The Human Giant

Chapter 83 83: Grade 2 Crystal Nerves

"That is tricky but that doesn\'t mean that I can\'t help. As long as you are my family and friends then I don\'t mind protecting you from these unknown forces."

"And before you say anything this protection isn\'t optional. The moment you stepped up to meet my father is the moment you gain my protection. Even if it is the city, gang, martial artist, demon, or anything like that you are not going to have to worry under my care." Yoze pledged even though he had a feeling that they wouldn\'t know how serious his protection was.

Unless it was a demon, immortal, or some other kind of magical being his protection was solid. Whether it is a spiritual or a physical attack Yoze had no fear about being able to protect them. 

Even ambushes were no longer effective on him as Yoze was able to see spiritual energies through walls. So unless it is a Martial Grandmaster who was proficient in the manipulation of spiritual energy then there aren\'t many people who could harm any of his family members as long as he was around.

"Thanks for your protection," Dreyer casually replied, not putting much importance on Yoze\'s promise.

The next day soon arrived and Yoze knocked on his father\'s door. After watching for the whole night to make sure that Dreyer and Tiki didn\'t try to leave in the middle of the night he was confident that they were still there.

And with his talent mark refreshed he was ready to go and confirm Dreyer and Tiki\'s identity. When the door opened Yoze was blasted with the delicious smell of cooked demon meat.

"Yoze you are late for breakfast everyone has already started eating without you." 

"Sorry Dad, I stayed up late last night practicing martial arts." Yoze casually apologized before walking inside with Leah who immediately ran to his portion of demon meat on the ground.

Walking inside Yoze saw that his father, Jewel, Dreyer, and Tiki were munching on the Elephant demon meat with faces full of joy. This was especially the case with Dreyer and Tiki as this was their first time eating the delicious meat of a demon and receiving the benefits of having their spiritual energy supplemented.

"Come eat, I had your Dad prepare you a separate breakfast that was without this special meat since I knew you would not eat it." Jewel smiled with accomplishment as she helped her employer and future teacher.

"Thank you," Yoze went to go eat his separate breakfast which was around 3 times as much food that the five of them were eating put together.

Even though his breakfast didn\'t have any delicious demon meat Yoze didn\'t mind as he wouldn\'t have gained as much benefit as his father or everyone else. Increasing his father\'s remaining life was the most important thing for Yoze. 

If it wasn\'t because he hired Jewel and Dreyer and Tiki were family and he knew his father would have kicked up a fuse about sharing the meat then Yoze would not have let them eat demon meat. Every pound of meat that his father didn\'t eat meant that he was closer to his death.

After getting settled and eating his massive breakfast Yoze tossed his talent mark at Tiki.

[Name: Tiki Thunder]

[Age: 32 years old]

[Talents: Planning (Grade 4), Teaching (Grade 3), Crystal Nerves (Grade 2), Throwing (Grade 6), Hiding (Grade 3)]

"Hmmm, "

Yoze looked at Tiki\'s profile and saw that she was his father\'s daughter and his eldest sister. Even her age matches up with what his father said it would. What Yoze found interesting was that given her age she looked very young.

And this was even more of a shock since Yoze didn\'t sense that she was practicing martial arts which had the effect of making one look younger and she also lacked any talents that could have contributed to her and Dreyer\'s unexpected youth.

"What kind of talent is Crystal Nerves?" 

Yoze was surprised to see a talent that he wasn\'t familiar with. After having his Second Best System for so long Yoze was used to all kinds of strange and seeming magical talents. 

There was Life Attraction that he had gotten from the undead from Emerald Town. The many spiritual talents from demons and strange creatures such as Leah. And even more down-to-earth talents that had incredible effects that on earth would have been considered a superpower such as regeneration.

So even if Yoze encountered an unknown talent he was usually able to guess what kind of effects it would have. But this was his first time seeing anything remotely similar to Crystal Nerves. He had seen talents such as Tough Nerves or Quick reaction but he had never heard of Crystal Nerves.

He couldn\'t even guess what kind of effects on the nerves this talent would have. So to see such a unique and strange talent Yoze had to snag it.

[Talent mark has locked on to grade 2 Crystal Nerves talent from Tiki Thunder. Grade 1 Crystal Nerves has been added.]

As soon as Yoze acquired the talent he felt his body become numb as he felt the sensation of something growing in his brain. It rapidly spread into his spine, then his bones and muscles before covering every last milliliter of the inside of his body.

This new growth reminded Yoze of a seed spreading its roots into the earth, his body took the place of the ground and his brain was the seed ready to grow. 

This even led to his memory and intelligence increasing by 20 percent in such a short time. After experiencing such a dramatic change to his body Yoze looked at Tiki as if she was a treasure. 

While he didn\'t know the full extent of use of this talent, Yoze had a feeling that since this talent appeared on his cheat, that meant Tiki was aware of it. And maybe she had a way for him to come into contact with others who had similar talents.

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