A Highest Rank in Another World!

Chapter 243 - 242 - New Plan.

After all the commotion in the middle of the room, Noah approached Ciaphia and talked to her for a while. Lisandra was listening attentively.

Then Noah took Ciaphia\'s hand and took her off the couch. After that, they walked out of the house hand in hand.

Lisandra watched that scene awestruck.

\'He is really committed to that relationship, I can see that.\' She smiled happily as she saw the two of them leaving the house. She then lay down on the couch and went back to reading her book.

Noah continued holding Ciaphia\'s hand and started walking towards the vegetable garden. That was where Rieli and Rose were working. If they were lucky, they could also find Sara and tell her the news.

"Do you want to talk to them now? Isn\'t it better to wait until they finish all the work?" Ciaphia said worriedly. But Noah just shook his head.

"Don\'t worry about it, we won\'t get in their way." He squeezed Ciaphia\'s hand and hastened his steps.

In a few minutes, they approached the vegetable garden. There Rieli and Rose were helping to plant some things, Noah didn\'t understand much about that kind of thing, but they seemed to be planting tomatoes.

When the two approached and began to watch Rieli and Rose working, Lucio approach.

"Are you guys wanting to help?" He approached with a smile looking at the two\'s hands.

"It\'s not that, I just came to talk to you guys about my relationship with Ciaphia."

"Oh, don\'t worry about that, we already know you guys have started dating."

"Did my mom tell you?"

"No, she hasn\'t even come here yet. Rieli, Rose, and I saw you two walking around the village holding hands. So we assumed you had started dating. Am I wrong?"

"No, you\'re not wrong."

"Hahaha, my congratulations on the relationship. I\'ll want to know more about it later. It\'s time to talk to your father about that sort of thing."


"What? You don\'t like the idea?"

"It\'s not that, it\'s just that I\'m afraid of the things you\'re going to say. Do you really know how a relationship works?"

"But am I not married to your mother? How do you think I tamed a woman like her?"

"Tamed? My mother turned into a monster or something?"

"You know what I mean. All right, now I have to get back to work." Lucio picked up the hoe and then walked over to where Rieli and Rose were. 

But before he got to work, he turned to the two of them again.

"And again congratulations on dating!" He called out as he waved.

Rieli and Rose looked at Noah and Ciaphia and gave a big smile. And the others around looked at Noah and Ciaphia and started smiling and whispering among themselves.

Because of this Ciaphia started to get embarrassed and pulled Noah away.

"Wait a minute."

"I can\'t stay here anymore. Your father should think a little better before he says something."

"Don\'t get mad at him. But isn\'t it good? Now more people know we started dating."

"I don\'t care if people know. It just makes me embarrassed."

"Come on, don\'t act like that. He didn\'t do it out of spite."

"I\'m not angry, I\'m just embarrassed."

"You should learn to control yourself. If you continue to embarrass yourself easily, we won\'t be able to do anything together."


Noah and Ciaphia went back to the house and after a while they had lunch. After they finished eating lunch along with Emma, Lucio, Lisandra, and Lari, they stayed together inside Noah\'s room until the evening.

Of course, Lisandra was there too.

And when evening came, not only did Emma and Lucio return for dinner, but Taciane and Eli suddenly appeared uninvited. 

Only when they showed up did Ciaphia remember that she hadn\'t come back to her house during lunch and hadn\'t talked to them about everything that had happened today either.


"So you guys have started dating? Congratulations!" Taciane shouted happily and held Ciaphia\'s hands.

At the moment Noah, Lisandra, Ciaphia, Taciane, and Eli were in the living room talking about Noah and Ciaphia\'s new relationship.


"I thought Noah would end up making you sad, but he made me proud!" Taciane looked at Noah and he turned his face a little embarrassed. Seeing this she started to laugh and then sat down again.

She was sitting on the couch together with Lisandra and Ciaphia, while Eli and Noah were sitting on chairs.

"My congratulations, Ciaphia." Eli stood up and also congratulated her.

Noah was wondering why they were all congratulating only Ciaphia, but he decided not to say anything about it as the mood might get worse.

So he remained quiet while listening to the girls\' conversation.

Like every girl, they started asking about all the details, and again Ciaphia had to tell them how their relationship began. Even though she was embarrassed, she told everything with a smile on her face.

Unlike Noah who was listening to this and feel a little tired.

Then after a few minutes, he stood up.

"I\'m going to bed now, good night everyone." He smiled at all the girls, especially Ciaphia.

"Good night, Noah," Ciaphia said happily and waved. 

The other girls looked at that and started saying strange things, so Noah ran to his room.

But when he got to his room, he remembered that he hadn\'t showered yet. So he took a quick shower. 

After the bath, he threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes.

\'I have a girlfriend. That was faster than I thought.\' He slept with a smile still on his face.


Meduz got up and then went to the dining room.

After being served by the maids, she went up to her room and then lay down on her bed.

"What do I do now, master?" She asked as she continued to stare at the mansion\'s ceiling. And then a message came into her mind.

[ Now you must wait a little longer. I will send you directly to the capital of Southlein later. ]

"Do you want me to destroy everything? I thought I had given up on that idea and was just going to go after that subordinate of the goddess now." Meduz raised both her eyebrows in surprise. Then she got up from her bed and walked to the window.

[ I wish they had succeeded to destroy the capital, but they are too incompetent. Can you believe all my armors were killed by a girl? ]

"A girl?"

[ Yes. I didn\'t have the information that the girl exist. As soon as the armors approached the capital that girl started hunting them. ]

"Why didn\'t you detect her before? 

[ Since this is not my world, the information I can get is limited. I get information only from my subordinates. ]

"Got it." 

[ If it wasn\'t for that dwarf getting into some people\'s minds, I wouldn\'t even know about the geography of this world. ]

"Got it, so you can get information by getting into people\'s minds."

[ And I can also see what my subordinates see ]

"So you don\'t even know where the goddess\' subordinate is at the moment."

[ I saw him only once during the war. One of my armors fought against him and killed him. ]

"Killed him? So he was weaker than I thought."

[ Actually, he is quite strong. My subordinate who is raising his level in my world was not able to reach even half the strength of that brat. ]

"Amazing. But after he was killed, what happened? Didn\'t your work finish?"

[ Idiot, of course he wouldn\'t die so easily. He was surely resurrected somewhere. ]

"How would I know about that?"

[ Never mind. For the moment I want you to destroy the capital and try to attract him. I\'ll put his image in your mind, when you find him, try to capture him because killing him won\'t solve the problem. ]

"Got it."

After that, an image of a 13-year-old boy appeared in Meduz\'s mind. He was a handsome boy with black hair and blue eyes.

"He is very handsome," Meduz exclaimed in surprise.

[ Don\'t fall in love with him. I want you to find him and capture him ].

"Okay, I\'ll do that. Do you know his name?"

[ I know his name in his old life was Lucian, but that\'s it. In his new life, I don\'t know his name. ]

"Lucian... Got it, I\'ll record it in my mind. At the moment I think I\'ll take a little rest."

[ Do that. When I am more excited, I will appear again to give you new orders. ]

"Aren\'t you excited now?"

[ No, because this subordinate of mine is trash. His level doesn\'t go up and he\'s still afraid of everything, he\'s completely useless. I need to replace him. ]

"Hahaha, good luck with that."

After finishing her conversation, Meduz lay down on the bed again. Then she called for a maid and asked her to serve some alcoholic drinks and some snacks for her to eat.

"I was longing for some alcohol.." Meduz smiled happily as she took a sip of Whiskey.

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