Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 208 - For My Own Good

"You idiot! Mother Fragment!" 

Two curses resounded out and shocked everyone.

The Commander began to move. 

"HOW DARE YOU?!" The Commander shouted in anger.

Such disrespect towards him was intolerable. While killing Gojirrah wasn\'t the option, wounding him was!

Kyros was b


At that precise moment, Kyros used his most powerful ability.

"Anime Flashback Time?" Calaminus saw how the power of Pronto was activated to the maximum. Since Calaminus is stronger than before, the power of Kyros\'s quick thinking increased even more.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" Kyros began to chant as he was thinking hurriedly of what he could say or do to dispel the rage of the Commander. A wounded Gojirrah would ruin his plans! He needed him to have some power to fight the Champion and needed at least two champions to flee the kingdom.

As time slowed down, Kyros could confirm that the commander was attempting to reach for his weapon.

Kyros could not command Gojirrah to evade as he would be too slow! A Commander had an average dexterity point of 240 at the first level!

Even if Kyros cast haste ib Gojirrah, it wouldn\'t be enough! And if Gojirrah did manage to evade by some miracle, he would incur the wrath and added frustration of the Commander to make another attack.

"Ugh. I guess I can only use that method."

"What method?"

Kyros began to read the description of a particular ability he gained from the Blood Calamity.


Soul Projection

By harnessing the power of the Charmed Fallen, Kyros can project ethereal visions by using his soul energy.


"Soul projection. This should do the trick. Calaminus make a roar like a dragon the moment I reveal the image of a dragon! You also need to use Tackle at him to make him feel some resistance." Kyros ordered quickly.

"Got it! Let\'s go!"

"I\'m not finished... If we use Soul Projection and do that, the enemy is still a Commander! He won\'t be given in to fear! He might even do the opposite and attack!"

"I get it! A warrior\'s instinct to fight! So what\'s the plan?"

"In case he will still attack, the startling scene will make him pause. So I want you to help me show him something that will cause him to stop and pause! Something that will disperse his anger!"

"Like what?"

"The one you showed the Blood Calamity! That will do! It\'ll confuse him! And that will buy me enough time to correct this dumb Gojirrah!"

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help." Calaminus sneered.

"Just do it! I don\'t want to get killed because of Gojirrah\'s idiotic mistake! Damn that idiot! Nine champions, a Commander, and an army? How am I suppose to move out alive?!" Kyros cursed as the two began to act.

Kyros used his Soul projection, and a strange illusory image of a dragon\'s head appeared.

[Calaminus used Roar!]

[Calaminus learned Roar!]

[Calaminus used Tackle!]

A dragon\'s howl echoed out and stunned the Commander. The commander felt a strange resistance at the appearance of the vision.

But just as predicted, the Commander\'s reaction was to draw his blade.

Then, the image of the dragon changed.

Several burly lizardkin men that were naked began to dance around Gojirrah in a rhythmic pattern.

The Commander froze at the horrifying scene before him. He could not even unsheathe his weapon in his shock.

"This is my bloodline!" Gojirrah finally roared.

"It is a cursed bloodline... Forgive me. The Dragon blood that I acquired had such untamed desires. As such, my emotions are very... erratic." Gojirrah suddenly apologized. But as he was, Kyros kept chastising him.

"We almost died, you idiot! Are you dumb?!"

"But Lord Kyros... You said that your words are gold and wisdom!"

"And your brain is non-existent!" Kyros cursed.

"I didn\'t want to do this because it might draw more enemies towards me! Revealing a soul of a dragon-like that will undoubtedly draw suspicion! And the word of that scene will reach your base! Unless we kill everyone here, that report will be sent! And I fear Destiny can use it to bring more enemies to my home. It\'s ok if it was Fate, but a dragon\'s soul projection will draw in more enemies!"

"I..." Gojirrah was stunned.

"What was that...?" The Commander asked.

"It is the curse of this dragon! I have heard an interesting tale. The dragon that was sealed in that mountain is believed to have fought an enemy known as the Blood Calamity. The Blood Calamity is a descendant and servant of this, the Charm Fallen. These dragons managed to devour the Blood Calamity, but because of the great desires of the Charmed Fallen, the dragon has gotten insane. So while this power... is attractive... I will slowly lose my mind and become a beast that only wants to satisfy my sexual cravings." Gojirrah reported.

Kyros could sense that the hatred and greedy desires of those nearby suddenly lessened.

Kyros sighed in relief.

"Originally, I was going to use the darkness of Kyriachos as a means to stop them from being too greedy and kill and devour you. But, even though you showed them how dangerous your blood is, they will try to take some from you. And if I\'m not near, I can\'t make the blood act as it did earlier. They may find out something. Kyriachos would have been the perfect excuse to stop them from making those attempts. But I guess... this will do."

"A creature of the beast?"

"Yes... Even now... I am restraining my will. What you saw earlier was the Charmed Fallen\'s power. The dragon that I ate was originally classified as a Thane Dragon. Which is a kind of Warrior dragon." Gojirrah explained.

The Commander raised his eyebrows as a strange glint appeared.

"But now... that dragon is no longer a Thane..." Gojirrah sighed.

"What dragon is it?" The Commander asked curiously.

"Calaminus... Any ideas? What dragon could fit the bill?" Kyros secretly asked.

"A sex-crazed dragon? I don\'t know of any kind. Oh! I know! Let\'s make a name! How about a horny dragon?"

"... Next suggestion."

"Hentai Dragon."

"Nope. Try again."

"Cosby Dragon?"

"What the fragment?"

The Commander waited as Gojirrah remained silent.

"It\'s... It\'s..." Gojirrah was voicing vocally.

"Master! What name!"

Kyros and Calaminus were going back and forth various names, and Kyros cursed and gave the more descent one among Calaminus\'s suggestions.

"A Libido Dragon."

"... What a horrifying name." The Commander was shocked.

"I know. That is my curse. I came here... not to simply brag about my bloodline. But I want it purged, Commander." Gojirrah spoke.

"I am telling the truth about everything. My emotions are very fragile. That\'s why I attacked Tail One and killed that Captain of his. Please help me... I am... losing my mind!" Gojirrah begged.

The Champions were startled, and they looked at the Commander.

"We will talk about that later. Move inside. And as for that boy, send him to the Lizard Spellcasters and Alchemist. We could use him." The Commander ordered.

As the resolution was passed, Gojirrah sighed that his blunder only led to this.

Kyros, however, remained nervous. The accident was stupid. But it was a little TOO stupid.

"Was that Fate?" Kyros frowned, and he began to channel his Foresight.

"Hrm? What? Fate made you say Libido?" Calaminus asked.

"No! I meant Gojirrah\'s mistake! Fate caused his slip, but I fixed it. It seems Fate is planning something. And here I thought she would be helping me to the best of her powers now. It seems she is still in the path of making me go through problematic things."

"But I thought her curses have been lifted! You still have a month of free time before her success limiter and her other curses work!"

"Exactly. But I think we misunderstood Fate\'s rewards. Fate is doing this for my good. She is still training me to fight Destiny. Destiny is trying to kill me. Fate is teaching me how to fight Destiny. So while Success Limiter and Apathy of Fate has been halted, I may have passed over the limit. This means that Fate will then send her tribulation not just to me but to my family once the month is over! Right now, it\'s trying to stop me from getting stronger and gaining more advantages! Which is harsher than the previous trial! Before it acted and used the Temple to make sure I didn\'t go over the limit. But right now, it created a sky-high limit and even allowed me to extend those days because of the harsh trial to come."

"Then the Limit Breaching Trial will be easy? Last time it waited for you to breach and then trapped you."

"No. It\'ll be very, very difficult. Fate knows that I know how she works and will be throwing a different game. Let me put it this way. If my current overflowing limit is at B, Fate is already preparing a Tier S trial. It\'s intentionally allowing me to breach the limit so her powers to limit me will act. But I\'m guessing that since I defeated and outsmarted her, she is intentionally making the next challenge impossible to complete."

"So to win, you have to find a way to get to S level. All while Fate is playing these small tricks on you."

"Right. It seems that my mistake was allying with someone who doesn\'t have Fate Challenger. If Gojirrah is to be with me, he must achieve Fate Challenger. And not just him. All my future allies should have it. Otherwise, Fate may use them even without them knowing! Stupid and dumb mistakes may happen in the future!" Kyros frowned.

"So your friends might do dumb stuff in the future? Sounds fun." Calaminus chuckled.

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