Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 321 - Winner Of The Game

The hours of training and recovery were what the team needed. There were many gains from the fight, and Kyros gave a detailed report of the enemy that remained, and the group enhanced their plans.

Kyros met with the Coven and allowed them to drink his blood. While Avary and Gregory bit Kyros on his hand during their turn, the daring Scarlet placed Kyros\'s hand aside and went closer and bit Kyros near the neck.

"My, my. For a thirteen-year-old, Scarlet is quite daring." Martha chucked at the side.

After that, Mechiel dove in and bit Kyros on the other side. Her body was more mature, and she glanced at Scarlet as she greedily drank Kyros\'s blood.

"Erm... Mechiel... You weren\'t supposed to... oh, oh well. Just be sure to control the Blood Calamity." Kyros sighed.

Scarlet gave Mechiel a sneer and ignored her.

"I\'ll be going ahead, Lord Kyros. Be sure to have that big sister not drain you."

"Big sister?!" Mechiel erupted.

"Well, you are really old compared to my Lord Kyros. You best get with those of your age, Mechiel." Scarlet chuckled.

She was the first one assigned to enter the Enlightenment Chamber as the rest had other obligations. However, she needed to improve on her power as the sight of Reptilia\'s performance made her feel jealous.

Reptilia had moved up into the Library of the Light, where Branze and Diana trained.

"It\'s good to have you in, sister." Diana smiled as she called out to Reptilia.

"I\'m just glad you didn\'t have your eyes set on my Branze."

"I never dared. I am still a Coven member of Kyros. Besides, I already have my own eyes set on someone else. But I must ask you. Why did Lord Kyros make me do that dance? It seemed like a means to embarrass me, but I\'m sure he has his reasons."

"Husband?" Diana turned to Branze, who was still red from Diana, calling him \'mine\'.

"What? Oh right! Kyros\'s orders! Well, it\'s like this. We know the enemy has the ability to scan the souls and look at the memories."

Diana and Reptilia nodded.

"But the length and delays that Kyros successfully managed through his taunts prove that it\'s not that simple. My son said that reviving the dead is not generally possible. So these enemies of ours must have a special means to achieve it. In this war, knowledge is power. So my son assumes that this Necromancer will try to get the memories of his fallen men."

"So the Necromancer plans to check their last moments! I see! Is that why Lord Kyros made me dance? Sounds... petty of him." Reptilia was confused.

"Yes... Husband, won\'t the dance be useless? The Necromancer could search further into the past to get the memories he wants."

"No, he can\'t." Kyros moved towards the Library of Light. Next to him was Mechiel.

"Suspicious for my intentions, Aunt Reptilia?" Kyros laughed.

"No! Never, Lord Kyros! You were free to command me to do such. But I actually want to know if there was more to it."

"Actually, there is. It\'s an ingenious thing, really. Father is right. Heralcus will go and try to get their memories. But unless he revives the people there, he can\'t really read them. Where are our memories stored, after all? The brain! He needs to recreate the brain if he wishes to see their memories!"

"But won\'t that take time?" Branze asked.

"It\'s precise because of that that he will be trying a different method."

"Soul memories! You...! You terrible...! Terrible!" The Blood Calamity appeared and realized the plot of Kyros.

"Soul memories?" Reptilia asked.

"Calaminus told me about that a while back. You see, the soul can have memories. It\'s like the emotions of love that fostered and rebuilt mom and dad\'s relationship. It\'s also the same memory that drives me towards Mechiel. But, even without memories, the impressions that occurred in the soul remained. Normally, what would be the most prominent memory that you would have before you die? And I\'m talking about soldiers of war."

"It would be my murderer or how I die," Branze answered.

"Exactly. Heralcus will draw out that memory and immediately read the memories of all these souls to search for the most prominent memory that actually impacted their soul. And that memory would be my dear aunt."

Outside of the Temple, in the location where Eredus, Faust, and Lucas died...

Heralcus and Neteri were drawing out the souls that remained. They used even more deadly magic than what they previously used. The blessings of Destiny had allowed them better control of their souls.

The remnant souls of the Commanders were absorbed, and Heralcus saw their deaths.

He saw the shock and bitterness of Lucas and Faust as they got struck by the Temple\'s beam again.

Heralcus frowned. This did not give him any new information about the battle. What he needed was details as to how the army was destroyed. He was counting on the impressions of the Nephilims army to be retained in the souls of his Commanders. But these two had the impression of regret and anger and focused on the beam.

"Nothing! I learned nothing! Those useless Commanders!" Heralcus raged.

Heralcus focused and found the nearby soul of Eredus was found.

But as he absorbed his memory, he saw the battle against Aron, who was now several times stronger!

While this was good information, it still didn\'t allow Heralcus to see the army of the Nephilim.

"Damn those fools! Their regrets focused on what we already know!" Heralcus gritted his teeth and called for the souls of the army.

One by one, glimpses of the battle were shown.

A massive fire explosion occurred, and many memories were focused on this massive attack that had reached Commander\'s level.

"So.. it\'s this attack? But how was this done? What are the weapons that the Nephilim used? Could he have created a trap with powerful energy formation circles?" Heralcus guessed and continued to scour the souls nearby.

And then, the vision changed. From mere glimpses, the souls began to see a beautiful lizardwoman who aroused the desires of the dying soldiers in their last moments.

Heralcus saw the lizardwoman move and bowed and said something about offering them a dance to send them off to the next world,

"Look so good, yeah, look so sweet. Lookin\' good enough to eat." The lizardwoman sang and made gorgeous and provocative dance moves.

"DAMN YOU, NEPHILIM!" Heralcus roared as most of the memories he saw were about this, and the rest were vague impressions.

Back in the Temple, Kyros completed his explanation.

"So, that\'s the general idea." Kyros smiled.

Mechiel chuckled at the silly idea.

"Poor Cardinal. He must be vomiting blood." Branze couldn\'t help but feel sorry for him.

"Lord Kyros!" If we may intrude." It was Gojirrah, and Grugnyr was next to him.

"Gojirrah, Grugnyr? Oh! This must be about your promise, aunt Reptilia. I can\'t help you recant your promise that helped you become the winner of the game. You promised it, and as Steele, your word is your bond."

"That\'s ironic when it\'s coming from someone like you, Lord Kyros." Reptilia raised her eyebrow and smirked.

"You know what I mean." Kyros chuckled.

"Of course. Lord Calaminus. Who is the one who contributed the most out of all of them?"

"You\'re calling Calaminus, Lord?"

"...Isn\'t he a god?" Reptilia asked.

"Yeah... But... He\'s... He did... I guess when you put it that way."

"I actually prefer your Royal Awesome Sexy Thang." Calaminus clarified.

"And there you have it. The reason why I don\'t call him by any respectable titles." Kyros sighed.

"About the winner, Reptilia. There are a few contenders. You see, beyond the simple assistance of helping you get points, and preventing you from getting minus points, is the overall impact that these men have."

"So there\'s no one winner?"

"Right. And it really depends on you to define who has helped you the most. I can give you the works of these three, and ultimately, it\'s up to you to decide who gave you the most points. There is Gojirrah, who bravely fought and used his supreme, unyielding will to stop you from getting minus points. Here is the replay." Calaminus showed a video that highlighted Gojirrah\'s moments. He fought against Aron, Mezal, Branze, and an unfamiliar human.

Disregarding the last unknown human that Gojirrah fought, the video montage displayed Gojirrah\'s amazing and brave will.

"Then there is Grugnyr who managed to turn a majority of women to make you win by pointing out the advantages these women have without you." The replay showed Grugnyr.

"Ladies! Reptilia is the one who you have to remove! See her beauty that captivates even I, a mere orc! Martha and Diana are taken. The Emberdon sisters will probably use their power to be skeletons! And so, all your dreamy men will be slaves to this woman! Make her win! Make her mine!" Grugnyr reasoned, and it made many follow this cause.

It was smart, cunning, and wise, and the video turned to the woman trying their best to ensure that Reptilia won.

"We also have this guy!" Calaminus presented an unfamiliar human. It was the same human shown on Gojirrah\'s video.

"Who\'s that guy?" Kyros frowned.

"This is Jeff."

Everyone frowned as Jeff was projected on the screen. Strangely, there were no videos shown.

"And... what did he do? Why aren\'t you showing his actions?" Kyros asked.

"It\'s very difficult to explain the details. But his actions created various domino effects that allowed Scarlet to lose a lot of points, gave Aron that slip, made Mezal lose concentration, and even led to you and Hunter\'s very exciting and fun moment on the last game."

"Ah, that was fun! Hunter! We should do that game once more!" Kyros laughed as he recalled the dare of Hunter to perform trick shots and led to the two of them competing to create the funniest, comedic throws made.

"Lord Calaminus! What specific traits does this Jeff have?" Grugnyr asked as he was worried about this new rival.

"Erm... I don\'t know. Before the attack in the Middle world, he was a dentist in one of the kingdoms."

"A dentist?" Grugnyr and Gojirrah echoed.

"Yes. Anyway, Reptilia. There you have it. Three eligible bachelors who could be your husband! It\'s up to you to decide who has the most points."

Everyone turned to Reptilia, and her expression amazed everyone!

It was an expression of extreme delight. Her eyes were even in tears!

"So I can choose him as my husband? This is.... indeed the best results!" Reptilia smiled.

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