The Human Giant

Chapter 114 114: Prove It To Me

Yoze\'s eyes glimmered with colorful specks as he made his decision. He wasn\'t going to let this opportunity go and miss the chance to focus on fighting a Martial Grandmaster.

Who knows he might be inspired by the fight and be able to break through to the Blood Master realm immediately. 

"Take a break," Yoze said softly as he focused on directing his spiritual energies out of his body and toward Martial Silver Thunder\'s spiritual energy.

"Did you say something?" Jewel asked since she heard Yoze mumble something softly.

"Nothing, I\'ll be back in a little bit. We should be far enough from the ambushers that you should be able to take a break. But to make sure, I\'ll go back to distract them for as long as possible and draw them away from this area." As soon as Yoze finished speaking he jumped up into the air and rushed to where the ambushers were.

Even though spiritual energy traveled at incredible speeds, the distance plus Martial Silver Thunder\'s speed when it came down to its tool was longer than he expected. But at the end of the day trying to escape a spiritual energy attack with physical speed alone was nearly impossible.

Within less than two seconds Yoze\'s spiritual energy reached the main group of ambushers who had finished packing and were about to head out. Just as they were about to follow Martial Silver Thunder\'s path, they all felt a heavy pressure weighing down on their minds. 

It was as if they had just woken up, still groggy and mind filled with fog, to an Elephant made out of gold sitting on their head. They felt as if they had a harder time coming up with ideas and their awareness of the graveness of their situation had vastly decreased.

Their minds had slowed to such an extent that all of them didn\'t realize that they couldn\'t move their bodies at all for some time. By the time some of them did realize they were stuck, they saw that the blood giant that had gone toe to toe with a Martial Grandmaster had reappeared before falling unconscious due to a quick neck chop.

"You all should have quite a good range of talents." Yoze didn\'t spend too much time dealing with these ambushers as he had bigger fish to fry.

He also didn\'t want this big fish to escape when his spiritual energy caught up to Martial Silver Thunder who had gone so far. With a majority of his spiritual energy focused on suppressing the old man, Yoze had some expectations of how Martial Silver Thunder would have reacted to the suppression of his spiritual energy.

Just like how a Blood Master could resist falling unconscious compared to a regular person who fell unconscious immediately upon impact. What Yoze expected was that since his spiritual energy was stronger compared to the Elephant demons he could have made at least one Blood Master faint and he could paralyze Martial Grandmaster Silver Thunder.

The World was filled with surprises as not only did Martial Grandmaster Silver Thunder not faint but he didn\'t even become paralyzed. Martial Silver Thunder gritted his teeth as sweat dripped down his face to just complete the game but kept moving forward even when he had to start crawling.

The other ambushers didn\'t fall unconscious as soon as Yoze\'s spiritual energy forced them to become unconscious. They even were able to withstand the pressure and stay conscious.

After knocking out the last ambusher, Yoze took a deep breath before turning off the spiritual suppression acting on Martial Silver Thunder. It was his goal to fight against Martial Silver Thunder so he could practice and refine his martial art skills not bully Martial Silver Thunder while he was suppressed by Spiritual energy.

Once Yoze got rid of the Spiritual Suppression on Martial Silver Thunder he noticed his spiritual energy quickly rebounded and rapidly got smaller. Martial Silver Thunder had decided to run away as fast as possible.

However, Yoze had already thought about the consequences of suddenly using his spiritual energy to suppress Martial Silver Thunder. Before Martial Silver Thunder fully recovered Yoze had already raced toward him as fast as he could.

"Martial Grandmaster Silver Thunder wait! I want to talk with you for a little bit!" Yoze yelled out to grab Martial Silver Thunder\'s attention.

His sudden call out for Martial Silver Thunder seemed to have worked as Martial Silver Thunder stopped leaving and instead even ran back toward Yoze. With both of them approaching each other they were able to close the gap between them rather quickly.

But unlike the battle that Yoze was looking for, he saw Martial Silver Thunder appear haggard like he hadn\'t slept for days. As soon as Martial Silver Thunder saw Yoze he seemed to be relieved.

"Did you experience it too? There must be an anomaly nearby so we need to get out of there as soon as possible." 

"For you to come to me as soon as it leaves means that you think that it is too difficult to get out of the anomaly\'s range by yourself. You came to the right person." 

"Not only could I still move when the anomaly came but I have experienced different types of anomalies for as long as I lived." Martial Silver Thunder said with confidence.

Yoze appreciated that he had gotten some talents that were related to body control and the fact that he was wearing armor to cover his facial expressions. If he didn\'t have these things he was afraid that he would have been exposed due to how shocked he was.

He didn\'t think his use of Spiritual Suppression would have been mistaken for an unnatural event. But after thinking about it for a split second Yoze figured out that this was the best conclusion someone could make from a little bit of information.

Simply because if it was a real demon that used spiritual suppression then the only outcome would have been that both Yoze, Martial Silver Thunder, and the ambushers would have been killed not long after it appeared.

This was because Yoze never had the intention of using his spiritual abilities to gain an absolute advantage in a battle with Martial Silver Thunder. After all, it would have made it too easy.

Yoze wanted to test his martial arts skill and not his spiritual abilities. He wanted to know if he was going the right path of focusing on a breakthrough in a few martial art techniques instead of getting a wider range of techniques.

And he wanted to test this out through a trail of fire and fight against one of humanity\'s stronger fighters. He wanted to know if the strength of his body and the pure destructive ability of his few martial art techniques could go up against it or even defeat a Martial Grandmaster who has so many different types of martial art techniques at his disposal that he would never run out of techniques to use.

That was why he had canceled his spiritual suppression before he made contact and entered visible range with Martial Silver Thunder. Yoze didn\'t want Martial Silver Thunder to instantly surrender or hold back in fear that he would use his spiritual energy to suppress him again.

But it looks like he had worried for nothing since Martial Silver Thunder\'s explanation had gotten rid of any suspicion that he could have been the cause. Yoze still wanted to fight against Martial Silver Thunder even if there was a miscommunication.

So Yoze\'s mind raced as he tried to think of a solution to both use this opportunity to get rid of all suspicion and still fight against Martial Silver Thunder. It didn\'t take long before Yoze responded to Martial Silver Thunder with a plan.

"That\'s right, but I\'m not foolish enough to just trust that you will be a good partner to escape this anomaly with, you need to prove it to me." 

"Why should I prove it to you? Not only am I a Martial Grandmaster but I have decades of experience in dealing with anomalies so if I wanted to I could escape on my own." Martial Silver Thunder retorted.

"You need to prove it to me because just because I find it more convenient to work with someone doesn\'t mean I can\'t escape on my own. Plus, from the way you look, you must have experienced the anomaly much worse than me."

"Much less trying to help me escape you might instead slow me down and you might even require more of my help than I need yours. So I will take someone who could be a burden." Yoze said calmly while waving his empty hands to show that he has abandoned his companions due to viewing them as a burden.

"... Fine, how do you want me to prove it to you?" Martial Silver Thunder eventually relented to the fact that he was the one that needed to prove his worth.

He had long noticed that Yoze didn\'t have the companions that he had worked so hard to save by his side. For him to work so hard to save their lives but abandon them as soon as his life was in real danger showed how ruthless Yoze was. 

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