500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 660 Rules of the Games

Chapter 660 ?Rules of the Games

The twilight sky was clear as a score of Vampire women made their cautious yet determined journey towards Northwall. Giggles and excited whispers floated in the cool night air, but underneath the excitement, a hard knot of apprehension grew within them. Their arrival in Northwall was taboo, a forbidden action that had consequences they were all too aware of.

"Are you sure we should be this close to the city?" one of them whispered, her eyes darting left and right suspiciously.

"We have to," a stern voice answered. This was Emeria, a Lich, and the de facto leader of their group. "As dangerous as it is, we belong to this world as much as the angels do. We have our right to claim our place."

Walking through the shadows of the city, they kept a keen watch for any signs of Angelic presence. Their determination, however, was quickly met with trouble.

An alleyway. The perfect place to corner someone. By the time they realized they were surrounded, it was too late. The figures emerged from the shadows, their radiant angelic aura difficult to miss.

There was a soft rustling of feathers as the Angels unleashed their wings, glowing with an eerie blue light in the pale moonlight. Trapped in the alley, the Vampires watched the Angels warily.

"Now, now ladies," one of the angels scoffed, her hand on her hip as she eyed them with disdain. "What brings you to Northwall?"

"Cut the banter, Loraine," Emeria spit out her name like venom. "We have as much right to be here as you have."

Just when the tension seemed ready to burst, a thundering laughter echoed through the alley as a large form stepped out of the further darkness. The women were startled and the Angels looked surprised as, silhouetted against the faint city lights, a towering figure emerged.

With a massive double ax mounted on her back and muscles like steel, Kali, back from her training, stood tall, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Now, now, ladies. Bickering in the back alleys of Northwall?" she said, her voice rolling like thunder.

Her eyes then moved to the Angels as she paced towards them, a dangerous glint in her eyes. She grabbed two of the angels and smashed their heads together, knocking them out cold. The third, stunned by the Amazon\'s audacity, didn\'t have the time to react before Kali caught her by the back of her neck.

"As much as I enjoy a good fight," she began, her grip tightening on the Angel\'s neck, "it seems you\'ve forgotten the rules. We are all invited guests in this city, regardless of what we are."

Throwing the Angel aside, Kali turned back to the Vampires, her eyes softened a bit. "The Goddess Games are a time of unity among us all. You\'re here to prove yourselves worthy, not settle personal scores."

With those words, Kali left the alley, leaving the Vampires to stare after her in surprise and respect; they might be different, but they didn\'t need to be enemies, not when they could be so much more.

Walking out of the alley, Kali paused, looking up at the sky. The Goddess Games were almost here, and she planned on participating. Unfortunately, she and the other women who had been guards for the city previously had been asked to help with patrolling the city.

"And Kali...," Emeria began, unsure of how to express her gratitude to the Amazon who had just unexpectedly saved them. But Kali, with her usual nonchalance, waved them off.

"The rules should be upheld," was all she said before striding off, her stature tall and her footfalls echoing in the alleyway.

Emeria and her vampires watched her go, still in slight shock, their previous fear momentarily forgotten. Emeria turned back to her peers, her eyes full of determination. They had overcome one obstacle, they would handle any others that came their way. They were here for the Goddess Games and they intended to participate.

"We will prove ourselves, as vampires. Not because we have to, but because we want to. We are not what they think we are," Emeria finally said, her words ringing true in the silent alley. And with that, they strode out, ready to face whatever challenges the Goddess Games would bring.


"Are we going to get to meet him?" Sheri asked Penny as they walked through the market, but the Red Healer just shrugged.

"From what the other women said, he is going to be busy all this week away from the city. I think he is spending time with his new child," Penny explained as she and most of the other Dog-Folk ordered meat sticks.


The Red Healer turned to see Nya, Chili, and a herd of other Cat-Folk behind them.

"Nya? I thought that you were supposed to be helping the other goddesses get ready for the Goddess games?" Penny asked in confusion, but the Cat Goddess shook her head no.

"There is not much for me to do until Galio changes the city. That is supposed to be happening later today sometime, so I am free till then!" Nya cheered, but Penny peered around her at Chili.

"How come you are not with the Countess? I thought that you two would be together?" Penny asked, but Chili shook her head.

"Senna is forcing her to help out. She is in charge of welcoming the dignitaries that come from the other island. She asked if I wanted to help, but it didn\'t sound like very much fun," Chili said, and Penny nodded.

"What are you all doing right now?" Nya asked, and Penny held up her meat stick.

"Just eating for now, and watching everyone. Senna asked me to keep an eye on everyone to make sure that all the races get along," Penny explained, but Nya poked her head around to look at the women behind Penny.

"So, you and the rest of these women are Goldenia\'s champions?" Nya asked after looking the Dog-Folk women over, and Penny nodded.

"Some of them, but we are missing five. They decided to stay back and rest," Penny explained and then looked at the large group of Cat-Folk behind Nya. "Are all of these your champions?"

Nya let out a long giggle. "No, well, except for Chili! The rest of my girls that are participating are still back on my island! The girls are getting serious because they are all excited about the grand prize!"

"Grand Prize?" Sheri asked, and Nya\'s eyes lit up.

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