A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 163 - 162 - Adventurers.

A few hours had passed since Lucio had stopped to rest. It was dawn by the time and he still hadn\'t slept.

He wouldn\'t feel safe sleeping here alone and he wasn\'t sleepy either. On his mind was just the goal of getting to the nearest town quickly.

"Come on? You\'re okay, aren\'t you?" Lucio approached the horse and put his hand to the horse\'s nose. 

After patting the horse\'s nose, the horse whinnied happily as he tapped his hooves on the ground.

\'So let\'s go\' It was currently about 3:00 in the morning, so he hurried to get to town today.

The only thing that made you impatient is... What to do after finding help? Even if he arrives in town quickly, until he returns with someone to the village it will take another day or two.

"I think I better not worry about it now, I\'m sure Noah will hold out for a few more days." Lucio climbed onto his horse and then began to ride quickly towards Geirseyri.

And so almost half a day passed.

"It\'s there." He had finally arrived, then a genuine smile appeared on his face.

He could see the city wall in the distance, but as he got closer he noticed that the gate was closed.

\'For a moment I had even forgotten that we\'re in the middle of a war.\' Lucio thought as he approached the town even closer. No merchants or people were coming in as usual.

The only thing he heard as he approached the gate was the voices of some guards inside the city.

The wall of this city was not as high as the one in the capital, but even so, the wall was about 4 meters high. The gate was made of wood and had some iron details on it, which made it quite heavy.

"Excuse me, may I come in? Is it urgent!" Lucio yelled outside.

But the guards who had already noticed his presence even before he said anything remained silent.

"My son is dying and I need a doctor or someone who can use healing magic, I just came here for that," Lucio yelled again waiting for an answer.

But even saying this he was completely ignored by the guards.

"Listen, my name is Lucio and I\'m a former adventurer, I\'ve come to this town several times before. I\'m not trying to do anything else, I\'m just looking for help." Lucio said as he started to feel impatient.

He felt impatient and a little sad as he believed he would not get the help he needed for his son if things continued like this.

Seeing that the guards still didn\'t seem to want to open the gate, Lucio was reminded of a very important friend.

"You can call the commander of the city guard, he knows me."

With those words, everything inside the city was silent, the low voices of the guards gone. Lucio noticed this and smiled, it seems that it had worked.

After about 3 minutes the gate was opened slowly. There, Lucio, who had already got off his horse, saw a young guard who was approximately 20 years old. He looked nervous and worried.

Not only him but other young guards looked scared of Lucio as well, which made him very surprised.

\'Are they all novice guards?\' He thought as he entered the city.

"So why are you here?" And after entering he heard a voice that he recognized very well.

"I already told you why I\'m here. My son had an accident and I need a doctor or healing magician, didn\'t your subordinates tell you?" Lucio looked at the old man who wore shining armor.

He was a rather fat man and had a light brown beard that was long enough to hit his chest. If he were shorter he could be mistaken for a dwarf.

"So what happened to your son?"

"He have an accident in the middle of the forest and ended up quite injured."

"I told you to be careful with that forest, didn\'t I? Even if your village is in the middle and you feel at ease, it\'s still dangerous."

"I know it\'s dangerous, but that brat left unannounced overnight, can you believe that?"

"Did he go out during the night?"

"Exactly. While we were sleeping he came out at dawn saying he was going to \'Hunt monsters\' Or that\'s what his friend said."

"Your son seems to be a very difficult boy to deal with."

"Yes, he is. But what about you, Crow, how\'s your life as a father going now that your child is born?"

"About that...Well, he spends most of his time with my wife so I don\'t have a lot of time to be with him, but he\'s such a cute boy." Crow gave a smile that didn\'t match his face.

Seeing this, Lucio smiled bitterly.

"But now I need to go. It will be a great help if you can recommend a healing magician or a doctor who can help me." Lucio told Crow. The fat man thought for a while longer.

"About that, I think there\'s an interesting group of adventurers in town, they seem to have a really good healing mage," Crow said as he thought some more, after remembering something else he continued.

"If I\'m not mistaken they\'re staying at the inn next to the guild, why don\'t you go check it out?"

"Okay, thanks for that. And good job for you."

"See you later. And I hope your son gets better." Crow gave a sincere smile.

"I also hope," Lucio said as he walked down the main street while holding a rope that was attached to his horse.

The main street in this city was a little smaller than the one in the capital, but it was still very similar.

Near the gate was the adventurers\' guild, the most famous shops, inns, and so on. We can call this entire region "City Center"

And of course, as every city also has an upscale neighborhood that was right behind the mayor\'s mansion that was in the center of the city.

Most cities were divided into three categories.

Near the gate - The city center where most of the stores were and where it was busiest.

In the back of town, just past the mayor\'s mansion – This was the prime area where it would always be crowded with mansions and luxury stores.

And the residential area for common people – These areas were on the right and left side of the city, that\'s where most of the residents lived. Of course, there were also stores scattered around.

Most cities were divided that way.

And now Lucio was in the center of town where the adventurer\'s guild was. Still taking his horse, he stopped in front of the guild and found a beautiful two-story building.

But of course, it was closed.

"As they said, the guilds were also closed during the war," Lucio grumbled as he thought about what to do at the moment.

Not having much choice, he went to another building that had two floors and was next to the adventurers\' guild. It was a slightly less luxurious building and the only decoration it had was a few vases of flowers at the door.

It was a very simple building.

"It seems to be closed too, will they receive me?" With the door closed, Lucio had no choice but to knock on the door and call for someone.




He knocked on the door a few times and waited, but with no answer. But he knocked on the door a few more times while insisting that someone show up, and finally someone did.

It was an old lady who wore a scarf on her head. She had a serious face and looked like a curmudgeonly old woman you would normally want to get away from.

"Excuse me, I\'m looking for a group of adventurers and I think they are here."

"There are no groups of adventurers here." The woman prepared to close the door.

"Please, it\'s very important."

"I already said that there is no group of adventurers here."

"It\'s my son, I heard they have someone who can use healing magic so I need them to help my son," Lucio said honestly to the woman.

The woman who heard those words seemed to feel Lucio\'s despair. Her eyebrows rose as she evaluated Lucio some more.

"Wait a minute out here." The woman closed the door and left Lucio impatiently outside.

A few minutes passed before the woman appeared again.

"Alright, you can come in." The woman opened the door and then Lucio entered. He tied the horse to one of the inn\'s windows. The old woman who saw it didn\'t look very happy, but she didn\'t say anything.

After entering, Lucio found four people.

Two men and two women.

They were sitting at one of the tables while drinking and eating a few things.

"These are the adventurers you were looking for, talk to them whatever you want, I need to take care of the cleaning." The old lady said and then went upstairs to the second floor.

And there in the room was only Lucio and the four adventurers.

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