The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 103 - Alpha Predator (2)

"This guy was probably the reason for the previous wolf\'s behaviors..." Danzel mumbled to himself.

The information contained in the remark was enough for Danzel to realize a few things of apparent Alpha of the wolves.

Though he hadn´t the time to look through every single skill of his, he could guess some of the skill functions, like [Penetrating Bite] and [Camouflage] by just the name alone.

With the former guessing to be the bite version of [Piercing] and the latter being his way of becoming invisible.

But even though he knew that he still went ahead and check the [Camouflage] skill even if could only read so many skills/talents in the given time.

[Camouflage]: Upon activation, the user slowly starts to blend through, making him seem invisible to the naked eye. That skill gets canceled if you are 10 meters away from a target that isn´t an ally..

[Lower Force Regeneration]: Through the use of your life force, recently made wounds are starting to heal slowly.

[Tireless]: The user can delay the effect of complete exhaustion for a short amount of time.

[Golden Eye]: Grants vision of the surroundings life force. 

"Growl!" Baring his teeth, the Alpha looked down to Danzel who was no longer than 5 meter´s away from him.

"You sure are confident by showing that ugly face don´t you?" Danzel said with a hint of mockery, but inside he was wary of that giant wolf.

After all, this was the first monster that was so much taller than him.

And though the previous exchange it was obvious that even though I am stronger than him, his pure mass alone made the stat difference irrelevant.

In a sense, size does matter...

He had already lost half of his mana cause of him sending the mobs at him.

And with the wolf\'s size and health points, it doesn\'t seem like he would be able to finish this in one fell of a swoop.

"Woof!" With the bone digging through the ground, the Alpha wolves raised one of his legs and swung the scythe-like bone claws towards Danzel.

`[Dash]´ With the use of his skill, he took a step back and managed to get out of the swipe of the claws.

The claws barely touched his shield and creating bright sparks.

Swinging Veren towards the Alphas leg, he managed to cut through his flesh shallowly.

Seeing the wound, the Alpha didn´t even flinch and continued chasing Danzel with his claws.

After this short exchange that happend with the wolf, his arm looked like it was thrown in a blender.

Danzel whose body was burning hot through the abuse of mana got distracted which resulted in being hit to the side and send rolling to the ground.

Rolling for a few rounds, he quickly stands up only to find the Alpha Wolve in front of him with his now healed leg above Danzel\'s head.

"Dammit!" Cursing out loud, he raised his shield and caught the falling down bone claws above him.


With the Alpha pressing down on Danzel, the ground itself started to crack with Danzel\'s boots slowly digging through the ground.

He was stronger, that was a fact.

But with Alpha\'s long legs and heavier built it didn´t matter.

As he was now being pushed down by this `weaker opponent\'.

To Danzel the current situation that he was in made him frustrated.

Never had he been so frustrated since the moment he woke up from the lake in that gave.

It was to the point that he was grinding his teeth.

"You mere dog...just because you are bigger than I, that doesn´t mean that I will allow myself to be best against a damn animal!"

Mana traveled through his hand that was holding the shield.

As he was about to bend to his knees by the sole pressure alone, he finished his cast.


Saying that out loud with his deep yet cold voice, the mana traveled through the ground just below the belly of the Alpha Wolves.

Only for an earth wall starting to rise under the belly of the Alpha wolf.

"Woof?" As the Alpha wolf notice the chance, he felt his belly being hit by something hard.

What shocked the Alpha wolf though was that he was rising from the ground until his footing on the ground was removed.

The moment the wall stopped rising, the Alpha started to fall forwards towards where he was pressing Danzel down.

Of course, Danzel was waiting with his blade glowing with dark green light.

"I will cut you in half!" Danzel yelled with Veren raised behind him.

His eery ethereal eyes were full of hate inside of them.

At the same time, the Alphas\' middle golden-eyed twitched slightly and sharply look at Danzel\'s blade.

The Alpha wolf clearly remembered how that pitch-black food killed his first slave from afar.

With a quick reaction, he moved his body down with his claws digging through the earth wall.


Just before the dark green wind blade managed to reach the Alpha wolf, with all his strength it jumped using the wall as his footing towards one of the big trees.

Unfortunately, the distance was too short to not pay a price.

"Growl!" The Alpha that stuck with the help of his bone claws to the tree, grinding his teeth as he felt pain at his backside.

Staring at the wolf who disposition itself like that, something heavy fell beside him.

Looking at what it was, Danzel grinned viciously.

"I wonder what the other wolves will think of an Alpha without his tail."

"Howl!" A dreadful loud howl full of anger escaped the Alphas mouth, strong enough to create a slight vibration through the air.

`That must be the [Howling Dread]´ Danzel thought disappointed.

From the name of the skill alone, he thought it would be a much more impressive skill, but in the end, it was just a loud bark...

What Danzel didn´t know, or rather didn´t feel was that his howl had a bit of life force mixed in, which just by hearing would one put into shock from the vibration in their insides, which created one\'s body to tremble.

If someone else more normal than him, were to get hit by this and face a wolve twice times taller than them, it wouldn´t have been weird if they started to panic and fear.

But for Danzel who was oblivious of that considered this powerful howl as just a loud bark from an overlarge dog. 

After all, he was undead, want to deafen him?

Good luck with that.

Want his inside to vibrate uncontrollably?

He had none.

Even then, Danzel who eyes were burning full of killing intent towards the Alpha wolf, completely ignored the slight vibration that was happening through his bones...

Seeing all that, the Alpha\'s anger increase to the next level, as his powerful howl who dominated all other beasts in his territory was nothing towards that dark food.

"Woof!" Flexing his muscles the Alpha jumped to the next tree again and again.

"What is it doing?" Danzel watched confused, as the Alpha was jumping with incredible speed to tree after tree.

Though it was faster by doing that, it was also further away and clear to see.

As Danzel started to suspect the wolf to want to run away, the Alphas started to slowly turn invisible.

"This one..!" Danzel rushed towards the direction of the wolf as he realized what he was up to, but his realization together with his speed was too late.

"That bastard..." He gripped Veren\'s handle with even greater strength out of frustration.

But instead of throwing a fit or anything, he stayed completely still as the feeling of ill intent was still here.

`To think it would do such a thing...´ Danzel though.

Even if he wanted to kill that wolve, he was still impressed by this things intelligences.

Seconds passed with silence, slowly turned into minutes of silence.

"When will it come-" As Danzel was starting to doubt his skill [Greater Sense Danger], he felt a sound of broken wood behind him.


Out of thin air, the tree behind Danzel had cracked.

Turning swiftly his back, all that Danzel was a massive mouth open wide and ready to take a piece out of him.

"!!!" Raising his long sword, Danzel swung at the Alphas wolve face, but just about it was to reach the face, the scythe-like claw got in his way.

He managed to cut through the wolf\'s arm, but at the same time, Veren was pushed out of his hand from the clawless leg.

`It sacrificed his hand!´ 

He tried to raise his dark crystal shield and use [Armor Mana Plating] in his armor.

After he has done that, the massive jaw of the Alpha wolf came and bitten at his left hand who was holding the shield.

The sharp teeth with life force fused together slowly dug through his armor, and his entire arm and shield were in the wolf\'s mouth.

"You..." Danzel said as his frustration faded with a feeling of clearance coming to his mind.

The anger was still there, but the situation didn´t call for a clouded mind.

He looked at the wolf\'s eyes who were turned into a moon shape.

"You arrogant piece of..." Danzel who clearly noticed the mocking hiding behind those three eyes wasn´t going to let everything end here like his.

"You want to eat my hand, huh?! Then have a taste of that!" Grabbing the wolf\'s tongue with his left arm inside the wolf\'s mouth, a dark green glow came from his gauntlets.

"Grow..!" The Alpha growled out of pain, which made it a bit even harder.

The wolf\'s eye turned seriously as he couldn´t feel his tongue anymore and the pain was getting worse and worse by the second.

But it knew that as long as his fang breached that dark scrap away, he would win.

"You think I am done!?" Danzel said with a vicious grin under his helmet.

Two ethereal blue hands appeared out of the Alphas wolve vision.

Flying towards the lying down rune long sword, the two hands picked it up and flew towards Danzel.

The blade soon reached back at his owner\'s hand, and holding it upside down he pierced the rune longsword at the third golden eye that has widened up from the shock.


The Alpha wolf opened his mouth and jumped backed out of pain to the ground.

Danzel who was still holding the Veren blade, gripped the blade tightly as a crimson color started to appear.


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