Ocean Master

Chapter 317 - The Anemone Domain.

{The Anemone Domain.}

On seeing the colorful rainbow-like magic projection that adorned the water from afar, a lot about the anemone domain was revealed to Sebastian.

This high-grade rural settlement was definitely not a dark and gloomy one, the colorful display that greeted every visitor easily revealed that this was a bright world where energetic and happy clown fishes took as their home.

From afar, he could already see the bright and impressive display.

The bright display of their rural settlement domain name was not exactly what attracted Sebastian\'s attention the most, on swimming closer, the sight that presented itself before him was what actually drew his most attention.

When he learned that these high-grade rural settlements were the safest which therefore translated to being the regions with the most traffic, Sebastian only took it with a pinch of salt until now.

What he saw here at this moment was mind-blowing.

When he was still a kilometer away from the border of the massive anemone kingdom, Sebastian and his group of 5 Mako sharks were forced to stop and join the still growing crew of predators.

Just one carefully timed sweep with his electroreceptors shocked Sebastian, there were almost six thousand predators who were visiting this domain like him.

Because this was not even inside the high-grade rural settlement yet, this number could be referred to as shocking.

10 massive mechanical structures that looked like floating walkways extended far away from the border of the massive kingdom outwards, and these were the platforms for lawful entry into the domain.

These mechanical structures that were painted in a colorful light were divided into 2 categories, 6 were demarcated for predators while the remaining 4 were designated to the visiting variant humans.

Having met a lot of the variant humans that made up this world, Sebastian was not surprised when he saw them here again.

The amazing part of this all was that despite this unusual convergence of beasts and variant humans, not a single show of violence could be detected. This was due to some special circumstances though.

Surrounding the 10 mechanical structures that served as the entrances inside the domain settlement was a powerful army of clownfishes.

This sounded contradictory but it was true.

Though Sebastian already confirmed that no creature was harmless in this world, clownfishes were a more special species. These small predators, unlike others, relied more on their brains than their brute strength.

Even the legendary Clown King who was a clownfish was the same, this Sea King was known for his trickery and intelligence more than he was known for his strength. This was the perfect summary for clownfish.

At this moment also, the situation was not different. Instead of fielding massive powerful mutated clownfishes, the army of clownfishes that guarded the 10 structures were all normal small clownfishes.

The only difference was that these fishes were not alone. Most of them were inside powerful war machines that looked like mechs.

Sebastian did not know the mechanisms of the machines, but from what was before him, his only guess was that these clownfishes were literally interfacing with these giant clown-fish-modeled versions of war machines.

Seeing giant mechanical versions of clownfishes, who, unlike their organic counterparts, had a plethora of lethal weapons sang a different tone to the visitors.

Sebastian did not know the effective power that could be unleashed by each of these war machines, and he didn\'t want to know either.

With these clownfish versions of a sword of Damocles hovering above the heads of all the variant humans and mutated beasts, everyone, including the most brainless put on their best behavior at this moment.

There was a different version of brainless fools though. It was when the suicide syndrome of one of these fools triggered that Sebastian was schooled.

Sebastian was waiting in the cue of visitors to enter the city for 30 minutes already without complaining, but some mofo predator thought it right to voice his frustration by lashing out at the closest predator.

This predator asked for death and that was exactly what it got.

The giant mechs quickly proved that their massive sizes did not weigh them down to not move fast. The gigantic war machines reacted as fast as a shark, and they unleashed their destruction at the efficiency of warships.

Boom! Boom!

The Thresher Shark did not even get to voice his regret or cry of indignance, nor was it able to display the speed that they were famed for before he was blown to oblivion in a completely nonchalant manner.

If it was silence previously, after this public display of power, the water suddenly turned so calm that it got to the realm of pin-drop silence.

Inwardly, Sebastian was like. "Holy Shit!"

Of course, his current self could easily withstand the bombardment but he was not sure if this would continue being the case if dozens of those or even hundreds were dispatched against him.

He was also getting tired of the wait already, but after this scapegoat encounter, his ego died down and he silently waited for his turn the old-fashioned way.

He was not the only powerful predator that had visited this high-grade rural settlement. With the little display that he\'s seen, he could already guess that even Red tier predators could visit a developed place like this.

This message sang a lot to his listening mind, if these powerful predators probably also had to wait, who was he to default?

Sebastian was OP after his recent evolution, he knew that but there was still a limit to power in every world. His OPness was only restricted to the purple tier realm, there was always someone stronger out there.

Elsewhere, he could throw his weight around but not here.

He waited patiently until it came to his turn to enter. This was where he was separated from the Mako sharks, there was a different mechanical pathway for purple tier predators and orange tier predators.

The 5 Mako sharks didn\'t seem to care about the inconvenience though.

"Holy Master, getting the opportunity to meet you is the crystallization of our life\'s luck. If fate wills it, we will meet again".

"Farewell, Holy Master".


Well, that was cringe but Sebastian was happy that he finally got rid of the sharks who constantly yelled holy this holy that at him.

What actually surprised him was that a currency known as clown credits was needed to be paid before he could access the city. The Mako sharks didn\'t tell him this, and he was caught off guard.

Surprisingly though, the 5 Mako sharks generously paid the 15 clown credits that were needed for a purple tier predator like him to enter the city.

"Umm, thank you".

Even though he disdained them, his human soul limitations came at this moment as Sebastian felt obliged to at least thank the sharks and he did.

After this, he finally swam inside the enormous mechanical structure.

Once Sebastian swam inside the mechanical structure, a strong gravitic power suddenly descended on him as he was locked in one spot in the structure. 

The tall structure didn\'t move, but he moved under the effects of this strong application of gravitic technology. Sebastian slowly floated forward as the power of gravity kept on acting on him and pushing him forward.

Inside the huge mechanical structure, he finally got high enough to see the anemone city that was originally hidden from his sight while he waited.

Just one glance at the city and Sebastian\'s eyes were opened. He was witnessing a marvel of nature and technology that was not supposed to be real.

The anemone city was extremely large, Sebastian could not see far enough to its end but the little that he saw revealed a lot about this bright and vibrant city.

Whenever they talk of clownfish, they talk of sea anemones and this was no exception considering that these 2 organisms exhibit one of the most well-known marine symbiotic relationships.

By tolerating the existence of each other, and providing unconditional benefits to each other, clownfish and sea anemones have always been associated with each other from the antiquity age.

The difference was that here in the anemone domain, this relationship was taken to the next level and it gave birth to this prosperous rural settlement.

Giant colorful Sea Anemones that seemed like monster plants in children\'s storybooks filled this city, lying randomly on colorful glowing corals and crystals. 

The Giant Sea anemones formed the building blocks of the anemone domain, while the clownfishes were the brain that controlled everything.

The Giant Sea anemones were unmoving, and with some having ridiculous sizes of over 100 meters, they could house a wide variety of clownfishes and the visiting predators and variant humans.

For those like Sebastian who would not be comfortable with staying in such a cramped-up place, they had alternative settlements for predators like him.

The 2 colorful sea anemones and the corals already formed a beautiful background depiction, the brightly colored clown fishes made this all the more colorful as activities went on nonstop inside the city of clownfishes.

This was a massive ecosystem of thriving nature.

Also, the fact that the visitors could get close and also enter these sea anemones without coming to harm suggested that these giant sea anemones already mutated enough to be able to curb their baser instincts.

Sebastian once again reinforced a notion of his that he had always clung to, nothing was impossible in Oceania.

They could decide on who to attack and who to let into their home. With the clownfishes present, no intruder dared to wreak havoc to these sacred treasures that every clownfish treasured.

To the clownfishes, the Sea Anemones were their totems.

While he enjoyed his ride across, Sebastian was hosted to an eye feast where he observed a lot of cheeky interactions and all the activities going on in the city.

He had to admit, he was impressed.

It took 3 minutes of travel time but Sebastian finally got to the gate of the city in the anemone domain.

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