Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 847 847 Conference

Chapter 847 Chapter 847 Conference

A whole month passed since Jian Wenxin and her pet fox arrived in the city of Lucky Origin. This short amount of time was more than enough to alarm the majority of the top dogs in the place.

"How strong is that mysterious woman?" A man in a mask asked his peers. They were in a secret hideout and all of them were hiding their identities to the best that they could.

Even if they profess a tight friendship and alliance outside, this was rubbish in comparison to their own clan\'s continued survival.

At first glance, the shadowy figures numbered more than 20.

"..." A deep silence ensued before a brave man answered in an obviously altered voice.

"We don\'t know. We don\'t even know her name much less her origin. But she appears to have no cultivation base whatsoever.

She must be hiding her strength behind a treasure or she could be several realms stronger than us. This could only be why we could not discover her cultivation base at all."

Another long pause happened as everyone of them had their own respective thoughts on the matter. One other faceless man or woman broke the silence after two minutes of static.

"That may be true and we may not know anything about that mysteries woman but there is one thing that we can be sure of.

The nine tailed fox that follows her around is definitely stronger than all of us combined. Its master is absolutely much stronger than a mere contracted pet."

This statement was agreed upon many of them. They had personally checked with their own two eyes some time in the past month and this was an undeniable truth indeed.

One should know that the strongest amongst them was only in the Golden Physique cultivation base.

Suppose that nine tailed fox was at Physique Longevity Realm then its master, that mysterious woman, could perhaps be at the Purified Physique Realm already.

This conclusion terrified them to the extreme!

"What course of action can we take?" The first speaker asked once more. He was not interested with the problems as much as he was in knowing how to solve them quickly and efficiently.

"I advise that we are not to act rashly. If we let our feelings command us, that nine tailed fox alone could obliterate all of our clans combined!

We simply don\'t have any chance at fighting against that beast." One wise soul imparted his wisdom unto his friends.

"Impossible! Not with the Su Clan occupying a much larger influence of our businesses and markets in the city. We could not last one hundred years in this direction.

Else all of the key places in this city would have been turned into the surname of Su and nothing would be left of us. Perhaps only bare bones and trickle of soup for us to lick.

I for one could never accept that fate!" An angry rant came next.

"So are you willing to spearhead the charge and eradicate that mysterious woman and her pet? Your clan sure is brave." A voice of ridicule answered the long rant.

"I\'d go ahead and die a quick death than witness the diminishing of my clan. We all know what would come next once that happens.

And i don\'t need to remind everyone that we\'re all in the same boat here.

We may not feel it today but give it a hundred years at most and it would be our turn to become beggars and sluts for hire in the streets.

That would be a great moment to watch indeed! Our enemies that had come to pass before us would be laughing in their graves!"

The one who ranted earlier laughed a long sad one in the end.

No one joined him in his forlorn mirth. Once he was done laughing, another deafening silence arrived amongst them for the umpteenth time.

"What about we release the news about her presence in this city? I would think that a whole lot of personalities would come forward later on.

After all, that woman and her pet is a rarity in this desolate part of the world." Someone suggested after a time.

"That would be a futile attempt. It would only raise the prestige of the Su Clan.

I could totally see a legion of fanatics that would willingly serve that mysterious woman based on her beauty alone. A number of us cultivators has been crazy for much much less."

Another cultivator answered.

"I beg to differ. Although there would be a lack of strong cultivators in our Berserk Province but the whole world is so big.

In other provinces, there would sure be someone who would be interested and we could only hope that at least one of them can also match that mysterious woman in cultivation base.

We should not forget the existence of ancient sects and old kingdoms around here that has been standing since time immemorial." A new voice commented.

"Those old monsters won\'t act without sufficient rewards for the risks that they would take. And besides, the mightiest of them only have a Physique Longevity Realm as cultivation base.

They won\'t stand a chance against that mysterious lady if our worst assumptions about her were true." And another joined in the conversation.

"..." The whole group returned to uneasy stillness.

"Since we already have exhausted our means against the problem that we have then let\'s go with that plan no matter how weak and far fetched it is.

That would be better than we do nothing at all.

I will send secret letters in other cities of the province and will also hire messengers that would spread word of this mysterious lady\'s stay in our city.

I also hope that each one of you would do the same. As for open conflict, me and my clan shall abstain from doing so.

There is a huge difference between certain death today and the expected decay of our clans in one hundred years or more in the future.

We\'re all Golden Physique experts and so we still have so much time for growth. Who knows how far we\'ll go in a hundred years from now?"

The first speaker said and the meeting was concluded in that fashion.

"I wish my clan could also birth a lucky man like Su Wen." One last person said and this sentiment was mirrored by everyone in attendance.

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