The Human Giant

Chapter 276 276: A Brother's Hatred

"Roar! Roar!!"

The pack of lions\' roar shook the air. They rapidly ran over to Darwin, who seemed frozen to the point that he couldn\'t move. Just as the army of lions had gotten so close to Darwin that he could smell the bloody scent of meat coming from their mouths, the shadow beneath his feet disappeared.

When Darwin lost his shadow, he felt his body become weightless and swiftly moved through the hoard of three-eyed lions with ease. Without losing a single strand of hair from his head, he escaped the danger of being eaten alive by his brother\'s lions.


"Shadow Trap!"

Darwin activated the trap he had been preparing, feeling the same sense of battle spirit that Gray had been enduring. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Darwin\'s shadow suddenly appeared next to Gray before swiftly turning into large shadow tentacles that wrapped around his body.

Unable to react in time, Gray found himself completely trapped and unable to move a single finger, but he didn\'t panic. He had long known that his brother was proficient in movement and trap-type spells and had prepared for situations like this.

Without having to move a muscle, the blood tattoos on Gray\'s body unleashed a blood-red glow as they activated themselves. In less than a second, countless crescent-shaped blood blades exploded out of Gray\'s body, swiftly cutting up the shadow tentacles into tiny pieces.

On the other side, Darwin, who had his shadow sliced up, gritted his teeth as he felt the pain from every cut. Still, he endured the pain and activated another spell the moment his Shadow Trap spell was destroyed.

"Shadow Light!"

In an instant, Darwin\'s shadow, which had returned to Darwin, exploded with a blinding white light that engulfed half of the platform. Even though only half of the platform was engulfed in the sphere of blinding white light, the crowd of immortal cultivators felt a burning sensation in their eyes as they could only imagine Gray\'s pain.

"Damn it!" Gray screamed in pain as he could sense the cells in his eyes dying from the intense light. 

Even with his eyes tightly closed and his hands in front of his eyes, he could still see red as the light penetrated his flesh. Knowing that if this continued, he would go permanently blind for the rest of the battle and be at a disadvantage, Gray immediately took action.

·ƈθm He controlled his pack of three-eyed lions to ignore the pain and attack methodically until they either escaped the radius of the light or attacked Darwin. At the same time, Gray muttered softly as he used the Vision Tattoo spell.

As soon as Gray finished chanting his spell, the numerous blood tattoos on his body transformed into three-dimensional eyes that stared in different directions. Even though he was still enduring the pain of his eyes dying, a three-dimensional picture of his surroundings quickly entered his mind allowing him to see.


As Gray\'s blood eyes formed, they captured a blurry white shadow rapidly approaching, sending a chill down Gray\'s spine. Without having to think about it, he knew that it was Darwin\'s White Shadow Net spell which was not something that he could easily escape from once he was captured.

Acting fast, he snapped his fingers to activate one of the spells he had prepared for this moment. Within an instant, Gray\'s body began to rapidly deflate and shrink to only a quarter of his original size, causing Darwin\'s White Shadow Net spell to narrowly pass by his head.

Knowing that he had to act fast or his situation would continue to worsen, Gray manipulated the three-eyed lions close to Darwin to explode with rage and get as close to him as possible. Before Darwin could evade the lions, Gray caused all of them to explode.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The four separate explosions sent powerful shockwaves slamming into Darwin\'s back, causing his bones to fracture and break. At the same time, blood from the lions\' explosions splashed onto his body.


A split second after the blood touched Darwin\'s body; it acted like acid as it burned holes into his clothes before melting his skin and flesh. Feeling immense pain from having his body melted by acidic blood, Darwin\'s eyes became bloodshot as he felt his hatred for his brother explode.

"Gray, I\'m going to drag you back either dead or alive!" Darwin screamed at the top of his lungs, with his anger and hatred clear for everyone to see and hear.


Even though Gray had assumed that he had crushed all his love for his brother and family, the moment he heard that Darwin wanted to kill him, he felt shocked. He felt that he had lost something he had taken for granted and felt his mind become distracted momentarily.

Understanding that this loss of concentration was dangerous, Gray quickly dragged his focus back to the battlefield. But Darwin had already taken advantage of this momentary distraction and unleashed his fury.

"Blinding Crescent!" 

In an instant, Gray found himself surrounded by hundreds of white blades of light that blended into Darwin\'s Shadow Light spell. Even though he tried his best to form a defensive spell using his blood tattoos found that there were simply too many.

"Clank clank clank clank!"

The sounds of Darwin\'s Blinding Crescent blades continuously slamming into the Blood Sphere that Gray had summoned at the last minute echoed the entire base of the Southern mountain. As everyone saw that, the blood protecting Gray was rapidly evaporating alongside his crystal energy which was bound to dry up soon.


With Darwin\'s rage, he poured a large amount of his crystal energy into his Blinding Blade Crescents, causing them to double in size and power. Before Gray could adjust his plan, one of the Blinding Crescent Blades broke through his Blood Sphere and sliced through his neck.

An intense pain coursed through Gray\'s body as he tried his best to defend his Crystal Spine from being sliced in half. As long as he could protect his Crystal Spine and kept his head attached to his body he could heal with time.

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