

The allure that it had towards predators even though the set-up was not complete was so strong that it felt like the attracted predators were simply throwing their lives away.

Every day of the past 5 days felt like a mild nightmare to him, the unusual casualties as more predators threw their lives away were pricking to his heart.

His presence and the presence of his 2 Lieutenants was the main reason which kept the situation under control. 

Yes, Lieutenant Lookman was back after surprisingly not being able to get a hold of the Megalodon which was his mission. Of course, Lieutenant Zorro mocked him but this originally irascible soldier strangely acted like he didn\'t give a damn.

Lieutenant Lookman failing so terribly in a mission was weird, but one thing was certain, after this mission, Lookman changed. He changed in a way that could not be explained, it was like, he finally grew up.

Lieutenant Lookman was no longer held down by defeats which was extremely strange, he fought and helped the fleet like nothing happened despite the disgrace of the Megalodon.

With the help of the 3 of them, the situation was stable but the casualties were still painful. Just thinking about it left the Captain rubbing his head.

As he thought of this, Captain Omega clenched his right fist as his left hand subconsciously went up towards his bald head. 

He was rubbing his smooth bald head again, the smooth and slightly tickling feeling of the hand moving through the vacant head brought peace to his heart.

With that, he took a deep breath and also waited.

Somewhere super deep inside the circular cliff that surrounded the volcano, far away from the seamount where the Atlantian Division Fleet was currently gathered but still inside the ocean volcano region.

In an environment that was dominated by a super red background mixed with some orange, where the heat was so high that it could cook and melt a normal metal armor hovered what seemed like an alien spaceship.

This huge alien spaceship was red, with a shape that looked like a tangerine orange fruit with many bumps surroundings its surface.

This alien spaceship had an emblem imprinted on its metal surface that depicted a menacing Giant Toad with a cigarette stuck in its mouth.

For newbie predators that were stuck in an ocean volcano region like Sebastian whose only knowledge about Oceania was based on storytelling who never had a personal exploration of the outside world, they may not recognize this iconic emblem.

But for predators like Tonado who already explored around the world, they would recognize this iconic emblem on sight.

This iconic emblem was the representative of the predator Toad organization, the Toad Alliance.

This was a powerful organization of the outside world whose influence spans across the 7 seas, and whose leader was a Black tier predator Toad. 

At this moment, this alien spaceship of such a powerful origin was silently motionless in this hot environment deep inside the circular cliff that surrounded the ocean volcano. 

Compared to the middle regions of the circular cliff where most predators were concentrated, where the marked Octumpedam Seamount and most predator clans were located, this place was deep inside the volcano.

For most predators, this depth was uninhabitable to them.

At this moment, no activity could be detected from the alien spaceship, it was like it was waiting for something.

It was indeed waiting for something since something else arrived the next moment with a loud metallic sound reverberating.


Another alien spaceship arrived.

This time, the new alien spaceship was pyramidal in shape with rings running around it that glowed with brown magic power.

This brown magic power seemed to induce a gravitational field around this spaceship. The surroundings of the spaceship were 3 times heavier than normal, and the water suddenly remained still after their arrival, like it was frozen.

Unlike the previous alien spaceship, on the metallic surface of this spaceship was imprinted an emblem with a huge menacing turtle whose shell armor seemed like the sturdy ancient walls of China.

In the picture, this turtle\'s eyes were as cold and sharp as a blade.

This iconic emblem also represented another rogue predator organization that had the same reputation as the Toad Alliance, the Turtle Confraternity.

The leader of the Turtle Confraternity was a powerful Black tier Turtle.

After the second alien spaceship stabilized from the effects of its super-long-range teleportation, the first alien spaceship finally showed a reaction.

From the top of the first alien spaceship, what seemed like a door opened through which an enormous Toad swam out.

Compared to other plain predators, this purple-tier predator Toad was donning war gear. A metallic armor that covered all the fragile parts of its body, a helmet that covered most parts of its head, and a huge sword that was attached to its waist that jingled with it as it swam out of the alien spaceship.

Almost at the same time that this predator came out, a corner of the second pyramidal-shaped spaceship suddenly folded in to reveal an entrance through which a gigantic Turtle swam its way out.

This giant Turtle was also donning war gear. Unlike the toad, its war gear was less but looked more menacing and prominent.

Its giant shell was covered by heavy war armor that glowed with different magic colors as it moved. The only other gear that it donned was a pair of black glasses that covered its eyes, hiding the wisdom hidden in its eyes.

The 2 predators quickly swam close to each other, then the purple tier Toad spoke first. "Master Paku, you took your time".

The purple tier Turtle immediately showed a remorseful and regretful expression on its old turtly face. "I am sorry, I was delayed by some important matters, Master Jiraiya".

"I hope that it is worth it".

"Old friend, be calm, I promise you that it is worth it".

"Good! I would not have settled for anything less". The huge Toad snorted slightly before its face became serious the next moment. "Our mission is very important; we cannot afford to fail".

"I know, that\'s why I went the extra mile to increase our success chances".

"Oh! What did you do?"

The turtle immediately showed a mysterious creepy smile. "I used a valuable treasure to seek the help of my ancestor".

The Toad\'s eyes widened the next moment, it was about to speak but the huge Turtle interrupted it.

"Yes, you\'re correct, it is Ancestor Horamon!"

The turtle continued without allowing the toad to digest the first bomb information. "Our enemies this time are few, but they are all outrageously strong".

"Atlantians and the Rogue Snake Overlord, these 2 are all formidable opponents that we shouldn\'t provoke randomly, especially the first".

"Unfortunately, we have no choice so we only have to go all out".

"You\'re right". The huge Toad finally spoke again. "Thank you for the sacrifice, I\'ll compensate half of the price you paid to invite him".

"Also, the time is ripe, we have only a few hours till the die is cast. We need to get there early and secure strategic locations for ourselves".

"You\'re right, master Jiraiya, see you when we make it".

With that, the 2 master predators returned to their spaceships. With a loud warp sound, the spaceships rapidly accelerated into the distance.

Boom! Boom!

The sound was like exploding dominoes as the Atlantians were thrown into chaos, they fought for their lives with everything that they got.

For the past few hours, the stakes increased. If they had been fighting in a hard level battle for the past 5 days, the battle level increased to hell level for the Atlantians who were now experiencing a nightmare.

From the little drops of water raids which they took care of after exerting some efforts before, it now became a downpour.

Bam! Bam!

Captain Omega was at the heart of the Black Mamba Division Fleet, his presence served as both a calming tonic to the soldiers and a morale booster, and his tyrannical strength sealed the deal.

Despite the large spike in casualties of the past few hours, with him here, the soldiers never gave up hope and continued giving their all in this battle.

Captain Omega already expected this though it was still shocking on seeing the actual thing, so he didn\'t panic. All he placed his mind on was the quote; the darkest hour of the night was just before the dawn.

In the end, this quote proved omniscient once again.

At the darkest hour of the Division Fleet, when it seemed like their defense perimeter would be breached by the unrelenting attacks of the beasts which increased marginally each second, it arrived.

The long-awaited start of this game finally arrived.

The Sea King Inheritance finally arrived!

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