Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 15 15. Aftermath

Hearing this Lucius just shook his head.

"We can give you a clean death as long as you do us a little favour. Just tell us the location of your main base." Stated Lucius

As soon as the bandit heard this he just scoffed.

"You think I\'m going to betray my brothers because of the threats of a brat like you?"

As soon as Lucius heard this he just shook his head.

The biggest illusion of this poor bandit was thinking that he ever had a choice in this matter.

The bandit leader probably saw the academy uniform and thought they were just some noble academy students, but who were they? They were members of the revolutionary army!

A bunch of lunatics who even demons in which even demons would cry if they fell into their hands much less some no name bandit

Looking at the ignorant guy that was still spitting nonsense about loyalty and betrayal, Lucius just shook his head with a trace of pity as he turned back towards Alice

"Alice, I think you should get back into the carriage for a while. Me and Camilla need to go investigate something really quick, we\'ll be back in a short while so don\'t worry."

Alice was still a little confused when she heard Lucius\'s words but she didn\'t complain.

Besides, she really didn\'t like the scene of countless bodies lying around.

Even if she knew that these were a terrible group of men that wanted to make life horrible for them if they ever won she couldn\'t help but feel an inexplicable sadness as she saw them.

So without much hesitation, Alice stepped back inside the carriage.

As soon as Lucius saw this he and Camilla didn\'t wait around dragging the bandit leader a short distance away into the nearby forest

After a short while, a burst of horrifying cries ruptured in the forest making all the small creatures and birds hurry away in fright.

There was some rather decent sound insulation inside of the carriage so Alice didn\'t hear much but the two drivers sitting outside of the carriage both shivered as they heard a set of traumatic shrieks and wails from the forest.


Several minutes later, Lucius and Camila could be seen walking out of the forest as they wiped off the blood that had stained their hands.

When this was combined with the tragic wails of only a few seconds ago, it was enough to make the scalps of the two watching carriage drivers go numb!

Although it was quite difficult to watch torture take place first hand Lucius didn\'t feel like what he did was morally wrong

As for pity? How could Lucius feel such a thing for that bandit leader?

If the man had his way he would turn Lucius into his personal boy toy!

Even if the man\'s body was smashed to pieces Lucius wouldn\'t pity him but only applaud the killer for doing such a thorough job in exterminating such a scourge!

As the two of them approached the carriage, Lucius told Camilla to inform the two drivers of their next plan, while he went to tell Alice.I think you should take a look at

As soon as Lucius entered the carriage he could feel Alice\'s curious eyes turned toward him so he just smile as he began to speak

"After our investigation, we\'ve managed to track down and find out the location of the bandit camp."

After saying this Lucius paused for a second before he continued.

"I know this might come as a shock to you but after we found out that there were still people being kept there, me and Camilla decided that we can\'t just ignore it. We\'re going over to free the people! It\'s just that I\'m not sure if you\'d want to come along, it\'s a risk after all…"

As soon as Alice heard Lucius\'s words her eyes lit up as she looked towards Lucius with pure admiration.

"Of course I want to go!" Said Alice

"I won\'t miss the chance to help anyone in need!"

After saying this she couldn\'t help but look at Lucius again.

"It\'s so amazing that you want to help people even at your own risk, just like you helped me earlier. Lucius, you really are a kind person!"


Seeing the sight of his LP increasing in front of his eyes, a wide smile appeared on Lucius\'s face.

"Of course I want to help people. The goal of joining The Sanctuary is to become a hero that can help the whole of humanity, so I won\'t hesitate to rush into that bandit camp!"

\'Besides, there\'s something more important than anything else there\' thought Lucius secretly

\'I have to get the protagonist\'s first treasure!\'

After Lucius spoke with Alice to confirm that she was on board and after Camilla cleared things up with the carriage drivers, the group didn\'t stay and linger around any longer and quickly left the scene turning down and off the road, heading away from the capital and deeper into the forest.

What Lucius and his group didn\'t know was that just an hour after they left another carriage could be seen coming down the road and stopping at the scene of the battle.

Soon after the carriage stopped, an extremely handsome man with snow white hair and dazzling blue eyes could be seen getting down and stopping in the middle of the battlefield.

Although the battlefield had been cleaned up there was still blood splattered on the floor and several corpses thrown to the side of the road.

Looking at this, the white haired man was a little concerned

\'If an unprepared traveller was to meet such a large group of bandits it could be quite problematic. Fortunately, it seems like the bandits were the unlucky ones in this scenario\'

The white haired man was a little curious as to what happened there but after looking at the battlefields for a while he quickly grew bored.

\'Bandits are boring anyway. It would be best if I could meet the other students at the academy as soon as possible!\'

After thinking like this, the man didn\'t want to stay on the battlefield a moment longer and hopped in his carriage before continuing on the main road, the complete opposite direction Lucius and his group had travelled earlier…


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