Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 316 Legolas' New Gang

A day later…


[Talent Compatibility detected: The Supreme Talent, Physique of the Undying Cockroach can be combined with the Cell Regeneration Talent!]

[Trigger Mission Series to access Mission!]

[Do you want to trigger Series Mission now?]


"Yes". Legolas was decisive.


[You have triggered the Grade B Series Mission: Mutation Hunter!]

[Mission Details: The Cell Regeneration Special Talent and Physique of the Undying Cockroach Supreme Talent are talents unique to beasts. To fuse them, you can only achieve this by slaying more of these special beasts!]

[Mission Details: Become the Mutation Hunter and hunt down more Mutated Beasts with Special and Unique Talents!]

[First Mission: Hunt and kill a Mutated Grade C Beast with a Special or Supreme Talent!]

[Mission Reward: 30,000,000 Experience Points and +1 Point in your quest of fusing the Cell Regeneration and Physique of the Undying Cockroach talents!]

[NOTE: After completing Series Mission, you will receive a Bonus Reward!]


"Hehe…" Seeing what appeared before him, Legolas could only chuckle.

\'All my suffering at Norman\'s hands were worth it!\'

\'The torture, the pain, the mutilations…, they were all worth it!\'

When he decided to withhold his information advantage from the main organizations of the planet, waiting for them to accumulate value, it was a gamble on his part, he was glad that the gamble paid.

Yesterday, he officially became a legend of Planet Darvis.

Reflecting back on his feats still gave him goosebumps. In a battle were more than 20 Grade C Superhumans died, where a legend like Jon Stones died, this was where he shone and exposed his talent to the whole world.

Today was the proposed day for the Grade C mass burial.

Despite it being just a day since it happened, the ruins of the Hellfire Mountains already turned into an iconic location that would be remembered for a long time. The news and results of the battle already spread across the planet.

Within this period of one day, Core Protector Shanks took the lead, directing everything and now, the burial would take place in an hour.

Legolas and his 2 students were prepared in black attire but before they left, Legolas had one last thing to attend to.

\'Due to the chaos and pressure, I was not able to check it then\'.

\'But now…, I can finally see Predator and the other\'s current status\'.

Without hesitation, Legolas accessed his virtual interface.


Name: Predator

Age: 3

Race: Annihilation Nightmare Beast [Infinite Potential]

Affinity: Darkness/Probability

Level: 69

Grade: C


Strength: 10,700

Dexterity: 6,800

Vitality: 9,100

Intelligence: 3,200

Mystery: 8,220

Charm: 2,000

Luck: 5,660

Health Points [HP]: 106,880/106,880

Mana Points [MP]: 81,500/81,500

[Passive Abilities:]

>Darkness Regeneration: When basking under darkness in the presence of dark energy, +100% recovery speed for both health points and mana points<

>Darkness Supplementation: When basking under darkness in the presence of dark energy, Predator gains the ability to grow stronger effortlessly. +100,000 level up experience points every hour<

[Active Abilities:]

>Annihilation Bite: Bite is augmented with Annihilation darkness energy, granting +200% Damage and prolonged additional 50% damage every second for 5 seconds after bite<

>Probability Bite- Dark Maws: Bite is augmented by the mysterious power of probability. 100% chance of biting enemy\'s weakest point and the Dark Maws leave a darkness energy imprint on enemy that always exposes his position<

>Ultimate Scale Defense: Scales are as tough as a Dragon\'s scale. When activated, +300% Defensive ability<

>Claw Bombardment: When activated, Predator becomes 3 times heavier, his claws become 5 times sharper, he gains +20% momentum damage for each attack, and also the ability to bombard rapidly with claw attacks dealing additional +50% bombardment damage with each hit<

>Tusks of Death: Predator\'s tusks are longer and deadlier. When activated and an opponent is caught in them, +200% Penetration ability and damage<

>Pounce: In a head-on battle, when activated, Predator gains +50% momentum, heaviness, stability, claw and bite damage, enabling him to more easily overpower enemies in a battle of strength and balance<

[Special Abilities:]

>Dark Arrow Domain: When activated, a region of 10 meters around Predator becomes his domain. Inside this domain, his Darkness energy reigns supreme and dark arrows came come out of anywhere at any time<

-+50% damage for attacks from the back and side

-+50% perception inside Dark Arrow Domain

>Massive Veil of Darkness: When activated, Predator releases a dark veil that covers an area of 60 meters around him. When enemy is covered in the veil, +100% chance to restrict vision and +60% chance to blind<

-When blind, all enemies\' attacks are reduced by 50%

>Annihilation Nightmare Beast: When activated, Predator becomes empowered by his Darkness energy and channels the raw power of Annihilation<

-+400% Strength, Vitality, and Dexterity

>Advanced Disintegrate: Can be activated by a bite. Once activated, the affected area has a 100% chance of suffering a severe injury, and a 30% chance for the affected area to start disintegrating from the cells<

>Energy Drain: Can be activated by a bite. Once activated, opponent\'s mana is drained and used to replenish Predator\'s mana. Induces debuffs<


-Triple Damage to opponent for 2 minutes after bite

-Healing Theft: Opponent is unable to heal for 2 minutes after bite

-Shock Damage: All Predator\'s attacks deal additional shock damage

-Probability Damage: All Predator\'s attacks have a high probability of inducing additional damage of random magnitudes on opponent

>Probability Manipulation: Can only be activated when Predator is in an extremely emotional or battle-heightened state. When activated, Predator gains the ability to control Probability! Every attack\'s probability can be manipulated by him to deal as much as 200-1000% more damage!<

[Remark: Predator is fearsome! Run ye enemies least you meet Death!]

Name: Akela

Age: 14

Race: Emperor Wolf

Affinity: Wind

Level: 65

Grade: C


Strength: 7,200

Dexterity: 9,100

Vitality: 6,400

Intelligence: 6,500

Mystery: 5,800

Charm: 3,500

Luck: 4,500

Health Points [HP]: 48,700/48,700

Mana Points [MP]: 92,800/92,800

[Passive Ability:]

>Wind Envoy: +80% natural movement speed, and +45% easier control over the wind elemental energy<

>Master Hunter: +50% hunting ability, instincts, and decision-making<

>Akela\'s Leading Aura: +80% overall stat boost to 50 Wolves in the pack<

>Veteran: Due to your large experience gained through countless battles, +80% battle awareness and instinct<

>Emperor of the Pack: You are the leader of the pack, the most important wolf, the alpha, the Emperor. Your words are orders to the other wolves, they would never disobey even in special situations. They will gladly die for you<

>Emperor: When alongside your wolves in battle, +30% overall stat boost to all wolves in the pack no matter their numbers<

[Active Abilities:]

>Bite Force: When activated, +50% bite force when attacking<

>Devastating Nature Call: When activated with a howl, the natural wind energy in the air is called upon to induce a hurricane that deals 200% of normal Akela\'s damage. Hurricane can be controlled at will<

-At the expense of more mana, 3 maximum hurricanes can be induced at the same time

-At the expense of more mana, the 3 hurricanes can be fused into one devastating hurricane that deals 500% of Akela\'s normal damage

>Speed Demon: When activated, +80% natural movement speed and +70% additional movement speed when in an area with the wind blowing<

>Wind Claws: When activated, claw attacks can be empowered with the wind elemental energy. +60-140% additional base damage<

[Special Abilities:]

>Akela\'s Specialty- Alpha Wolf: When activated, Akela is able to draw power from all ally wolves that are related to him despite their distance, granting him increased health points, increased endurance, increased defense, increased offense, and a great increase to all his basic attributes<

>NOTE: When enough power is drawn from enough wolves, Akela has a certain chance of temporarily increasing his power by half a grade<

>Akela\'s Specialty- Laser Del Vento: When activated, an aggressive wind energy is gathered and compressed into a laser that deals +600% base damage and an additional +150% cut and burn damage<

>NOTE: When enough wind energy is compressed, enemy has a high chance of being lacerated and evaporated by the Laser Del Vento<

>Akela\'s Specialty- Emperor Wolf: When activated, Akela is connected to every wolf in his pack and is able to partially direct them individually. The connection from their Emperor grants every Wolf +100% overall stat boost<

>NOTE: When stimulated by the fear of death or other strong emotions, Akela can empower Wolves to the extent where they increase by full grades<

[Remark: A rare and mature Emperor Wolf.]

Name: Bran

Age: 16

Race: Void Raven [Void Lord]

Affinity: Space & Void

Level: 65

Grade: C


Strength: 7,680

Dexterity: 8,330

Vitality: 7,000

Intelligence: 5,500

Mystery: 8,800

Charm: 2,200

Luck: 5,000

Health Points [HP]: 59,700/59,700

Mana Points [MP]: 110,100/110,100

[Passive Abilities:]

>Void Lord: Void Ravens have access to the Void Dimension. By tapping energy from the void dimension, they enjoy 10 times faster stamina recovery, mana recovery, and health recovery abilities<

>Void Master: Like his ancestors, Bran has unlocked the special ability of freely able to travel through the Void Dimension. The Void Dimension is a place filled with strives and battles, Bran can pitch in to build his Void Army<

[Active Abilities:]

>Rapid Speed: When activated mid-flight, +150% flight speed<

>Tungsten Feathers: When activated, feathers become as strong as Tungsten and can be launched at opponents like daggers. 50% chance to cause bleeding and +30% attack damage to base damage<

-Bleeding: Opponent loses 1% health points every 4.5 seconds for 2 minutes

>Blink: When activated, through space energy, the void raven can move through space, disappearing from one place to another like teleportation<

>Void Spears: When activated, through void energy, a portal to the void dimension is opened through which void spears appear to attack opponents. Void Spears now has the ability to deal Void damage<

-+200% tearing damage for each attack

>Obliterate: When activated, through space energy, opponent is dragged into an artificial blackhole that squeezes opponent while dealing incredible attack damage every second. Enemy experiences debuffs inside blackhole<


-Disorientation: When triggered, opponent loses balance and sense of time

-Dilapidation: When triggered, opponent loses the ability to struggle and retaliate

[Special Abilities:]

>Eyes of Truth: When activated, the void raven has a certain percentage of seeing through obstacles and walls depending on the energy powering them<

>Eyes of a Hundred Void Ravens When activated, 12 ethereal Void Ravens are created all with the eyes of truth special ability that can become alternate eyes of the real Void Raven<

>Space Lord: When activated, void raven can fly in space without dying from the radiation and other space hazards<

>Void Lord: Bran can now enter the Void Dimension to build his army. As a Void Lord, he has the ability to open a teleportation portal to the Void Dimension that enables his army to fight on his behalf in reality<

[NOTE: Eyes of a Hundred Void Ravens will be upgraded 2 more times as the Void Raven grows and become more powerful.]

[NOTE: The Space Lord special ability becomes a passive ability at the Grade B realm.]

[Remark: Bran is now a f*cking Warlord! Eat that!]


All 3 of Legolas\'s 3 beasts experienced a crazy power increase. Predator\'s was the most glaring, acquiring a new affinity related to probability turned him into an even greater menace in battle.

Legolas\'s reaction to the status update was priceless.


"Hehe…" This was Legolas\'s reaction.

"Master, are you ok?" Christensen inclined his head curiously.

"Ahh…, yes, I\'m fine, totally fine". Legolas stood up as he rubbed his beasts\' fur fondly to show his satisfaction one last time. "Let\'s go".

He led the way outside.

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