Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 453 - Sorry, Boss Pei, You have to Wait for a while

Chapter 453 Sorry, Boss Pei, You have to Wait for a while

Pei Qian returned to his office and quickly switched his computer on to check the comments section of Glory of Gods. Seeing the game’s rating had chilled Pei Qian to the core. The mobile version of GOG had a rating of 9.1 on the official platform! Pei Qian looked through the other channels for mobile games as well. All the ratings hovered around 9.0! What’s more, from the lively comments sections, Pei Qian could tell that gamers were very happy with the game!

Just browsing through a few of the comments made Pei Qian feel even more nervous. “Tengda has created a mobile version of GOG so soon? Holy sh*t, what a pleasant surprise! I can play games with my friends on mobile now!” “I thought it was only going to be half-done, but it’s pretty much complete! The game’s operations and interface have been greatly optimized for the controls available to gamers playing on mobile. What’s more, there wasn’t a single bug the entire time that I was playing. Of course, I had to leave a positive review!” “I was wondering whether Gods Rising, 101, or GOG’s client would emerge victorious... Who knew that Tengda would be so shrewd? They released GOG’s mobile game and refused to compete with the other two!”

“GOG’s gameplay is good. It has simple operations and a fast pace, making it an appropriate mobile game. I can only say that the designer of this game is very clear-headed. He knows where his strengths are. I had to give him five stars!” “Tengda has mastered a mature game model and has even achieved a further breakthrough. It is indeed a first-tier local game developer. It really gives meaning to the saying ‘speed defines the winner in the world of kung fu’!” “I’m leaving this positive review because I could log into the game using my Tengda Games account, and all of my data would be integrated with the client. What’s more, I can finally buy skins! I’m going to get the epic skins for the Coin-Scattering Hedgehog!” Pei Qian scrolled down indignantly. Yet, even after scrolling two or three more pages, he could not find a single negative review! He felt slightly light-headed.

Still, on further thought, this did not seem strange.

The mobile version of GOG had appeared at a very special time. If it had been released after IOI had dominated the client-side game market for several years, it would be very awkward. If it looked too different from IOI and gamers had already gotten used to IOI’s gameplay, they would not be able to adapt to GOG’s gameplay. If it looked too similar to IOI, it would become popular. However, gamers would diss it for being an imitation.

Yet, several games were still competing in the client-side game market. IOI had only dominated the games market overseas. Although it was popular in the country, it had not yet become dominant.

The mobile version of GOG was released against such a backdrop. On one hand, gamers could enjoy the mobile experience without having to download the game’s client. On the other hand, the game stood out in terms of the characters’ packaging, the gameplay, and other aspects so that gamers did not think that it was an imitation of IOI.

After all, many saw IOI as an imitation of Gods Rising. Comparatively, GOG was more different from IOI than IOI was from Gods Rising... Although Pei Qian had told the team to copy Gods Rising in the beginning, GOG had been altered according to feedback from He Desheng, Bao Xu, and the gamers at Fish-Catching Internet Cafe. Now, GOG was a completely different game. Apart from the fact that all the games had three separate lanes, they were quite different. Furthermore, the mobile game was stable and without bugs, could be integrated with the client-side game, and could be accessed using one’s Tengda Games account. New players only had one feeling: amazement!

They had never imagined being able to play such a complicated, high-quality game on their cell phones! The feedback for the mobile version of Bloody Battle Song had been pretty good. However, that was nothing compared to GOG. Of course, as more and more gamers joined the game and it became more and more popular, its ratings would fall below 9.0. However, the mobile version of GOG was still being celebrated and welcomed by many for now! Obviously, many people could already hardly wait to buy skins. Tengda was going to receive another sum of revenue... Pei Qian quickly downloaded the mobile version of GOG into his own cell phone and then opened it to take a look. After playing one match, Pei Qian felt even worse. He had tried the incomplete version of GOG on his computer before. However, he had not been very cautious at the time because GOG had not been complete. At that time, GOG had only been better than IOI in terms of certain game mechanisms like being able to set the paths for various characters. However, it had been worse off in terms of things like balance, heroes, and other details in the game. That was why Pei Qian had been satisfied that the client-side game would not be better than IOI and that he would incur losses for sure. Yet, everything was different now that a mobile version had been released! That was because mobile games had small screens and gamers had lower expectations. Even if GOG’S details were not as good, gamers would be extra forgiving. Perhaps they would not even mind! Furthermore, GOG’s better mechanisms looked even more outstanding now that the game was on mobile, and the operations had been optimized. Gamers would only have to play one round to realize that GOG’s mobile game was more exciting, faster-paced, and easier to grasp. Naturally, they would only have praises for it!

Of course, many gamers would also find it difficult to adapt to mobile operations. Some would find that many things had to be cut off in the mobile game as opposed to the client-side game. As a result, they would feel disdain.

However, that would be when GOG’s other merit would look outstanding: the integration between the client-side game and mobile game! Gamers could play the game on the client or on their mobile. What’s more, players would be matched according to the device that they were using, to ensure fairness and balance in competition.

All in all, the mobile version of GOG looked to be doing very well. One could even say it was perfect! It was only lacking time. As time progressed, the game’s content would become richer. Naturally, things would only improve. Of course, it could also be overtaken by other mobile games in the future. Pei Qian looked at the game’s market and realized that it looked a lot like Ocean Stronghold’s market. However, there was no 888-yuan product for sale in GOG.

There were twenty-odd heroes in GOG. Each one had a classic skin and a brave skin. Apart from that, some heroes also have epic skins and legendary skins. However, not every hero had those. That was probably because creating legendary skins for all the heroes would require too much effort. In terms of pricing... Players would get all the heroes free of charge, but there was a proficiency system in place. Once trained to a certain point, players could use the heroes to fight other players. Otherwise, they could only use the heroes to play against the computer. The brave skins would only be given to players once they have maxed out their proficiency. The model and splash art would be completely different, and there would be some additional unique effects. Epic skins were sold for 18 yuan. The models and effects would be completely different, and there would be more particle effects. There would also be a few additional voice-overs. Legendary skins were sold for 45 yuan. The models would look exquisite, and there would be unique animations, voice-overs, and special effects. Gamers would find them worth every cent, for sure.

Apart from those, there would also be limited edition skins, which gamers could obtain through various methods. For example, they would have to play the game for a set amount of time or compete for a certain number of times.

In that way, it was similar to Ocean Stronghold. The skins would not change the heroes’ stats; they would just make the heroes look cooler.

However, there were no other purchase options.

After looking at the prices, Pei Qian heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s alright, it’s alright. I can accept those prices. The Tengda spirit was still proving effective!

Pei Qian thought that the pricing strategy alone could prevent him from earning too much from the game!

The market had obviously been modeled after Ocean Stronghold’s successful market. A lot of the rewards could be earned if gamers just spent more time in the game. Moreover, the most expensive skin only cost 45 yuan. The game was very good-hearted indeed. “It’s a good thing that the prices have not been set too high. GOG shouldn’t have too many players in the beginning. That means any revenue generated should be within an acceptable range...” Pei Qian could not help but play another round. Once he was done, he bought Modest’s Dan Dao Hui skin.

“Ai, all things aside, this rotten game is really quite fun...”

This was the first time Pei Qian was playing a game like that on his mobile ever since he traveled back.

Although he had played Gods Rising before, he had only done so on the computer. To a lightweight player like Pei Qian, the mobile version of GOG was much more user-friendly.

After two rounds, Pei Qian suddenly realized that turning the game into a mobile game was not necessarily a bad thing. Although it was more burdensome for him and it would generate more revenue, this world would now have MOBA games on mobile. He would also have his own unique skin.

Having one more fun thing to do was not a bad thing! As he explored the game, Pei Qian noticed an advanced option in a noticeable location on the settings page. “Eh? High-frame-rate mode?”

Without thinking too much, Pei Qian clicked the option. Obviously, a high-frame-rate mode would prove more effective in competitive games like GOG. Although it would consume more battery and heat up one’s cell phone, it would be worth it as long as it improved one’s gaming experience. Yet, after clicking on it, Pei Qian realized that the option was gray. A notification window popped up instead. “The high-frame-rate mode would only be available if your cell phone’s screen has a high refresh rate. The Otto E1 cell phone is recommended for a better gaming experience.”

The notification window only remained for a short while before it disappeared.

Pei Qian, “...” He quietly clicked the button again, so that he could study the words closely. Then, he smacked his head.

“Holy sh*t!”

At Otto Technologies... Chang You was observing the orders on the platform as he watched a video uploaded by a cell phone reviewer not long ago. The figures had been increasing at a very slow rate earlier. However, ever since GOG was released in the morning, the figures started increasing rapidly again!

As more orders came in, more Otto cell phones were distributed from the warehouse. Although most of the orders were still from Lincheng and Jingzhou, there were still some from Shanghai, Beijing, and other cities!

At that moment, the video that Chang You was watching was a detailed review of Otto E1.

“Everyone has been debating about this cell phone recently. Some say that it was very kindly made, some say that it’s a product with an IQ tax that relies completely on hunger marketing. “To provide a complete review, our review team remained in Jingzhou after the news conference, just to experience the full benefits of buying this cell phone. During that process, I realized that this cell phone is a hidden treasure. It brings everyone new surprises at every turn! “This cell phone increases your standard of living in various aspects, from your daily activities to your work and entertainment. It’s more than worth eight thousand yuan!

“I’ll start with Fish-Catching Internet Cafe first...”

The review team held their Otto Ei’s in their hands throughout the video. They had experienced nearly every single benefit that the cell phone had to offer and had recorded the entire experience! There were a few benefits that they could not experience such as dining at the nameless restaurant. Since time had been tight, they could not make a reservation. At the end of the review, they thoroughly compared the difference between playing GOG in high-frame-rate mode on their Otto E1 and playing GOG on a regular cell phone.

Obviously, they had done this in a hurry before they uploaded the video.By the time Chang You watched this video, it had already become viral. The number of views was going through the roof!

Although some reviewers had published reviews of the cell phone earlier, all of them had only covered the hardware. They had only introduced regular parts like the high refresh rate of the cell phone’s screen, the dual stereo speakers, and the like. That was because they had followed the same procedure as applied to any other cell phone. To experience all the benefits that the cell phone had to offer, one had to remain in Jingzhou for a while. However, most reviewers did not have the patience to do so.

On the other hand, this team of reviewers had remained in Jingzhou after the news conference to experience those benefits. They had only completed filming, editing, and uploading their review today! After GOG was released and once the meticulously-created video was uploaded, it immediately became viral! Before this, many people already knew that the cell phone came with various benefits. However, they had not seemed attractive because people could not visualize them. Yet, after seeing the video, many people could hardly hold themselves back. What’s more, the cell phone could run on high-frame-rate mode. Coupled with the newly released GOG, it was perfect!

What’s more, it was not a simple gaming machine. It was also a cell phone with high specifications and long endurance and a portable Tengda membership card!

The first batch of users had affirmed that the cell phone only made use of mature technology. What’s more, the manufacturing was reliable, and quality control was commendable. Even if there were minor problems with one cell phone, customers could immediately swap it for a new one, thus dealing with any problems once and for all. This caused many people to have a renewed urge to purchase the cell phone. Now, all the stocks that Chang You had rushed to manufacture were being put to good use! From the morning, the number of orders kept increasing and the number of stocks kept decreasing. What’s more, it looked like sales were speeding up! Just as Chang You was getting excited, his cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Boss Pei, he picked up at once. “Hello? Boss Pei?”

At the other end of the line, Boss Pei sounded low in spirits. “Send a cell phone over to me. I want to try GOG’s high-frame-rate mode.”

Chang You glanced at his screen and then hesitantly answered, “I’m sorry, Boss Pei. It looks like you have to wait for a while.

“The cell phones... have just sold out.”

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