The Primal Hunter

Chapter 583 - An Even More Prodigious Prodigy

Jake reluctantly exited his Soulspace and addressed the projection first. He was inside a dungeon and wanted to avoid things turning awkward by suddenly getting teleported out or something. Opening his eyes, the projection that had been silent for a few seconds after noticing he was meditating spoke again.

“Honored Chosen, I want to congratulate you on your victory over the Lord Protector’s image. It was a marvelous display,” it praised in what Jake could only describe as an ass-licking tone.

He simply nodded at it as he looked at the corpse of the hydra. “It was a good fight.”

“It pleases me to hear the Chosen enjoyed himself. May I know if the Chosen intends to battle any of the other projections stored here?”

Jake shook his head. “No, I already know this one was the strongest. Defeating it should count as a win, right?”

“Indeed, however, defeating all projections will result in the opportunity to get even better rewards, especially if you face the five strongest,” the projection offered.

“Not interested,” Jake dismissed. He really didn’t care. It was still a D-grade dungeon, which meant the most it could offer was D-grade equipment or crafting material. Jake was at the crux of C-grade and didn’t need any of it.

“Very well. May your Path lead to the pinnacle, all by the glory of the Malefic One.”

He just nodded, not wanting to make a snark comment but just get a move on. He was teleported once more and appeared at the same entrance hall as before, a treasure chest in the center with the exit right behind him.

Congratulations! You have cleared Dungeon: Order of the Malefic Viper: D-grade Legends of Old.

Dungeon shutting down in: 00:59:23

It was the fastest dungeon Jake had ever done, mainly by just skipping to the last boss right away through cheating with his status. But, hey, at least it also gave a title upgrade, so that was 1 more to all stats…

[Dungeoneer IX] – Successfully clear a Dungeon suitable for your level. +17 all stats.

Jake looked at the treasure chest but decided to wait a bit and check everything else out first since he had an hour before he had to be out. The first thing he wanted to look at was Eternal Hunger.

[Eternal Hunger (Mythical)] – A weapon born of eternal hunger - a living sin of consumption, forever starving, forever seeking sustenance. Given form by the [Redacted] Hunter, this new myth still holds properties of its Origin as a weapon created by vampires from the core of a Chimera, allowing it to change shape and adapt to the will of its master. Origin has been further altered by [Redacted], giving birth to the Eternal Shadow of the [Redacted] Hunter. This weapon is eternally Soulbound to its creator; their souls are one and the same, making Eternal Hunger indestructible as long as the Hunter persists. Any attack made with this weapon will absorb energy from the target. Foes slain by the owner of this weapon will have their souls absorbed. Can consume absorbed souls. Take pride as you wield hunger incarnate. Enchantments: Curse of Eternal Hunger. Souldrinker. Soul Consumption. Eternal ShadowRequirements: Soulbound

No change in name, it seemed, which kind of made sense. The description had just gotten longer, with a few more [Redacted] added in there for good measure. It also specifically mentioned the Eternal Shadow enchantment… even if it was damn weird to call it an enchantment. It also became clear that Eternal Hunger was no longer just a mere weapon. It was now tied to Jake through-and-through, even if the requirement still just called it Soulbound. Then again, Soulbound was eternal by design, so it made sense there was no reason to change it.

What had changed was the part saying it was now indestructible. Jake reckoned this did not mean unbreakable but that it could not be utterly destroyed like it could before. Destroying Soulbound weapons was damn hard, but methods did exist in the multiverse. As an example, then Jake could probably have some craftsman dismantle and “break” his cauldron if he wanted, and one also had to remember that when he had that vampire crafter improve his necklace, she was able to modify it. She could even potentially have destroyed it if she had wanted to.

Jake could also have – in theory – destroyed Eternal Hunger using his Alchemical Flame before. That would – not in theory – have released the massive amount of curse energy in a completely uncontrolled state and probably ruined the solar system or something, but now that wasn’t even an option.

He didn’t know why he felt a bit sad about that. Oh well.

Next up was something Jake kind of already knew about. He had felt it a bit during the battle, but now that he had winded down, he truly experienced the change. His stats had all grown… and the source was obvious. Jake checked the notification and was a bit surprised to see that while he hadn’t gotten a new title, one had upgraded.

[Legendary Prodigy] – A true talent standing at the pinnacle of his generation. Young yet showing promise above even the elders of yore. Due to your immense accomplishment of creating a legendary skill while still below D-grade, you have proven yourself a true legendary prodigy. +10 all stats +10% all stats.


[Mythical Prodigy] – A genius ahead of the curve, not even the mythical eluding him. It feels as if your Path has barely begun, yet you refuse to be confined to the expectations of your station. Creating a mythical skill while below C-grade is no easy feat and the achievement of a true myth in the making. Be proud, affirmed in your Path. +100 all stats +20% all stats.

Jake read it over and smiled. In reality, it didn’t matter much if it was a new title or an upgrade to his existing one: the bonus was massive, nevertheless. 90 flat points and 10% more to all stats. Actually, on second thought, not getting a second title was nice, as that meant this was now his best title, even beating out the Progenitor one, making it feel like an even bigger accomplishment.

He was fully aware of how much a title like this mattered. There was some diminishing return as these percentage titles were all additive, but it still helped tremendously and was what allowed Jake to fight things so much stronger than himself – or utterly dominate foes of the same level.

Upgrading it again did seem like an insurmountable task, though. Especially if Jake had to do it in C-grade. Shit, he didn’t even know what the next rarity was yet. Either way, that was stuff to think about after he actually evolved. Who knew? Maybe his last two evolution quests would stump him?

They wouldn’t. But they could. But not really.

As he was still in all the menus and stuff, Jake decided to take a good look at this full status – the last time before he made the push to C-grade.


Name: Jake Thayne

Race: [Human (D) – lvl 197]

Class: [Avaricious Arcane Hunter – lvl 196]

Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper – lvl 199]

Health Points (HP): 65841/68240

Mana Points (MP): 85010/130218

Stamina: 16859/58990


Strength: 5456

Agility: 8744

Endurance: 5899

Vitality: 6824

Toughness: 4929

Wisdom: 8334

Intelligence: 6913

Perception: 15247

Willpower: 6904

Free points: 0

Titles: [Forerunner of the New World], [Bloodline Patriarch], [Holder of a Primordial’s True Blessing], [Dungeoneer IX], [Dungeon Pioneer VI], [Prodigious Slayer of the Mighty], [Kingslayer], [Nobility: Marquess], [Progenitor of the 93rd Universe], [Prodigious Arcanist], [Perfect Evolution (D-grade)], [Premier Treasure Hunter], [Myth Originator], [Progenitor of Myriad Paths], [Mythical Prodigy],

Class Skills: [Traditional Hunter’s Tracking (Rare)], [Arcane Stealth (Rare)], [Superior Stealth Attack (Rare)], [Splitting Arrow Rain (Epic)], [Arrow of the Ambitious Hunter (Epic)], [Big Game Arcane Hunter (Epic)], [Archery of Expanding Horizons (Epic)], [Descending Dark Arcane Fang (Epic)], [Fangs of Man (Ancient)], [Mark of the Avaricious Arcane Hunter (Ancient)], [Avaricious Arcane Hunter’s Arrows (Ancient)], [Arcane Powershot (Ancient)], [Moment of the Primal Hunter (Legendary)], [Gaze of the Apex Hunter (Legendary)], [Steady Focus of the Apex Hunter (Legendary)], [Arcane Awakening (Legendary)], [One Step, Thousand Miles (Legendary)], [Relentness Hunt of the Avaricious Arcane Hunter (Legendary)], [Eternal Shadow of the Primal Hunter(Mythical)]

Profession Skills: [Path of the Heretic-Chosen (Unique)], [Brew Potion (Common)], [Alchemist’s Purification (Common)], [Alchemical Flame (Uncommon)], [Craft Elixir (Uncommon)], [Cultivate Toxin (Uncommon)], [Concoct Poison (Rare)], [Malefic Viper’s Poison (Epic)], [Soul Ritualism of the Heretic-Chosen Alchemist (Ancient)], [Advanced Core Manipulation (Ancient)], [Blood of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Sagacity of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Sense of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Wings of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Touch of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Legacy Teachings of the Heretic-Chosen Alchemist (Legendary)], [Palate of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Pride of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Scales of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Fangs of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)], [Anomalous Soul of the Heretic-Chosen (Legendary)]

Blessing: [True Blessing of the Malefic Viper (Blessing - True)]

Race Skills: [Endless Tongues of the Myriad Races (Unique)], [Legacy of Man (Unique)], [Identify (Rare)], [Serene Soul Meditation (Epic)], [Shroud of the Primordial (Divine)]

Bloodline: [Bloodline of the Primal Hunter (Bloodline Ability - Unique)]


There had been massive growth across the board, especially in Wisdom and Perception, partly for the same reason and partly for different ones. They shared that he had upgraded skills related to the Malefic Viper giving him stats in both, but the primary reason for the growth in Wisdom was just the sheer amount of levels he had in his profession.

Perception had grown because Jake had thrown Free Points into it without any regard and consumed as many damn elixirs as he could to push the stat further. Seeing he had over 15000 total now, it was totally worth it. It was a big number, after all, and big numbers were good.

As for the growth in skills, the profession ones were obviously no surprise, while he did have some good growth in his class skills too. A few of them were still a bit lacking, but all good things in due time. Tracking, Arcane Stealth, and Stealth Attack were his weakest by far, but Jake had confidence in upgrading them all. Well… besides maybe tracking.

He did consider trying before C-grade, but there really was no need to. Upgrading them were not vital to Jake’s Path. Maybe some would argue that things like tracking and stealth were core to the “hunter” archetype, but Jake was not the type of hunter to track a target for a long time and then kill it. That was just one aspect of him. His core was that of a fighter able to hunt those more dangerous than himself, no matter the means.

Jake felt done analyzing his status and closed all the system windows, finally turning his attention to the final thing in the room. The treasure chest. It was quite ornate and impressive, making him raise an eyebrow. Without waiting further, he went over and touched it, only to see it be replaced with a new chest. Using Identify, he had to admit the reward did make sense.

[Scales of the Two-Headed Hydra of Perennial Consumption (Legendary)] – The scales of a peak D-grade Two-Headed Hydra of Perennial Consumption. These scales retained their durability even after the death of the beast and have even been improved slightly by the Records of their former owner. These scales are incredibly durable, and if they are used as armor will make the equipment near-impenetrable by physical damage. They are incredibly hard to work with. Due to their nature, these scales have very limited alchemical applications.

His earlier assessment of this reward not really mattering to him also proved true. Maybe a really skilled crafter could make these scales into C-grade equipment, but if that person was skilled enough to do that, then having them just use actual C-grade materials would be far better.

Not to misunderstand. Had Jake gotten these scales in early or mid-D-grade, he would have gone and had some armor made right away. As it was now, they were just something to sell or give to someone he knew who may want them to experiment with.

In his sphere, the projection appeared once more. Jake turned to it, prompting it to speak.

“I am aware that the Chosen likely has no need for such a reward, but it is not I who decide what is given. Nevertheless, you have my apology,” the projection bowed.

“As you said, not your fault,” Jake waved it off. “Sorry for my earlier attitude; I was in a rush. Wanted to make a mythical skill before I evolved to C-grade.”

Jake had kind of hoped to surprise the projection, but it simply nodded. “As expected of the Malefic’s Chosen. Let me congratulate you on your evolution, and may your Path lead to divinity.”

“Thanks,” Jake nodded. “I will be off then.”

The projection once more just bowed as Jake went out of the dungeon and appeared in… yeah, he had no idea where the fuck he was. Villy had swept him up and brought him away at his own request, and he now found himself in a hall. The hall was empty, but through his sphere, he saw a lot of people behind a gate leading into the hall with the dungeon entrance, all of them looking rather annoyed.

Jake wondered what was going on as a figure appeared beside him, having noticed Jake staring at the gate. “I took the liberty to seal off the dungeon a bit ago to make sure you could enter and exit without any annoying disturbances. The rabble seems displeased by this decision.”

“Understandable,” Jake muttered to the snake god. “But thanks anyway.”

Villy waved him off. “Who cares about them. Anyway, let’s get out of here.”

Jake found himself teleported again as they appeared back at his own mansion, right in the living room.

“That forced teleportation is a little unsettling, not gonna lie,” Jake commented.

“People tend to find it more unsettling when I purposefully choose not to teleport a part of them. Always funny to see them freak out when I “forget” a foot,” Villy snickered.

“I would think that was a joke… but I have a strong feeling it isn’t.”

“Nah, but I only do it when they don’t know I am the one teleporting them, and honestly, I did kind of lie when I said it is always funny… it does get boring after a bit,” the snake god admitted.

Jake shook his head before flopping down on the sofa, finally allowing some of the exhaustion from the dungeon to wash over him. He groaned a bit and looked at the ceiling.

“Snappy was real strong back then,” Jake said. “But… simple. Limited.”

“He was a bit lopsided, yes,” Villy nodded. “Luckily, his C-grade evolution did him good in the intelligence department. Not that stat, the- ah, you know what I mean. Anyway, I can promise you that a level 200 Snappy would have whopped the floor with you, even with that new skill of yours.”

“Any comments on the skill?” Jake asked, rather proud.

“Nope,” Villy answered.

“None at all?” Jake frowned.

“Not a single one. You do you. My guesses or estimations of how exactly it works and the concepts behind it would only poison your own thoughts and conclusions. You made something that fundamentally doesn’t make sense, so for others to try and make sense of it is pointless anyway. All we need to see and understand is the result, so I can at least comment on that. It is strong, but it has some flaws I already noticed, ones I assume you did too?” Villy asked.

“Yeah,” Jake nodded.

“Good. I won’t share what I think are weaknesses either. Again, you made a skill that is incredibly conceptually complex. All I can say is to keep it up and see where it can take you. Ah, but you did create a Soulbound weapon that seems hard to get rid of, huh? And a Sin weapon nonetheless,” Villy did comment.

“Is that bad?” Jake asked, not really worried.

“No, not at all. What could possibly go wrong with eternally linking your soul with a cursed weapon? Totally safe and even recommended by nine out of ten dentists,” the Viper joked.

“Damn. Better go for another cursed weapon then; that should only lead to a better result!”

“Oh yeah, for sure, because mixing curses inside of your soul is brilliance itself,” Villy laughed. “In all seriousness, it is probably fine, and as odd as it seems, having a stronger connection to the Sin weapon may allow you to control it more easily. The connection with which it will try to control you is the same one you use to control it. Also, if all goes wrong, you can even modify it away from being a weapon at some point and transform it into something else. Worst case, seal it away somewhere until you get strong enough to separate it from yourself in a soul ritual.”

“Think that will ever be necessary?” Jake asked.

“Maybe, maybe not. It is more likely it will just end up being a weapon you can use for a long time to come as long as you keep feeding it souls. I would fear linking a weapon to you like that impacting your Path if it was anyone else, but I have a feeling you will be fine. Speaking of Path, I assume you will be heading off back to your planet to evolve? Or do you want me to point out a nice leveling spot around here?” the Viper asked.

“I will go back to Earth,” Jake nodded. “In fact, I will be going right away. I have dallied enough in D-grade, especially after my time in the time cha-“

That is when Jake remembered something. The time chamber. He had been so caught up in everything else happening he had completely forgotten. It didn’t help that he hadn’t visibly aged at all, even if he knew a long time had passed. Longer than his time with Shroud for sure… but…

“How… how long was I in there?” Jake asked a bit nervously.

“From your point of view?” Villy asked.

“We can start with that…”

“Eh, around forty years. Congratulations, you managed to double your age by sitting still.”

“Wha-“ Jake said. He knew it had been long… but that long? His sense of time had completely slipped away, he could admit that, but it was still far longer than he had expected. Worse… he was now older than his damn parents. Which was just bloody weird to think about.

“And… how long in Realtime?”

Villy put on the evilest smile Jake had seen in a while. “Take a guess?”

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