Life, Once Again!

After Story 121

Maru spoke as he handed a stick of mixed coffee to Haneul, “How long are you going to keep listening to that?”

“I only heard it five times now,” she replied as she received the coffee. After the throat candy ad was finished, she moved her finger again. The ad started again from the beginning.

“What’s your motive for recording it and saving it on your phone?”

“It’s nothing worth a motive. I just saved it to commemorate my husband’s first commercial. You’re insensitive to things like this, sweetie, so you just forget about it after you shoot it. I should collect them one by one so that I can go through them with Gaeul in the future like going through an album.”

“I can already picture it. Our daughter asking ‘what is this, daddy?’ with her eyes all sparkly.”

He sat down next to Haneul. The boxes piled next to the sofa entered his eyes. They were boxes of throat candy that the manufacturer sent him. He had already handed out a lot to the people around him, yet there were still that many left.

“Is the historical drama you shot airing this weekend?”

“I think so? I’m not sure. I’m only a minor character.”

“The president of your agency doesn’t seem to work that much, huh? A good actress is fooling around doing nothing, but they’re not getting work for you.”

“He’s doing his best in his own way. If he called a new actress directly to tell me that I shouldn’t be hasty, then, I guess you can call that looking out for me. As for work, it’s bound to come, so there’s no reason for me to worry.”

“You sound full of confidence.”

“I’m Han Haneul, you know,” she said with a smile before leaning over.

“If it was before, I would be totally uneasy. My time as a youth is passing, but I’m not getting any opportunity to gain experience. But now, things are different. I’m relaxed because I don’t have any worries about my livelihood. I think it was a good decision to jump into the aroma oil business even now.”

He asked as he drank some coffee, “How’s Miss Yeonjoo doing? Has she been having a hard time ever since you stopped working?”

“She was having a hard time when I handed over the modeling work, but she got used to that now. I’m helping her out when it comes to meeting other businesses, so there’s no problem there either. As for the president and his wife, they were already running their business even without me, so there was no need for me to interfere once they got used to the work.”

“I’m glad that your partners are good people.”

“Right. If I didn’t meet the president and if my relationship with Yeonjoo had gone bad, things would’ve been a lot harder. Of course, I would still have made it successful anyway.”

“Of course, of course. It’s you on the job after all.” He tapped on Haneul’s cheek. “How are things going with the film?”

A few months ago, Haneul had been offered a place in a movie. It seemed that one of the director judges of the Short Film Festival took Haneul in a good light. He had heard that it was a ‘strong espionage movie’ with a female lead character.

“I haven’t heard anything yet. They shouldn’t be feeling that adventurous since it’s a commercial movie after all. Even if the director wants to, if the investors come up with a replacement, she wouldn’t be able to be stubborn about using me, you know?”

“If I was in charge of investment, I would never miss the opportunity to use Han Haneul. Not only that, the guarantee is exceedingly cheap, isn’t it? If they miss this opportunity, they should doubt their qualifications as an investor.”

Haneul, who had a smile on her face, winked.

“Sweetie, did you do something bad?”

“Me? What?”

“I just have this sense of déjà vu. Whenever you praised me like that, it was after you did something you’d feel sorry about, seven out of ten times. Like smoking after declaring that you quit smoking, or you spent too much money after drinking.”

“It’s a sad world, having to be suspected for praising out of goodwill.”

Maru flicked her forehead. He put quite a lot of strength into it as well.

Haneul frowned and rubbed her forehead.

“That hurts.”

“I know. Do you have a schedule today?”

“Today, my schedule is to play around with our princess, bathe her, and interact with her, I guess?”

Ricebun came out hearing the word ‘princess’. She leaped into Haneul’s arms. Maru chuckled and looked at the person and cat duo.

“I feel like I’m getting cheated on.”

“Ricebun. Your father must be jealous of our relationship. Well, that’s true. You looked like you’d never open up to me, but now you’re so sweet with me. Cats are spiritual creatures alright. They discern the nature of humans and approach them like this. Ricebun, watch out for that black-hearted man. He’ll tempt you with munchies later to try to win you over. Don’t fall for it, okay?”

Maru immediately took out some cat treats from the cupboard. It was a cat snack said to calm down any angry cat. He intentionally made rustling noises before ripping it open. The cat in Haneul’s arms jumped out.

He fed the cat that tried to climb his leg some treats, not forgetting to look at Haneul with a smug expression.

“What was that about jealousy?”

“You’re so petty.”

“You mean Ricebun’s petty, not me.”

Haneul walked over before snatching both the snack and the cat.

“What did mom tell you about following strangers? Good or bad?”

Haneul rebuked the cat, who just kept blinking. Maru watched the two quarrel before washing the dishes. He got ready to leave after putting the dishes on the rack to dry.

“Are you going to be late today?” she asked.

“I have a radio in the afternoon, so I think I’m going to be late. That starts at 7:40.”

“You’re leaving now even though it starts at 7? It’s only 4 o’clock right now,” she said as she looked at the clock.

“I need to visit the acting school. Miso-noona called me over.”

“Miso-unni did? For what?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll have to get there to be sure, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t call me just to eat together.”

“I need to say hello to her too. How’s her personality?”

“She’s an average Yang Miso. Sociable, rash, and must have her way with things.”

“It’d be fun to meet her. Set me up next time.”

“I will.”

She brought his jacket from the bedroom. It was a dark-brown one.

“It’s funny, isn’t it? I know her well, but I need someone to introduce her to me. Last time, I coincidentally came across someone I was close to, and I almost said hello. Even though that person doesn’t know me at all.”

“You can just start getting to know them now. You’re someone who can get close to anyone.”

Maru put on his jacket and got his wallet. He grabbed the car keys he had placed on top of the shoe rack and opened the door.

“Have a safe trip. Good luck with the radio broadcast too.”

“Alright, I will. Also, leave the door open when you wash her. She gets uneasy when you close the door.”


After a light kiss with Haneul, he left. The weather was getting warmer now. The season for jackets was passing. He got in his car and went to Daechi-dong. He called Miso just before arriving.

“I’m almost there. Shall I go to the acting school?”

-You can come right now.

“Is there a place for parking?”

-You have your own car? There’s an underground parking lot.

“You are going to give me the parking ticket, right?”

-You aren’t coming if I don’t?

He hung up and went to the parking lot. He parked in an empty spot and took the elevator. He saw Miso as soon as he got off the elevator on the floor with the acting school.

“That camera massage must have worked wonders, huh? You’re looking a lot better than last time.”

“I didn’t even shoot that many things.”

Miso smiled and told him to come in. The lecture room was filled with students preparing to get into college.

“This way.”

He walked past the lecture room to the office. Miso’s desk was the one filled with a lot of dolls. He sat down on a chair and looked at Miso. He had yet to hear the reason he was called here.

“Give and take,” Miso said. “I was thinking you should pay me back for the audition I got a hold of for you last time. I’m not forcing you or anything. I’m just pleading with you desperately. Of course, if you aren’t doing it, you can’t leave this place today.”

“This isn’t a plea or a request, but a threat, isn’t it?”

“It’s not. It’s a very polite request.”

He decided to listen to the circumstances for now.

“It’s a poster shoot.”

“A poster?”

“You know that you’ve made yourself quite well-known through the drama and the documentary, right? The documentary especially played a big role. We’re running a professional voice actor class at the acting school as well, and I thought it’d be good to have your photo on the poster.”

“But I never learned from this place.”

“Not entirely. It was for a short moment, but you and Seungah studied here too. As for the voice acting side, we’re just going to put your career on the poster and the information leaflet.”

“You’re practically milking me, huh? But would I be of any help?”

“Of course. That’s why I’m asking you. I already told the director of the school about it. You just need to lend your face. It’s nothing grand. You’ll just appear in the corner.”

“If it’s an official contract, I can’t do anything by myself now. My agency is in the middle. The contract says any contract I take in the entertainment industry is done under negotiation with the agency.”

“If it’s that, I already got permission.”

“Got permission?”

Miso smiled. “You see, I’m acquainted with president Lee Junmin. I was in charge of teaching some of JA’s child actors. I asked about it when I called him last time, and he said I can proceed with it as long as you are okay with it.”

“So I was brought to a table with all the food set up, huh? Why didn’t you call me to the studio instead? I would’ve shot it immediately.”

“I’m about to take you there anyways.”

Miso was really meticulous in her planning. He asked Miso, who took out her phone while humming.

“Are you perhaps acquainted with senior Hong Geunsoo or senior Yang Ganghwan as well?”

“There’s no way I know such famous actors, is there? I’ve seen them a couple times, but I’ve never talked to them. Why do you ask?”

“No reason.”

“Since you talked about them, get me Mr. Ganghwan’s autograph for me in the future. I’m a fan of his. I cried after seeing his musical.”

The three of them were practically siblings in the last life, but it seemed that their ties didn’t last until this life. Still, they should probably get close in no time if they do meet.

“I’ll get one for you if I ever get close to him.”

“I guess you won’t see him that often even if you’re the same agency, huh.”

Miso called somewhere. It seemed to be the studio.

“Let’s go. You said you had a schedule in the evening, didn’t you?”


“I can’t hold back someone busy for long. The studio is ten minutes away by car. We just have to shoot a few photos there. As for the rest, we’ll take care of it.”

Maru said as they took the elevator down, “Does that take care of the debt now?”

“It does, but tell me any time if you want to pay back some more.”

He got in the car and started it. He drove the way Miso told him to.

“Don’t you have any plans about marriage, noona?”

“Why, you wanna take me?”

“No, I was just asking.”

“I guess I’m well past the suitable age. But I’m just planning to live by myself. I’m going to spend all the money I earned and quietly enter the coffin. What do you think? Envious, aren’t you?”

“I am.”

Numerous Yang Misos flashed in front of his eyes. They all lived different lives, but as she was someone who didn’t know regret, she would probably live an enjoyable life this time as well.

He was put in front of a camera as soon as he arrived at the studio. He posed and put on the expression that the photographer asked him to take.

“You seem to be experienced with modeling, huh?” said the photographer while looking at the monitor, adding that there were no B-cuts at all.

“I’m doing great with photos today.”

He picked a few photos among the ones that the photographers took. Miso would probably make the final decision. He also got five A-cuts by email. It was from Miso, saying that it was service.

“Let’s eat out together with Seungah and all.”

Maru gave Miso a gift box that he had placed in the back seat as Miso got off.

“What’s this?”

“Some throat candy. You should have some with the people at the acting school. I was sponsored these after shooting a commercial, but I still have a lot left.”

“Thanks. Good luck with the shoot.”

Maru said goodbye to Miso, who waved his hand and drove to the TV station.

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