500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 670 The New City

Chapter 670 The New City

The portal closed behind me, and I let out a forceful sigh. I should have known that Tallia would want me to do the same, and I would in due time, but I didn\'t want to force it. I also didn\'t have the time to be thinking about this right now.

Below me, the city of Northwall was alive with activity. The city was getting fuller with each minute as people were waiting to get into the city from both the south and north entrances to the city.

I wished I could just start changing the city, but Senna had demanded that I tell everyone before I started. It wasn\'t a bad idea since it would be a lot harder to work around people if they were panicking. Waving my hand, one of my birds came over in front of me as blue screens started to appear all over the capital. I wanted to make sure that every person got a chance to see.

"Citizens and visitors of Northwall, my name is Galio, and I am the god of Goddessia. I am sure that most of you know me, or at least have heard of me. I am talking to you today like this because this is a momentous occasion for not only Northwall, but everyone that is here to witness it!"

"I am going to progress our city into an establishment capable of embracing the ever-growing population and the increasing societal needs that come with it. But before that, let me thank everybody for honoring this proud city with your presence. Today Northwall will see changes that will enhance its potential and prestige."

A loud cheer echoed through the city, drowning out my next words. I chuckled to myself, waiting for the enthusiastic cries and applause to dwindle before I continued.

"As we are hosting the upcoming Goddess Games here, it is only fitting that we make Northwall as grand as the occasion. I will be expanding the city to four times its original size, beginning right away. However, do not panic. These changes are created with magic and will be comfortable for everyone within the boundaries."

I then began explaining the changes. "There will be three new universities. The first will focus on the study of ancient lore, the deciphering of age-old languages, and the analysis of historic magical artifacts. The second university will center on alchemy, herbology, and the magic of medicine; discovering ways to converge magic and medical knowledge for better healing capabilities. The third university will unlock the science of magic and explore its integration with mechanical principles."

"The last and final thing that I ask is that everyone keeps calm and keeps their hands inside the ride at all times! The world around you is about to change before your very eyes!" I cheered, and then closed all the screens and snapped my fingers.

Instantly, every item and person in the city was surrounded by a bubble, floating slightly off the ground. Once they were all safe, I rolled up my sleeves as the city came alive like a gigantic organism. Buildings started to shift and morph, growing wider and taller. Houses spread out, tripling in number, creating diverse neighborhoods each with parks and stores of their own. Everything moved with a fluidity betraying the monumental change that was happening.

The city walls tore themselves apart, the blocks creating new structures as they moved across the city. They rose, rearranged, and reshaped themselves into magnificent buildings, creating universities, bathhouses, and arenas as though they were living entities. The process was interactive, as though the city were alive, breathing, and growing organically.

Streets broadened, and alleys turned into roads that extended beyond the city walls. Sprouting from the center of the city, a grand railway line extended North towards Torrain and East towards Bramma, connecting Northwall to the neighboring cities. Magical trains started to appear on the tracks, ready to commence their service.

Surrounding the empty space the heart of the city stood three sprawling buildings, rising majestically from the living streets. Their architecture was a marvel of craftsmanship, deploying designs that were in tune with their dedicated educational focus.

The first school sat like an ancient castle, exuding a mystic aura. Beautiful vines hung from the stone walls, the greenery parting to reveal intricate carvings of historic symbols and ancient languages—the scholars of ages past. Inside, grand classrooms filled with historic texts and magical artifacts sprouted to life. Laboratories equipped with advanced decryption equipment appeared, bearing the evidence of long-forgotten epochs ready for unraveling.

The second university, dedicated to alchemy, herbology, and medicinal magic, was akin to a gigantic greenhouse made of crystal and wrought iron with towering stained glass windows that depicted numerous healing spells. There were vibrant gardens and alchemical greenhouses housing rare plants surrounding it. Inside, one could see well-structured labs with transparent partitions separating each section. There were magical cauldrons, an array of medicinal herbs, and even an advanced healing chamber.

The third university had the charm of a modern, sophisticated edifice that was laden with technological advances due to its focus on the science of magic and the integration of mechanical principles. Gears and gizmos adorning the building gave it a steampunk vibe. Within the robust structured walls, one could spot advanced magical labs, robotics workshops, and applied magical physics departments. Turning gears and revolving constellations decorated the ceilings providing a futuristic appeal to this place of learning.

Now that most everything had been finished, there was still a gaping hole in the center of everything. I had saved that spot for last since I had yet to create Eliza\'s new castle. While she had only had a mansion before as a countess, the city was now more deserving of a majestic castle.

The castle that was to rise in the city\'s heart was to be a monument to joy. Its foundation was wrought from warm red brick and dazzling marble, a tribute to the earth from which it was born. Towers soared towards the sky, elegant and soaring like pillars of happiness reaching for the very heavens. Their peaks were crowned with silvered parapets that shimmered like the morning dew, competing with the sun for splendor.

As the castle began to shape, each layer added more magnificence. Eliza\'s new abode was adorned with flowing arches and intricate leaves of ivy framed the grand entrance. The massive oak wood doors revealed the great throne room inside, lined with crimson velvet and gold detailing. Giant stained glass windows illuminated the room showcasing Eliza\'s crest and the majesty of their immortal city.

Staircases curved upward like tendrils, leading to numerous grand rooms: A magical library boasting an enchanting arrangement of ancient and modern literature, a banquet hall echoing laughter, and a grand ballroom waiting to be filled with music and dances.

Towers housed the celestial observatory, the enchanting study room, and numerous luxurious living quarters with floor-to-ceiling windows providing captivating views of Northwall. Each room was a testament to Eliza\'s charm filled with vases of everlasting blossoms and paintings that added a touch of magic.

Perhaps the most heartwarming was the sight of the expansive plush gardens swaying in the breeze behind the castle. It was filled with glorious blooms and enchanting forest critters, a lively place for Eliza to enjoy her afternoon tea.

It was a castle deserving of a regal countess, a fortress of glee, and a beacon of the city\'s joy. As the citizens gazed upon the castle, astonishment etched into their faces, I knew in my heart that Eliza would love it nonetheless.

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