Ocean Master

Chapter 271 - The Grand Conspiracy! Falling Out With The Sea King!

"This inheritance was a fake from the onset right, Sea King? Or should I say… Carcarot Gorgoneon?"


Absolute silence suddenly descended into the cave, making it\'s already weird setting to turn all the more spooky.

For 5 minutes, neither Sebastian nor the supposed Sea King\'s will spoke as they kept on staring at each other. Feeling the steely gaze of this deadly predator, Sebastian had to admit that he was intimidated.

Despite this, he continued staring back at it since he knew that he was right and this whole inheritance was a farce from the beginning.

It suddenly felt like they were both engaged in a staring contest, but the implications involved were much more.

Sebastian finally stood up from the chair that looked too identical to the special storage in the cave wall where those lines of dead predators were kept. 

Thud! Thud!

In this silent environment, his steps echoed, reverberating loudly through the cave.

"You know, I discovered your grand conspiracy immediately after I entered the inheritance ground and all I can say is that I was sorely disappointed".

The Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King\'s will did not utter a word, he kept his predatory gaze on the Megalodon, Sebastian didn\'t mind though since he continued.

"You\'re not a will, you\'re the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King itself, right?" Sebastian asked as an interesting expression came on his face.

"I have proof, just wait and let me explain".

"To be sincere, I have this special advantage that is hard to detect".

"Through this special advantage, I was immediately notified of the malevolent but powerful creature that was behind the inheritance".

"This powerful might can not be exhibited by a will; this alone gave me a lot of clues and misgivings after entering the inheritance ground".

"I didn\'t leave though, the catch at stake is just too important, I decided to follow my special advantage\'s plans".

"I set out with a mission to get clues to confirm this conjecture".

"The first clue that I got was your first test, it didn\'t look like a test that was prepared for a large group of predators and possible inheritors".

"For some reason, it felt that the test was specifically prepared for me".

"The balanced test was the only normal one of the first test. To me, you used this test as a measure to gauge my strength and my potential".

"Then from the next phase of the first test, everything changed".

"At first, I couldn\'t believe it but combining it with what my special advantage revealed to me, it became explainable".

"It was like, the subsequent tests from here were hand-scripted to fit me best and to draw out my full potential".

"I know monster inheritances are supposed to be beneficial, but this, this was just too finetuned towards helping me break my limit".

"Coincidentally, in the strength test, the test I faced was on a time limit. I had to destroy a metallic structure that was far above my normal ability to destroy, while you kept writing bad luck and that you wanted me to die which stacked the pressure on me".

"The pressure got to me".

"It was either I use my unique skill, or die, or break my limits".

"In the end, I broke my limits and succeeded in creating my first killer move".

"On the defense test, though I already discovered means to qualify, you deliberately made things a lot harder for me just to push me to the wall".

"Why so much attention to such a puny orange tier Megalodon?"

"Perhaps, it was your craziness acting up again, but I doubt it".

"I don\'t hate you for pushing me so much though since it pushed me to realize my future battle style, but what is in me that merits so much attention?"

"As they say, this is food for thought".

"Then, on the endurance test, it was a free for all survival setting".

"Like the previous tests, you gave me special attention though it was not obvious. I almost always got benefits, and though I met powerful opponents that pushed me to the brink, I never met an opponent that could crush me completely though there were numerous of such competitors inside the inheritance ground".

"Not even the determined Atlantians were able to corner me with their powerful might despite the advantages that they enjoyed".

"What are the odds of this happening?"

"This was when I knew that you knew of my possession of a unique inheritance from the onset". 

"All that followed seemed like you were molding me for a specific use, it was like I was your test subject who was subjected to a period of prototype testing".

"I am too familiar with this test subject of a thing".

"This was when I was fairly certain that something was wrong".

"Without my special advantage and its early warning, I would have never known of all these but with its warning, everything clicks".

"You knew I had a unique skill and started going after me from the onset, am I right, the Great Carcarot Gorgoeon?"

"Don\'t worry, all these are minor evidence, the conclusive evidence that verified all my suspicions was your final test to get the ultimate inheritance".

"All the proceedings throughout this test were more than enough evidence".

"As an illusion magic expert, I believe you are an expert at mind reading and I also believe that you already succeeded in spying slightly into my mind".

"This is why you changed your last test\'s setting to take place on your envisioned earth, this is because you had suspicions about me from the few memories that you were able to peek into".

"Of course, you rationalized the last test by spouting a load of crap about your inheritor needing to adapt to different bodies but I was no longer convinced".

"From then, I knew that you were a scam! A big scam!"

"Not only that, my performance in adapting so fast to a human body was deliberate on my part. This convinced you that I am somehow related to earth".

"To satisfy your curiosity, you started more actively affecting my circumstances. This was when I started directing you".

"I would have easily qualified also on this last test, but you deliberately made things harder, it was like you were not actually after an inheritor".

"Even after I qualified, you still brought a fleet to test my limits. With all due respect, this move of yours was utter crap!"

"Then, I died".

"But guess what, I survived".

"You went against your writings which was a huge contradiction to the personality that you already made me associate with you".

"Of course, this may be due to a moment of compassion but I highly doubt it when it comes from an old crazy monster like you".

"This confirmed my guess that you are a professional liar".

"Lastly, when I was going through your cave, revealing those bodies to me was another stupid mistake. They were the final confirmation that I needed".

"After seeing those, and with the knowledge and suspicion that I already have, do you really think me so foolish as to obediently follow your arrangements?"

"Your plan was really seamless, you got me completely, but it is my special advantage that defeated you".

"Now, I am really curious how you were able to cling to your life when the mighty Atlantis thinks that you are dead".

"Also, I already guess your plans".

"Like those corpses, your end goal is to make me the doppelganger carrier of your soul, right? That is why you had to test my limits to gauge my potential, right?"

Sebastian finally stopped to catch his breath, then he wearily looked back at the Doppelganger and Invisibility Sea King.

"To be sincere, facing a mighty existence like you till now still keeps me shaking on my boots, but I have no choice but to face you".

"I\'ve said all that I have to say".

The Sea King kept quiet for 2 minutes before it spoke, it said only 2 words.

"You\'re right!"

At this moment, the floating soul\'s demeanor suddenly changed. A mighty pressure like that of rolling seas and raging tsunamis battered Sebastian\'s mind.

Sebastian felt a prestige that suppressed his very soul.

The Sea King no longer bothered to suppress its absolutely dominating strength. Though it was currently severely injured, its body was annihilated, and it could only exist as a soul now which restricted it in numerous ways, its effective strength could not be underestimated.

This was a predator who once ruled one of the seas of Oceania!

This was a predator at the absolute peak of Oceania!

The Sea King directed his mighty gaze at Sebastian, but the Megalodon did not flinch which made this overlord ask a question.

"I may have underestimated you; you may be extremely intelligent, you may be right and all, but you are just an orange tier Megalodon".

"What gives you the confidence to confront me?"


Sebastian smiled. "I told you that I have a special advantage".

"I have a Sage!"

The next moment, a powerful will arose directly from inside Sebastian like a slumbering Dragon just woke up from its millennium slumber.

The Sea King\'s gaze turned steely!

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