Blood Titan System

Chapter 191 Genetic Abilities

Undoubtedly, the amount of Nuclear- energy her body possess would have at least surpasses 500,000 nuclear points! 

Just the devastation caused by her single fist was more than anough testimony to her strength. 

She didn\'t make any move as she stared intently into the deep hole. Her gaze solemn and never once changed. 

There was an odd feeling when she struck him that made her uncomfortable. For some reason, it was as though she had struck a block of slimy dark matter instead. 

Just as she was pondering, a sharp crackle rang out of no where!


The entire world seem to turn dark, crackling with dark lightning within them. 

A s the cloud up in the sky about 10,000 meters swirled violently, they suddenly started surging together, condensing with the intensity of their lightning getting darker and more powerful until they condensed into a single, pure black cloud. 

Heavy lightning as thick as a sky holding pillar rumbled above ground and in the next second, 


The lightning instantly struck downwards at the hole. 

Seraph who was so close to the hole stomped her feet heavily to the ground, vanishing from her previous position two kilometers away. 


This roar was even more powerful! It was one filled with intense sickening darkness that seemed to want to consume all those who heard it.

As the sound waves surged forth, they crashed against the earth like a tidal wave of sonic force. The ground beneath the Female Titan\'s feet quivered, unable to withstand the overwhelming power of the roar. The very soil cracked and fissured, as if the earth itself was trembling in fear of the unleashed might. And then, in a violent rupture, the ground surrounding the large hole fractured and collapsed, creating a chasm that swallowed anything unfortunate enough to be in its path.

The cataclysmic effects of the roar reverberated outward, causing shockwaves to ripple through the air. Trees bowed and shattered, their branches torn asunder by the invisible force. Dust and debris danced in a frenzied whirlwind, obscuring the battlefield and cloaking it in an eerie haze.

A sense of desolation settled upon the surroundings. The air was heavy with a foreboding silence, broken only by the distant echoes of the collapsing terrain. 

This time, the three Envoy\'s watching had drastic changes in their expressions. From the roar and the amount of energy emanating and still climbing up, the Masked-man\'s nuclear energy had also surpassed 500,000 units. 

Although the Masked Man uses a trchnqiuoto change the nature of his nuckesr energy to pure dark matter, the envoy senses had been honed through numerous battles, they could sense the approximate amount of strength the Masked-Man held. 

Heat waves surged out maniacally as the surrounding gases vaporized under the extreme heat of the atmosphere.

The collapsed ground suddenly opened up and a massive demonic hand broke out of the soil. 

In the next second, a massive pure dark titan approximately 25 meters tall leapt out from within the collapsed ground. 

In the next moment, a massive pure dark titan approximately 25 meters tall leapt out from within the collapsed ground. 

The titan\'s skin, ashen and charred, seemed to emit an ethereal glow, its very essence tainted by the darkest of malevolence. Jagged, obsidian-like protrusions sprouted from its massive frame, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the ground. The creature\'s eyes, glowing with a sickly green hue, radiated an unholy intelligence that sent shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to lay eyes upon it.


As the Devil-titan landed, the ground quaked, but could not collapse anymore as the entire hroindujad already been compressed together, forming a massive crater that was almost 10,000 meters wide. 

"Thump! Thump! Thump!"

Seraph\'s foot steps echoed like the beat of a battle drum, causing pressure within 500 meters radius of her feet to shake violently. 

At first glance, she appeared quite slow but in the blink of an eye, she had crossed 4000 meters, reaching towards the dark-skinned titan in the blink of an eye. 


Steam escaped the corners of her lips almost igniting the air with its heat as she slapped her palm forwards.


The air shrieked miserably as though an F1 race car was moving at its highest speed. Her palm heated up violently and it\'s looked like the flat-side of an iron mountain shooting forwards at a speed invisible to the naked eye. 

Before the palm could could slap towards the dark skinned titan\'s chest, a jagged fist immediately intercepted it. 


The two attacks collided, sounding like two heavy mountain of flesh and bones moving at high speed colliding. 

The shockwaves shook the entirety of the surrounding space, gaining an even deeper color which signified the strength of this attack was stronger than their previous once.

The grand envoy\'s charge was forcefully halted. But her expression didn\'t show one of disappointment. Instead, her her fingers clenched and immediately wrapped around the jagged fist. 

Putting her large, pillar-like right foot forwards, she then turned in lightning speed, putting the arm over her shoulder and in the blink of an eye, she exerted force using her back, her hand to pull forwards and her shoulder. It was a shoulder throw! 


The dark skinned titan was forcefully tossed over her shoulder. 

The shoulder throw was succefully but the geounduquaked bit for the titan\'s back hitting it but because in the last moment, the dark-skinned titan has suddenly twisted, landing on its feet instead of its leg. 

Seeing this, Seraph\'s expression changed and without warning, two large and monstrous dark looking tentacles shot out from the dark-titan\'s back, stabbing toward Seraph\'s chest. 

With such close proximity, there was no way Seraph\'s reaction speed was high enough to release her grip from the titans hand and defend herself against the tentacles attack. 

"DING!" "DING!!"

Sparks and vibrations reverberated, causing the air to ripple violently as the gravitation force became unstable. This in turn caused numerous objects to float upwards due to the instability. 

At the last moment, Seraph\'s supple chest immediately hardened but even then, the two tentacles managed to dig at least ten inches into her chest. Thankfully, her it didn\'t dig deep enough into her chest to injure her Nuclear Pulse. 

Instantly, she flashed backwards using the movement technique of her war-goddess. 

She stared at her chest and the instant she saw two holes on her chest, her face darkened as she saw two greenish liquid dropping from the injury. 

She had been poisoned!

But her war-goddess physique wasn\'t an ordinary titan body. She was almost resistant to all poison but this poison from the dark-titan proved to be toxic than the ordinary. It could even take down a leviathan in one shot!

Seraph\'s eyes immediately flashed from gold to red to violet.

In that instant, the reality of the Dark-titan before her seem to have shook as though turning ethereal. 

Seraph suddenly snapped her neck to the left side, A figure emerged from the shadows. It was the dark-titan, unknowingly appearing as a towering sentinel of darkness, its malevolent presence both terrifying and strangely protective.

Without hesitation, the dark-titan opened its maw wide, a portal to a void seem to appear from its mouth and ray of potent power coalesced within the ethereal depths of the dark-titan\'s being. Charged with the malevolent energy of dark matter, it surged with an otherworldly force that defied comprehension. He had actually activated one of its Genetic ability 

With a thunderous bellow, the dark-titan released its ominous creation, a pillar of pure darkness that pierced the air, slicing through the chaos like a scythe through wheat. 

Time seemed to slow as the dark-matter pillar surged forth, propelled by the immense strength of the titan\'s titanic form. Swirling with shadowy tendrils, it crackled with suppressed fury, threatening to consume the very fabric of reality. The air trembled in its presence, as if recoiling from the sheer malevolence contained within its depths.

Time slowed to a crawl as the dark-matter pillar neared its intended victim. The warrior\'s eyes widened, her heart pounding like a war drum within her chest. The world seemed to blur around her as the air crackled with an unsettling aura of impending doom. She looked as though she was bracing herself for the inevitable impact, her instincts urging her to evade the unavoidable collision.

But in that fleeting moment, her eyes turned violet. 

"ROOOOOOAR!!!" A roar that was enough to crush all reality. 

* * *

"Shit! He made her transform into her second form. Are the people from the House of Dark Matter that powerful?" Blood-wutch muttered in slight frown. 

"Amitabah Buddah. Almsgiver shouldn\'t say words like that and as for the House of Dark Matter, Benefactor Seraph\'s should be able to defeat him using her second form but it is going to be a difficult and long battle."

"Damned monkey! Who is your almsgiver?" Blood Widow cursed out loud before nodding her head in agreement. While the dark-titan might be strong, no one was able to defeat Seraph\'s second form of War-goddess; Mad God! 



Heaven and earth shook as the pillar of consuming dark ray that was as large as a sky pillar slammed into Seraph like the gushing of a rushing dam. 

There was no doubt that even those with Four integrated gene would never being able withstand such attack. It was an attack that could wipe out an entire city in one move! 

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