The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 200 Clones As Strong As Transcendents

"He\'s already aware and alert, I won\'t be able to sneak attack him like that again."

Sneak attacks only works to those unaware after all. I could use the Orb of Concealment but he\'s already wary of his surroundings. It wouldn\'t have that much of an effect.

"You haven\'t used your Energy Amplification and the gun you borrowed from Dannae. That girl worked hard for you to fill that up again with her ability. When will you use that."

Nysia pointed out.

Right. To make sure we will accomplish our objectives, I had that girl work hard for me again. She complained at first but in the end, she happily did it. Thinking that by doing so, she would be able to help me again and in turn, make me look for her more often.

When I brought her and her mother here in the city, she was wary of everyone at first so I had her stay with together with us while the disguising device was still in development. Due to that, apart from getting closer to me, she also got closer to Nysia when they interacted with each other.

Because I see her as someone normal, Nysia also dropped her prejudice against her heritage of being a half-Anzean which made Dannae happy that she started treating Nysia as her older sister.

That\'s why when we sent her to also train in the Aegis Battalion after getting the disguising device, she happily consented to it. She wanted to grow and be useful for us in the future.

"It only has one shot. That\'s for when he will attempt to escape. An energy blast like that would disintegrate him to pieces if he turned into his black smoke form after being considerably weakened. Also, I have this."

I smirked and pulled out the Totem Pole from the Necklace. I stabbed it at the other side and channeled a huge amount of energy into it.

As I run my Flux Energy in it, Phantasmic Doppelganger was activated.

The four Purple Haze clones that were destroyed from Lucas\' desperate retaliation after receiving that severe damage instantly reformed once again.

This time, the four clones\' Transcendent Aura became almost as strong as the original that the blood-red Metagens trembled and were blown away from the overlapping aura and pressure which the four clones emitted.

With their appearance, it\'s like four more Transcendents descended out of nowhere to this place.

The enhancement from the Totem, the Energy Amplification and the enhanced Energy Output from the Purple Haze made the Phantasmic Doppelganger\'s clones strength reach as high as 80% of my original strength. Just like the clone that Julian could produce after channeling for a long time.

If my base Power Level is 160+, each of the clones has more or less 120+. That 120+ will also be buffed by the Domain of Valor which will add at least 40 more.

And due to that, each of them will have the Power Level value of a new Transcendent.

At some point, I\'m already too overpowered for a normal Transcendents. I wonder how I will fare against the Dark World Transcendents? Will their Level 2 Source Energy become something like an advantage against us who only have Level 1 Source Energy?

I\'m still not clear but if I have to guess, their Energy Intensity will surely be higher than us and in contrast to that, their Energy Control will be lower than us.

Well, it\'s just a guess and there\'s only one way to check that. Meet and fight them.

"Daisuke, will I still have my turn? Four Rank 1 Transcendents and each of them is as tricky as you. That Lucas will be in for a beating."

Nysia complained as she watched the four clones fly up and start their assault on the black Metagen. Their Speed and Strength really felt like watching four Transcendents ganging up on a lone enemy. He\'ll surely be massacred soon if he didn\'t do anything to escape from that predicament.

"You will, that guy is surely still holding some trump cards. He had a lot of time where he hid his strength. That guy is also a good actor, I tell you."

I glanced at our side to check at what\'s happening. Though I expected it, I witnessed a fascinating and incredible performance from the girls.

Leianne and the others used the chance that Kreed and his group was devastated from witnessing their Emperor get beaten up by a Specialized Metagen to also land a sneak attack on them.

Coincidentally, their sneak attacks were perfectly timed when Kreed\'s group were blown away by the reappearance of the four clones.

Lunaria\'s weapon choice was a spear and together with Leianne\'s rapier, they managed to turn 2 of those disoriented blood-red Metagens into scrap metal in one swift strike while opening the way for the triplets who managed to finish off two more.

It was so swift that if I\'m not focused on watching for any unexpected move Lucas might do, I would\'ve gone over and praised them for picking up that kind of style from me. The training I ingrained to them paid off.

I should create more sneak attackers in the future. Backstabbers might be good as well.

Kreed who\'s the only one that managed to somehow resist the Transcendent Aurae noticed their attacks too late that their advantage of 1 to 5 had gone down to 1 to 4 in a short span of time. Right. Just like how their Emperor suffered that massive amount of damage in a similar fashion.

In retaliation, Kreed and 3 Legend-ranks from the other blood-red Metagen Pilots who managed to stabilize themselves opened their domains which was a manifestation of different awakened abilities.

Kreed\'s domain looks like a pool of blood which tries to sink enemies stepping onto it. Apart from that, it probably has more effects which will manifest once someone gets caught inside it.

The other three domains were a bit underwhelming but they all did their part as they overlapped with that pool of blood, enhancing the effects of their domains.

With only the Moonlight and Blizzard Domains from our side, the clash against their domains resulted in a series of explosions which instantly engulfed the surrounding area.

As they started that, they already completely forgot the higher leveled battle behind them as they all focused on winning against each another.

When it reached that point, I turned my focus back to Lucas and the four Rank 1 Transcendent clones.

The All-black Ultimate Metagen generated an arm made up of his black smoke to replace the missing arm. With the amount of energy he used for that, his speed visibly slowed down. No matter how much energy he circulated, recovering a hacked-off limb was impossible so he had to improvise.

Like I thought, when the four clones who turned once again into Purple Haze Dragons came soaring down from the skies, he\'s already alert enough to resist them.

However, Lucas made one critical mistake. He thought that the clones were the same as earlier.

To resist the four hungry dragons, he only raised his still attached arm to block the two clones assaulting his right side and the black smoke arm to block the other two clones assaulting his left side.

As soon as his figure was seemingly devoured by the four Purple Haze Dragons, the area where he hovered issued loud cracking sounds and explosions which instantly lit up the night sky.

And from below, another arm of his black Metagen could be seen falling down along with a huge chunk of his Metagen\'s torso.

Due to that one critical mistake, not only did he lose another arm, his Metagen\'s body was torn apart as he desperately teleported away from that area.

He reappeared 50 meters away with his Transcendent Aura flickering like a candle whose fire is about to die. With two of its limbs cut off and its torso being damaged to that extent, that Ultimate Metagen was now beyond repair.

"He\'s already on his toes. Should I go out and finish him off?"

Nysia commented as we both watched the almost destroyed Metagen from the distance. She\'s already itching to fight since earlier.

"Wait a bit, Nysia."

I grabbed her hand and had her stay beside me. Maybe I\'m just being too cautious here but it\'s better than dealing with an unexpected outcome.

From the screen, the four Purple Haze clones chased after that black Metagen. However, a huge amount of black smoke suddenly manifested from it which traversed the surrounding area and became something like a tall solid black barrier which prevented the four clones from advancing.

Before our eyes, the black Metagen melted visibly which turned into more black smoke that further reinforced the barrier. As more and more black smoke was produced, it then circled around him and became a dome-shaped barrier wherein the interior dimmed, losing Lucas from our sight.

As to what was happening inside that, we wouldn\'t know unless we break into that black solid wall.

Upon seeing that, I had the four Clones concentrate their strikes at one point, however, the barrier kept repairing itself faster than the Purple Dragons could bite at it.

I could ask Nysia to show herself and use her ability to weaken that barrier down but I refrained from doing that at the moment. That solidified smoke barrier was probably one of his trump cards which he could only use once.

I have to examine it first using my original body before passing the baton to her!

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