Ocean Master

Chapter 240 - Killer Move Vs Killer Move! Emergence Of The Real Contenders!

The whole seamount turned deadly silent, all eyes were focused on the descending sword, and only the sound that accompanied it echoed.

While the sword descended, all the heat that Captain Omega accumulated in his Samurai magic armor due to the unreal speed that he moved at started moving and converging on the edge of this sword.

The edge of the sword became super-hot.

Super-hot to the extent that apart from the water evaporating, even the surrounding rock started melting like the power of the sun was being harnessed and channeled to a single point of this battlefield.

Mountains seemed to crumble and oceans seemed to dry up just to welcome the descent of this sword skill, it directly exterminated everything that was on its path tyrannically like the legendary Sword of Damocles.

This was Captain Omega\'s trump card skill, the sword that purges all evil, the slash that destroys demons and devils, the blade that exterminates reality itself.

This was a sword skill that could injure a perfectly healthy Red tier predator.

At this moment, time seemed to stop, space flow seemed to freeze, and this young Space Beast experienced emotions that felt strange to it since it has not experienced them before.

It felt panic, fear, and an urge to escape from this battle.

Its eyes looked up in a pleading manner at the extremely large sword that was now descending to cut it into pieces. 

It intended to beg for mercy, but almost immediately after it did this, it felt an extreme reaction from its bloodline. An extreme reaction of refusal, a reaction of disapproval. 

Space Beasts were predators with a rare pinnacle bloodline and were favored by the origin essence, dying in battle was their fate, and never were they permitted to beg for mercy when in a situation like this.

It\'s either they gave their all and survived with their own power, or they gave their all and died despite giving their all, there was no third choice.

This thought for mercy in this young Space Beast\'s mind suddenly turned, and like it was brainwashed, extreme anger erupted from its heart.

It was a Space Beast, and space beasts had pride that each of them was tasked to protect. It was either they killed or be killed, their pride does not accommodate anything other than this.

Fired up by this, this space beast was able to carry itself up.

Its eyes blazed with the fire of motivation despite the threat of death being constantly present in its body, it forcefully overcome every predators\' instinct of fearing death and at this moment, it seemed to evolve into a higher beast.

Its mind rapidly navigated the numerous skills that were created by its great ancestors before quickly narrowing down on a skill.

In the life cycle of Space Beasts of this era, rarely were they required to research and create their own skills and killer moves. All these were already stored in their memory which was part of their inheritance.

In their life cycle, all they needed to do was to grow, evolve, and unlock more skills and killer moves as they do. As a young purple tier predator currently, the skills that it had access to were only so much.

Even more powerful skills were available after it evolved to the red tier and the black tier, but at this moment, this young Space Beast tried to overcome the restriction and access the red tier skills when it was still just a purple tier predator.

This was dangerous, but perhaps an arrangement of fate, he passed the dangerous phase quickly. Surprisingly, his bloodline inheritance also seemed to sense his predicament and actively helped him to complete this ordeal.

All these happened at a speed faster than that of light itself, the speed of rapid thinking. In an instant, this Space Beast got what it wanted.

"Killer Move: Ancient Space Breath!"

While the Space Beast was still thrown into panic due to the appearance of Captain Omega\'s gigantic and extremely dangerous sword skill, at a hidden part of this seamount, a group of predators watched alertly.

Sebastian watched the current happenings of this fierce battle through the light magic projected screen with a grim and focused look on his face.

Besides him, there were not only 4 companions like expected in the insertion team. Alongside Old Gab, Queen Heareth, Elder Shine, and Elder Dangle, there was another purple tier predator.

This predator was an ant, a terrifying ant predator, a famous purple tier ant who succeeded in breaking the shackles of its low bloodline just like Tonado, the Champion Digger, Anthony. 

Apart from its battle prowess, this beast was more widely recognized due to its accomplished and undisputed digging skills across the whole region.

As a contingency in his plan, Morales convinced his other companions to invite and to also ally with this stray purple tier predator.

This decision proved extremely important. When the Atlantian soldiers started scouring every part of this seamount, both underground, the Champion Digger, Anthony was the only reason why they remained unseen.

Though the call was abrupt, this terrifying predator ant was able to prove that it could work in any scenario without being flustered, showing its veteran flair.

At this moment, all 6 predators had their attentions focused on the light magic projection that was created by Elder Shine.

Apart from Sebastian, all the other 5 predators were veterans. Instantly, on seeing the predicament of the Space Beast, they knew that this was the most critical point of the battle which was perfect for outside interruption.

It took a lot of willpower for them to suppress their desire towards the Sea King Inheritance after it was officially set up.

"This is the perfect time to act". Old Mak reminded coldly.

All the other predators gave their consent but Sebastian hesitated. "I\'m sorry, but let\'s wait a bit more, my feelings tell me that there are other variables behind the scenes that we don\'t know of yet".

All the sharks said no more on hearing that. Seeing this, Anthony rubbed his antennas in a grumbling manner but at the end also calmed down.

"I promise you won\'t regret it".

Sebastian tried to comfort them but none of them responded.

At the last moment before the collision, the Space Beast found what it wanted. Without hesitation, it activated the ancient killer move that was recorded in its mind through its bloodline inheritance.

"Killer Move: Ancient Space Breath!"

As soon as this enormous Space Beast opened its mouth, the space squeezed into what seemed like a ball of magic light that gathered in its mouth.


The surrounding space grew berserk as the ball of magic light rotated in front of the beast, rapidly gathering power before it was released the next moment.

It was supposed to gather power for a longer time, but the sword that was before its head did not allow this luxury. 

It released the breath skill that looked similar to the fire breath released by an ancient Fire Dragon, and both powers of epic proportions collided the next moment, causing an impact that was felt throughout this volcano region.


This time, the shockwaves did it, the water space really cracked as green origin magic started seeping into the water, contaminating it and turning it green.

All the white tier beasts in a distance of a kilometer away from the center of this collision and the weaker orange tier beasts were directly annihilated by the shockwave that spread across like the spread of the deadly covid-19.

These 2 powers of gigantic degrees engaged in a terrifying tug of war, trying to determine which one carried more force behind this.

This only continued for a second before the blade of extermination prevailed.

Not only did Captain Omega use his move first, but the Space Beast also was not qualified to use this skill yet and it didn\'t even succeed in harnessing its power to the fullest before it released it.

All these cumulated into this, Captain Omega\'s blade of extermination proved stronger. Without a proper defense, the remaining power propelling the samurai sword enabled it to dig deep into the Space Beast\'s head.


The Space Beast roared loudly in pain.

Without hesitation, despite feeling jittery from the shockwave that accompanied the collision of both attacks, Captain Omega forced himself to rapidly swim closer to put an end to the beasts\' life but he paused the next moment.

Out of nowhere, 3 silhouettes with a magic presence that even Captain Omega himself could not ignore suddenly appeared at 2 different parts far away from the battlefield as all 3 silhouettes rapidly started closing the distance.

Captain Omega almost laughed bitterly; this was exactly what he had been trying to avoid when he devised his plan for this mission.

After biding their time for minutes, the real contenders on this battlefield finally revealed themselves having judged the situation to be perfect enough.

All the surviving predators turned to look at these 3 newcomers.

Time once again seemed to freeze, the atmosphere turned tenser, the stakes were now higher since the real contenders for this inheritance were now here.

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