The Human Giant

Chapter 317 317: Transforming A Mountain Into A Volcano

Even though the Eternal Justice demon felt that Yoze couldn\'t have found its nest, it couldn\'t help but find that some of its eyeballs kept wandering back to look toward its nest. Not only were its nerves not relaxing, but it kept feeling that something bad was happening.

That feeling continued to get stronger and stronger. As the feeling got stronger, it found itself getting more and more agitated. 

"God damn it. Where is he?"

"I feel like there is a knife on my back waiting to stab me when I drop my guard. The silence from Lucien must mean that the young demon is waiting to ambush me. I can\'t let my guard down." The Eternal Justice demon thought to itself as it committed half of its eyeballs to watch the ground and the other half to give him a 360-degree vision.

After committing so much of its resources to finding Yoze and protecting itself, the Eternal Justice demon began to notice some strange trembling coming from the ground. The slight shakes were extremely small and would be impossible to notice if he didn\'t place so much focus on the ground.

What made it anxious was that these small tremors seemed to follow a pattern. The pattern was similar to a rapidly beating heart, but it was slightly different. 

"Is the mountain heart beating?"

"No, something is wrong. I need to check it out."

As soon as it felt these strange tremors coming from the earth, the Eternal Justice demon\'s anxiety spiked, and it could no longer sit by and do nothing. It immediately collected its spiritual energy and spat out a large thick ball of bright yellowish slime toward the ground.

As soon as the disgusting thick slime touched the ground, it began to burn a hole through the earth while releasing toxic fumes. After melting a giant ten-feet deep and 20-feet wide hole into the ground, the Eternal Justice demon plunged its enormous body into the hole face first.

Even though the hole that was created wasn\'t very deep compared to its massive size, the Eternal Justice demon didn\'t mind as it was just to make it a bit easier to travel through the ground. The moment the Eternal Justice demon\'s skin touched the melted soil, it easily collapsed and melted further from the slime from its skin.

With a speed that seemed impossible, given its size, the entire body of the Eternal Justice demon disappeared into the underground world. After a minute had passed, it reached the point where it had lost track of Yoze\'s spiritual energies.

"So he went further down." After breathing a temporary sigh of relief, the Eternal Justice demon found slight traces of the direction Yoze had dug.

After finding Yoze\'s path, the Eternal Justice demon slowed its pace and tried to find where those strange tremors were coming from. It didn\'t take long before it realized they were coming from its nest, which caused its anxiety to explode.

As it was a demon, it knew that its newly hatched children would immediately begin to fight each other to the death the moment they were born. After which, the remaining baby slug demons immediately escaped from the nest and continued on their own path.

However, a few things were suspicious. It had just left its nest to fight Yoze, and all of its eggs still had plenty of life spiritual energy to absorb for another 24 hours, so they should have hatched so early. And second, the fierce battle between the baby slug demons shouldn\'t have produced enough force that it would be able to feel it from Gospel Peak.I think you should take a look at

Even though the Eternal Justice demon wanted to believe that Yoze couldn\'t have possibly found its nest, these strange occurrences and the growing sensation of danger it felt in its bones made it so that it could not calm down unless it saw for itself.

"No! Shit, how did he find it!?" The Eternal Justice demon screamed angrily as it suddenly noticed traces of Yoze digging toward its nest.

"My babies must be dead already! I will kill you if it\'s the last thing I do!" The Eternal Justice demon felt its hatred for Yoze deepen as its twenty eyes burned with rage.

After losing its offspring, its desire to kill Yoze and torture him exploded as its mind became consumed with killing Yoze. It didn\'t even want to consider the possibility that Yoze hadn\'t killed its offspring yet.

All the Eternal Justice demon wanted to do was make sure that Yoze would not be able to threaten its life anymore. So it immediately controlled its bloody red spiritual energy and sent two-thirds of it directly to its nest.

As soon as the blood-red spiritual energy touched the soil, rocks, and creatures living underground, everything was turned into ash and blazing hot magma. The temperature of the mountain immediately began to rise sharply and began to kill everything.

In the Eternal Justice demon\'s fury, it immediately swam through the hot magma directly toward its nest. As it continued to swim deeper and deeper, more of the mountain\'s internal core was transformed into magma, turning it into a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Even though the Eternal Justice demon knew that its actions would harm the development of its human farm, it no longer cared. After this battle with Yoze, it had already desired to consume all the spiritual energy of the humans in the village before restarting in another location.

"What is going on? Did I accidentally cause an earthquake from my recklessness? God damn it, my luck is awful today!"

"Forget it; even if this mountain erupts and causes all the humans to die, I can always start over. In the meantime, I will just start to consume human villages and towns again."

The Eternal Justice demon eyes showed confusion as it didn\'t expect that creating magma in a mountain would cause such an enormous reaction. Nevertheless, it didn\'t think about the consequences of its actions much since this eruption wouldn\'t cause him any physical harm.


Unfortunately, even though the Eternal Justice demon was right about that, an erupting volcano wouldn\'t do much harm to him due to his body being able to easily endure the temperatures of burning magma. The force was coming, for it was another story. As soon as the Eternal Justice demon heard the deep rumbling of the earth and the loud explosion, its instincts screamed of danger.

However, before it could respond, the force of Yoze\'s Bull Fist had already pierced through its magma and directly slammed into its head.

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