Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 450 450 The Matches

Chapter 450 Chapter 450 The Matches

"NEXT!" Miss Ivy announced the second pair.

Number 5 and 620!


"THUD!" Two contenders faced each other and the swift light steps of their entrance alone was indicative of what would happen next.

And indeed, Clark was not disappointed in what he witnessed in the next breath.

"Fatal Slash!"

"Hidden Blade Blossom!" They gave their best shot from the beginning and everyone was saved to see yet another protracted battle before them.

"PUCHI!" A head flew in a geyser of blood while another lost half of her lovely face in merciless diagonal strike. One was barely breathing and another was completely unable to do so.

It was clear to see who was the winner between the two.

"Congratulations to the winner!" Grand Master gave his usual smile and clapped his hands three times.

The bodies inside the arena vanished and they can be seen once more on many seats amongst the masses. Both of them were practically unscathed in the end.

Even the headless corpse returned back to the lands of the living once again.

With this kind of ban in the place, everyone could really give it their all since there was no real consequence to be had.

Perhaps only their chances of getting picked by the grand master was at stake in this special competition. The next match came and then another.

It did not take long for one of the girls next to our bored gamer landed a chance on the arena.

"You can do it, Miya!"

"End it with a bang!" Luna and the girls encouraged the most silent soul in their group. In reply, Miya gave a sweet smile and then her form was gone before them.

She materialized once more a few feet from the ground and made an agile touch down on the arena. Miya was facing almost a mirror-like image of herself in her foe.

While Miya\'s weapon was a long ranged sniper, her opponent brought a bow in a gun match. Alas, Miya never underestimated her enemy.

Clayton High may be a home to thousands of students but the real experts that hid amongst them could not exceed seven hundred in number.

It could be seen from this fact alone on how easy it was for any contestant to compile a list of their most probable opponents today.

And so Miya has already abundant information about this girl before her. A second more and 2 shots rang at the same time.

"BANG!" One from a gun.

"PFFFT!" And another from a bow. Both missed but this has not disheartened them from trying.

In the end, rapid shots were released over and over again but no hits were gained in the aftermath.

A full 5 minute of this same dance of bullets and arrows elapsed until one of them changed her tactic completely. And the result was easily seen in the next breath alone.

"You are amazing, Miya. But this trick won\'t work on me next time." The girl said towards the one who defeated her clean and square.

"..." Miya nodded and smiled towards the girl. Both of them were focusing on fatal kills at the beginning. The heart and the head were the most common targets for them.

Luckily for Miya, she changed strategies and began to focus on being unpredictable. This plan gave her opponent a missing right foot in the end.

With most of her mobility gone, the girl could only concede defeat unto our very own Miya.

"NEXT!" Miss Ivy announced the winner and then aptly presented a new pair to fight. The matches went on and on. In time, all the girls finished their preliminary battles.

Monique summoned vile spirits and her opponent got eaten in full. It was raw and messy. Even Monique herself suffered a few bites from her foes minions also.

Ella faced another healer like her and if a battle like theirs happened, it would normally take days before they could finish.

Thus, a rule was set that whosoever manages to land the first blow shall win the contest. Ella has great physical combat abilities which got her the win in the end. Ariana was a Lord Sentinel.

She fought toe to toe with a young man who possessed amazing defensive skills like her. The battle was ugly to say the least. Luckily for Ariana, she had outlasted her enemy at last.

Luna ended her battle with one slash of her deadly knife while Samantha burned her opponent to ashes in the first 3 breaths of battle.

It could be seen from this overkill that level 3 students were rare at this time. Only the richest of clans could afford to train their young ones to that particular height.

\'Are they planning on continuing this battle through the night?\' Clark could not help but grow weary with this circus play.

Although his wrist watch pointed at 7 o\'clock in the evening but the arena was still well lit by a magnificent morning sun overhead.

It seemed like the passage of time did not occur in this special world. It was morning all throughout.

Perhaps the only good thing about this event was how there was abundant free food for them all.

The dishes were top class and many which served the purpose of our bored gamer\'s facade of being a mortal. He ate his fill and drank to kill the time.

And since he has done that already, it was a great chance for him to cheat time.

\'I need to maintain the illusion that i am nothing special.\'

\'I will let them think that this fat body can only ever be a mortal in their eyes.\' Our bored gamer wisely planned and then immediately grew silent in the next.

He closed his attention inwards until he could barely hear and feel what was happening behind the veil of his sealed eyes.

Before long, a gentle snoring sound could be heard but was totally ignored by everyone else in the scene.

They were much too focused on the fights to think about a single fat young man who chose to have his time of rest in their midst.

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