Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 394 Swift Revenge

[Name: Lothur Ritter]

[Physique: what doesn\'t kill you makes you stronger]

[Bloodline: Life Devourer]

[Cultivation: level 9 -> 11]

[STR: 32.6 -> 49.7]

[CON: 101 -> 202.2]

[DEX: 33.1 -> 43.7]

[AGI: 37 -> 60]

[INT: 93.4]

[PER: 105.5]

[WIL: 80 -> 84.1]

[EVF: 623 -> 0]

As Lothur tried to ignore his new status, the blade of the sword touching his neck broke as he moved his arms to give a boost and stood up.

Lothur\'s three enemies, who were still conscious, were surprised by his sudden recovery, all with expressions of pure terror on their faces.

That was not just because of their enemy\'s frightening recovery but because they all felt a terrible sensation coming from this young man\'s body.

It was as if the source of all their fears had been released inside that young man, making them feel fear just by looking at Lothur.

That was particularly true for the rotating pentagram on the forehead of the silver-haired young man, which seemed to carry the symbol of death.

The three were already exhausted, but they could feel the suppressive force coming from that enemy, which seemed to be limiting their cultivation!

"Damn it!"

"Run!" The woman who had incited most of these people to act against Lothur screamed as she felt that only death would await them there.


\'Why do we defy this demon?\' One of the two men, someone at level 11, trembled in fear, trying to turn to run away from Lothur.

But the three of them could not compare themselves to Lothur right now!

[Name: ** Vogel]

[Soul Cultivation: level 12]

[Body Cultivation: level 10]

[STR: 57] [CON: 58.1] [DEX: 57.2] [AGI: 58] [SOU: ???]


[Name: ***]

[Soul Cultivation: level 11]

[Body Cultivation: level 10]

[STR: 53.9] [CON: 55.1] [DEX: 54.6] [AGI: 54.1] [SOU: ???]


[Name: ***]

[Soul Cultivation: level 11]

[Body Cultivation: level 10]

[STR: 54.8] [CON: 56] [DEX: 54.9] [AGI: 55.3] [SOU: ???]

Because they had exhausted their soul strength and were physically tired, the recovered Lothur was superior to them in every way.

But not only that, Lothur\'s lineage ability was naturally good at suppressing even people stronger than him. So at this point, none of these people were lucky. They all fell under the deadly judgment of young Ritter!


The people watching the fight in the surroundings felt goose bumps on their backs as they sensed the ominous feeling Lothur had just emitted.

And seeing the red mist coming off this guy\'s fingers and the terrifying killing intent that had made the surroundings darker, many did not want to wait for the fight to end.

As they felt cold sweat dripping down their bodies, the smarter ones began to run in fear of Lothur targeting them later.

It was known to all that leaving witnesses in situations like this was never good. So they had assumed the worst, that Lothur would use his advantages to eliminate them all!

\'Damn it!\'

\'What an absurd risk!\' One of them was still trembling with fear, already running far away, afraid that Lothur would come after him in the coming days.

\'I\'ll have to spend some time away from Peters City and not tell anyone where I was today.\' This person and others made up their minds about similar things, afraid that even if they ran away successfully, they would end up attracting Lothur.

So while Lothur\'s three still-conscious enemies screamed as they felt their vitality vanishing from their bodies, dozens of people left that area without looking back.

Lothur also sucked the vitalities from each of the unconscious bodies in his surroundings, taking the lives of all those who tried to take his life.

He did this for several minutes, feeling extremely enraged, even considering his advance.

That was the first time he had come so close to losing his own life, so the feeling he had in his heart was uncomfortable. He felt terrible as if he had narrowly awakened before an irreversible calamity.

Thus, he absorbed the vitalities of those bodies while shaking with anger, feeling the veins in his forehead and head quiver with his nervousness.

In the midst of this, Lothur unconsciously killed all the plant beings within a radius of about 40 meters from where he stood, leaving a trail of darkness behind.

This darkness turned into a strange flame, degrading the life in these plant organisms and withering them until they became similar to the \'dehydrated\' bodies in their surroundings.

[EVF: 708]

When he finally saw the system message about all the added EVF points, Lothur calmed down and realized all the evolution he had been through.

\'I have moved up levels and have now reached the 2nd stage... Uh? Now I can see the status of people at this stage!\' He thought about this as he realized that the system had, for the first time, made a differentiation between soul and body cultivation.

But he still could not see mental attributes. Therefore, he could not notice Soul\'s value.

As Lothur realized his new situation, he suddenly noticed a difference in his vision. \'Uh? What is it? It is as if I have suddenly changed the lenses of \'my glasses\'...\'

Lothur had worn glasses in his past life, so he knew what it was like to have his eyes used to one lens and switch to another with higher specifications.

As his Skull Soul Bone had evolved, thus elevating its ability, he immediately felt his vision improve significantly, similar to the abovementioned situation.

[The Silver-grade Demon General\'s Skull Soul Bone was upgraded to quasi-Gold grade.]

Lothur suddenly saw the notification from the system regarding his Soul Bone, which had just been significantly improved. And as such, the ability that such a thing gave him also improved.

[All Seeing Eyes] [Rank: Near-Gold]

[Progress: 94%]

Previously the progress of his All Seeing Eyes was at less than 10%, so after the step advancement, such a thing had jumped significantly!

Oh? That must be because of the benefits brought by stage advancement...\' He remembered that during stage advancement, the body and soul of the cultivator passed through this process would more easily absorb the unrestricted Natural Laws in nature.

Because of this, Soul Bones could evolve along with their users, which justified why cultivators valued these items.

Lothur then was very pleased with these and other gains that he would realize later, but he wasted no time and began to collect the spatial rings from his enemies.

But he did not bother to clean up the area where he had acted since many people had seen him and fled. So, as much as he wanted to hide things, his work would not make much difference there.

Therefore, he just collected the corpses to dispose of later, leaving the affected terrain behind and soon departing to Peters City.

This time, due to his more accurate visual ability and higher physical characteristics, he was faster and had an easier time moving to his goal!


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