How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 15 How To Lead A Demon Raid

Everyone turned to the back and they saw a group of people standing behind the demon army. Three people were standing around a fourth person. One of them with blue hair had his hand stretched out and it seemed that he was the one that threw the lance of ice at them!

Dragonnel breathe out a cold breath as he finally got to use magic in a long time. He has to thank his master later for allowing him to use this much Mana without holding back. Floid has a lot of Mana in his body now so doing something like this is no longer an issue. Dragonnel can cast a hundred A-class skills and it will not harm Floid at all!

From behind him, Floid had an impassive look on his face as he looked at the two armies that seemed stuck in place. Rosavellt was frowning from her place beside Floid. She had a large shield that was as tall as her in one hand and also a sword that gleamed black in the other hand. On his other side stood Alucard. Alucard didn\'t even have any weapons with him, but Floid could tell that he was probably the most dangerous person here.

"What are your orders master?"

Dragonnel asked this question to Floid and Floid hummed for a second before he started to move forward at a calm pace. The demons were trying to take back his land and these stupid humans were actually trying to stop them? The humans were trying to kill his people without knowing whose land they are trying to steal? Unacceptable.

"Kill every single one of them other than the commander,"

That was all Dragonnel and Rosavellt needed to hear before they both disappeared in a burst of speed. Alucard stayed beside his master and followed behind him as they started to walk toward the battlefield.

The commander of the human army was a bit confused about what was going on. He had no idea who Floid was but he was angry that someone interfered in the fight! Why would anyone interfere in their fight!?

Well, it doesn\'t matter, I can tell that they are probably A class. This lance of ice is something an A class will make. Since that blue-haired man already used this lance, then I\'m sure that he will be low on Mana. We just have to kill them when they come down here if they don\'t have a good explanation for this nonsense!




But all of a sudden, shouts started to echo from his army and the commander turned to the side in shock. What he saw made his eyes widen! His army is dying!

Rosavellt was using the basic magic [Quick Step] to move across the battlefield and kill people at insane rates! Rosavellt has a blank face as she tore down human after human! No one was safe from her sword and anyone she touched with the sword will immediately turn black and dissolve into ashes!! The humans tried their best to attack her but they weren\'t able to get past the shield she held in her other hand! She would cover their magic attacks with the shield before flashing forward to destroy them!

Dragonnel on the other hand was walking calmly. Left and right, front and back, everywhere around him, you can see frozen humans that were stuck in an expression of agony! People would try to attack him, but with just a snap of his fingers, they would be another ice sculpture before they knew what they are doing!

,m The commander was just watching all this with shock on his face. What is this!? He can\'t possibly be losing his army here!! Who are these bastards that suddenly appeared out of nowhere!? There is no way that people like this have always existed in the demon army!

The demon army on the other hand was a different story. From the smartest demons there to the demons that were stupid and even those that didnt have a single brain cell in their head, they could all recognize the power coming from Floid. A demon will always be able to recognize its lord. Demons were falling to their knees left and right as they made a pathway for Floid to walk through. Floid only had eyes for the gate leading into the town. He saw Lilith looking at him with shock on her face and he could tell that she recognized him as the former hero. But Floid didn\'t have time for her. He was walking up to the gate when a human suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I won\'t let you pass villain - !!!"


Only for the human to burst into a million pieces as his body blew up! From behind him, Alucard coughed while cleaning his hand on a handkerchief.

"I\'m sorry for allowing you to see such a thing, master,"

Alucard wasn\'t apologizing for killing the man, he was apologizing for allowing the man to enter Floids line of sight at all! Alucard saw humans as nothing but a stain on the earth and for a human to dare come in front of the demon lord! How distasteful! How disgusting!

Floid took a deep breath as he stared down at the blood and gore at his feet. He was shocked by the fact that Alucard just killed this man with nothing but pure speed. Floid was sure Alucard didn\'t even activate a single spell. Just how strong is he?

But Floid was even more surprised when he didn\'t even feel anything when he was looking at the dead man. Not even a single bit of empathy! A human being was just killed like a rat and Floid could only feel empty. Oh well, I suppose I haven\'t changed at all. I still feel nothing for humanity even now!

Floid easily stepped past the dead man\'s body and made his way into the town gates. There was only a small wall that showed where the town started and it wasn\'t even enough to call it a wall. It was just a demarcation point. Once Floid stepped inside the town, he immediately saw a long line of adventurers lined up in front of all the people there. There were even some citizens holding weapons as they stared at Floid.

"Die. demon scum! We won\'t let a monster like you anywhere past here!"

"If you think you can beat us then come! We\'ll fight you till you\'re running for the hills!"

This was the sort of thing that the people there were all shouting. The humans here all knew that the demon lord has been killed once so none of them thought that Floid was anything important. To them, he was just another demon they could kill easily.

Alucard grit his teeth at the sheer disrespect that they were showing to the demon lord. How dare they!?

"My Lord, let me..."

Floid put his hand up and Alucard stopped as he watched Floi walk forward. Alucard knew that Floid was still a fledgling demon lord. He is still new to all of this and Alucard was the one that tasked himself to look out for the demon lord till Floid was ready to take the wheels himself. But right now, Floid didn\'t look like he was bothered at all with these adventurers. He was looking at them like they were ants!

"Who is your leader?"

Floid spoke in a soft tone as he looked across the line of adventurers. Once he asked this, a particularly large adventurer that looked like a buffalo on steroids stepped forward. He had on leather pants and a leather jacket with a large broad sword in his hand. He put the sword up to his shoulder and grinned at Floid. The man was an A-class that could even say he was stronger than a knight! He was extremely confident in himself!

"I am the leader here. And we will not let you pass no matter what! The hero has left us to stand in your way and there is no way that we will allow the likes of you to ruin the reputation that the hero left behind for all of us!"

[Earth Lance]

Stab! Stab! Stab!!

Silence. Complete and utter silence filled the entire town as they saw three long lances suddenly shoot out of the earth and stab the leader up the ass! The man had his mouth open in a silent scream before he dropped the sword in his hand and finally slumped!


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