The Human Giant

Chapter 216 216: Evolving Plants

Watching the stars made up of Miessy\'s body fly away, Patty\'s eyes turned cold before he waved his hand to summon a long black pole covered in blueish clouds and dragons. With the appearance of the long black pole, a white fog with a faint smell of flowers appeared as it hid Patty\'s body.

"Is that the Fog Dragon Pole that was said to belong to the legendary Fog Witch? This immortal must be interested in stories." Seeing that Patty had once again drawn out another weapon that Yoze had only heard about from fairy tales, Yoze felt his excitement of finally stepping on the immortal path.

He initially thought that immortal tattoos were limited to creating beast tattoos. Still, from just a limited selection of mortals, he had seen four different paths, the Path of Beasts, the Path of Weapons, the Path of Eyes, and the Path of Stars.

They each had interesting effects and spells that would help increase his battle prowess immensely. However, Yoze was more interested in the possibility that he could form his own path that wouldn\'t lose to any other.

He could already break through the limits of martial art techniques and body cultivation methods and adapt them to fit his needs. So it wasn\'t a stretch to assume that as long as he could collect more spells and talents related to immortal cultivation, he would be capable of adapting and breaking the limits of spells just as easily as he does with martial art techniques.

At the moment, Yoze had been able to collect different sets of immortal cultivation manuals, the fire immortal cultivation manual, and the immortal tattoo cultivation manual. With just these two manuals, he was already filled with ideas on how to improve them further.

While Yoze was busy imagining his future, Patty threw his copy of the Fog Dragon Pole before jumping on top of it like a skateboard. However, the moment his shoes touched the Fog Dragon Pole, they seemed to fuse with its surface causing the Fog Dragon Pole to immediately stop its ascent and hover several feet above the ground.

With his feet attached to the pole, Patty looked in the direction that Miessy was traveling in and turned into a black light that rapidly narrowed the distance between them. As for the twins, once Yoze turned his attention toward where they previously stood, he realized they were already gone without him even noticing.

"Impressive. If they can only still be considered students of the Immortal Palace Sect. How powerful are the elders and the sect leader? In my current state, I hardly believe I could come out alive if I fought against the immortal named Patty."

"From just the brief glimpse that I had seen of his skills, Patty seems to have more spells under his belt than Welse. Not only that, the weapons that he is capable of producing are stronger than the weapons that Immortal Welse created, but Immortal Patty has more variety as well."

"But that is an unfair comparison for Immortal Welse since his immortal tattoos focused on transforming into beasts. And in our fight, I only saw two of his transformations out of an unknown amount. Hence, it\'s impossible to make a comparison between them." Yoze sighed as he was once again reminded of too many dangerous things about this world that he had no information on and could only take his time and train until he could deal with any threat.

After ensuring he placed his Crystal Grape into his pouch, Yoze turned his attention toward the Two-Headed Battle Axe covered in his own blood. He felt it was odd that Immortal Patty didn\'t bother retrieving his weapon back. 

It made him uncomfortable at the thought that someone could be using this weapon as a spying device, so he reabsorbed his blood and tossed the Two-Headed Battle Axe next to Immortal Scotty\'s body which had almost finished regenerating.

After which, Yoze quickly made his way back toward New Swamp Town to ensure his family would not be targeted by the immortals on their way to the Branch Forest. 

Yoze even took a roundabout way to get to New Swamp Town to avoid being detected by the immortals. Even then, with Yoze\'s speed, he arrived before the immortals made it three fourth of the way to the Branch Forest.

Back at the far eastern path side of the Branch Forest lay the Gecko region\'s territory. But, unfortunately, that had turned into a war zone where every valley, cliff, and behind every boulder was a soldier killing rapidly growing plants.

Each soldier dressed head to toe in metal armor was sending powerful strikes at the ever-expanding Branch Forest plant life shredding everything in their path. But, with the widespread invasion, Floyd and the other soldiers felt that the rocky terrain was more beneficial for them than they thought.

With the limited amount of space available to plant their roots on the earth paired with the sometimes dozens of miles deep layer of rocks before the roots could hit anything that could help their growth, only a few sections of the Gecko territory had rampant forest growth. As for the territories that did, General Blood Stone placed himself and his elite soldiers to block those paths.

What surprised everyone was the rumor that destroying any of the plant life from the Branch Forest gave a refreshing and energetic sensation was true. Even Floyd felt the nearly addictive sense of having his mind cleared and his body filled to the brim with energy after finishing off a few roots cut off from their main body.

With this discovery, each soldier could last even longer in this war before needing to retreat to rest than they first predicted. Yet, even with this discovery, Floyd felt that this was another ominous sign as such a strange occurrence that seemed to benefit them could only be followed by another that would harm them dearly.

The only question was whether they even had a choice to reject this temporary blessing. At this moment, they could suppress the forest from expanding further and even push it back a few feet, but they could all sense that this was only the beginning.

Just a few hours ago, the plants attacked them only when they were on the path toward the ground where the plant\'s roots planned to bury themselves. Now the plants seemed to have evolved as they attacked everything that was not plant life that entered the range of their roots.

This increased the danger of getting closer to the Branch Forest and signaled that the longer this war continued, the more dangerous and difficult it would be to suppress the Branch Forest\'s expansion.

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