500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 678 The Dance of Dragons

Chapter 678 The Dance of Dragons

In the crowd of the bustling city, whispers grew louder as all attention was drawn towards the unfolding spectacle. The ground trembled underfoot as the fiery dance was about to commence. Cherry spiked her aura, the palpable heat escalating tension amongst onlookers, while the cool Glacia stood as a chilling contrast. Pyrrah however, wore a smirk as mischievous sparks danced in her eyes.

The crowd drew back on instinct creating a makeshift arena. Draconia, from her hidden observation, couldn\'t help but bite her bottom lip in anticipation. Not only was her daughter about to face Pyrrah in a prototype match of the Goddess Games, but her old acquaintance was here with enhanced powers.

The broadcast crystals lit up to life, a sign for the beginning of the impromptu combat. Draconia watched as Cherry took her stance, her body moving with the agility of a dragon about to leap. Pyrrah, ever the performer, glorified the moment. She blew a stream of fire into the air, which swirled wildly over the growing audience.

Most of the female onlookers that weren\'t participating in the games assumed that this was part of the festivities that were popping up all around the newly formed city. Even as the floating signs warned of the imminent fight between the contestants, the women of the city and the ones visiting seemed to pay them no mind.

"So! Looks like the goddess\'s own little Eggling is coming to try and take her mother\'s position!" Pyrrah sneered and then looked at the other two dragon women. "And what are you two supposed to be? Her servants?"

"servants?" Glacia spat back with a glare that could melt steel. "I will become the next Dragon Goddess! Not this flaming hot mess of a dragon. Or Cherry for that matter." Her voice was ice-cold but held a powerful command. It made Cherry flinch, but she quickly regained her composure.

"You wish, Glacia!" Cherry retorted, fiery determination burning brightly in her eyes. "Pyrrah, get ready. I won\'t go easy on you!"

"I am just going to pretend that someone like you didn\'t just call me a mess, Glacia! Or should I let everyone know just how much of a slob you are?" Virdis retorted and then waved her hand. As she did, a small messy scene started to form on the ground.

"Hey! Stop that!" Glacia hissed, kicking away the grass diorama Virdis was creating. "Just because my den is a bit untidy does not mean that I will be any less of a goddess!"

"If the realm was left to you, there would be half-eaten carcasses everywhere! I am surprised that Virdis even comes to visit you anymore!" Cherry laughed, making Glacia get even madder.

"Ehem!" Pyrrah said, clearing her throat, but none of the three dragon girls listened to her.

"I do not have them lying everywhere! You make it sound like I never clean my home!" Glacia snapped, but Virdis shrugged.

"From what I can-" Virdis started to say, but all three girls jumped back as a whip of fire snapped between them all.

"Do you think that you girls are done with your bickering? Or shall I just destroy the entire place while you all chit-chat?" Pyrrah snapped, her eyes ablaze with irritation.

Her blazing whip cracked again in the silence that followed her words, causing the crowd to gasp. There was a tense moment of silence as Cherry, Glacia, and Viridis shared a look. Then they all turned to face Pyrrah, expressions solidifying into determined scowls.

"Bring it on, flamebrain!" Cherry roared, lunging forward.

"Get ready to eat ice!" Glacia screamed, cascading towards their opponent in a flurry of frost.

"And keep your eyes on the green!" Viridis chimed in with a roar of her own, shoots and leaves sprouting from the ground around her feet, wrapping around her in a swirling maelstrom of vegetation.

While the goddesses watched the fight unfold, Draconia\'s heart clenched with worry. Cherry was brave for standing up to Pyrrah, but the fiery goddess was not known for playing fair.

Just then, a group of Orc women pushed their way through the crowd. At their lead were O\'Lee and Me\'Tal, their tribal markings vivid on their skin. Recognized as other participants in the Goddess Games, the crowd immediately erupted with cheers and hoots of encouragement.

Pyrrah, noticing the new arrivals, raised a brow. "More girls wanting to play with fire?" She teased, but her smirk seemed to falter a bit when she saw the Orcs.

O\'Lee let out a boisterous laugh. "By Galio\'s beard, no one explained how amusing this would be! Let\'s give them a taste of our strength, Me\'Tal."

"Agreed, O\'Lee," Me\'Tal affirmed, cracking her knuckles. With no further words, they joined the fray, their moves fluid and coordinated.

Despite Pyrrah\'s enhancement of power and the chaotic flair she was putting on, the five contestants comprise a formidable force. The enduring strength and passion within them shone through in the face of adversity, turning the challenge into an electrifying spectacle. As the energy levels rose, so did the morale of every spectator witnessing the tussle, their roars of applause and encouragement echoing throughout the city.

"Looks like things are becoming a bit too even. The playing field is too fair for my liking, so I think that it is time that I turned the tides in my favor!" Pyrrah shouted above the clash and roared. With a sweeping gesture, explosions started going off all over the area of the city they were fighting in. Not only the girls were thrown into the air, but also some of the citizens around them. Though, as each of the bystanders was blown away with the buildings, each of them was covered in a shield, to prevent any damage to them.

The five contestants were not so lucky.

"Don\'t you think this is taking things a bit far?!" Draconia demanded from behind the once building that was now rubble.

"Remember, we\'re supposed to observe and interfere only when necessary," Claire reminded her, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos.

Elfinia clenched her fists at her side. "Just because we\'re on a vacation doesn\'t mean we can allow this to continue!"

From their spot, they could clearly make out the girls struggling to cope with the sudden escalation. Cherry was barely able to shield herself from the falling debris, while Glacia was using her ice magic to create a frozen fortress around her. Viridis was calling on the plants, making them grow at an unnatural speed to cushion her falls and propel herself back into the fray. As for O\'Lee and Me\'Tal, they were using their natural orcish strength to withstand the explosive onslaught.

Even though these advancements were heartening to watch, Draconia couldn\'t help but worry about how long the contestants could withstand such relentless assault. This was turning out to be a test of endurance rather than prowess, and the Goddess could practically see the rings around the girls.

"Foul play if you ask me," Orchalla grumbled, joining the trio of observers, but then slapped Draconia so hard she went tumbling. Before the Black Dragon could get up, Orchalla\'s foot slammed into her stomach, making her gasp out in pain as she was sent flying into a broken building.

"What are-" Elfinia started to say, but Goldenia silenced her with a hand over the elf woman\'s mouth as Ochalla walked over to Draconia\'s calmy.

"This is between those two, and we would be wise to stay out of this. Both of them are good friends, so I know Ochalla has a reason for this.

Pulling herself out of the rubble, then spitting out blood before wiping her face, Draconia glared are the Orc Goddess. "What is your problem?!" Draconia growled, her anger about to boil over.

"You are weak," was all Ochalla said, and then looked over at O\'Lee and Me\'Tal, and then the three dragon girls all fighting with Pyrrah. "They do not cry for our help," Ochalla said and then looked back at Draconia with a hard expression. "Do not insult their bravery to face a stronger foe with your weakness. Shame on you, of all people."

The words hit Draconia harder than any physical blow, leaving her momentarily stunned. "You\'re right," she admitted grudgingly, getting to her feet. "I need to have faith in their strength, just like they have faith in ours. This is their battle." She looked over at the ongoing brawl, her eyes softening.

Yet as Draconia watched Cherry and the others strive against Pyrrah\'s unleashed might, she felt a surge of intense pride. Despite Pyrrah\'s relentless assault, their courage and determination remained unbroken. Their desire to win against all odds was a testament to their fighting spirit and Draconia couldn\'t have been prouder.

Elfinia let out a sigh of relief, releasing the tension she didn\'t even realize she was holding. "Thank the stars that are over. If things escalated past this, we\'d have been forced to intervene."

"Yes," agreed Claire, her eyes still wide from the sudden confrontation. "Indeed, it was a harsh reminder for Draconia, but a necessary one."

As Draconia joined her companions, the crowd cheering all around them, she watched her daughter and the others wielding their powers with unprecedented mastery, fighting against Pyrrah. The lesson from Orchalla rang loudly in her mind: \'They do not cry for our help.\'

This was not just about winning or losing. It was about drawing upon the depths of their resilience, about asserting their mettle, about proving to themselves and everyone that they were every bit as formidable as their predecessors. As Draconia stood with her fellow goddesses, watching the chaos unfold, there was no doubt left in her mind about their victory.

And as the day ebbed away, the symbol of their determined spirit echoed in everyone\'s minds. The Goddess Games had just begun, and they were ready.

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