The Story of Blood and Roses

Chapter 62 Eat You If You Let Me

"You\'ve been busy," I stated.

"As have you," he piped in. "Would you mind explaining what that was about?" he asked out of—what seemed like—curiosity. I understood what he meant immediately. He didn\'t seem offended by my need to know more. That was a relief, but I already knew that nothing that was told to me went unnoticed by him.

"I know too little, and I didn\'t like not knowing." It was as simple as that.

"You could have just asked me," he said, irritated. Apparently, the simple answer wasn\'t enough for him.

"I wanted an unbiased take on what was going on," I reasoned.

"No one is as unbiased as me in this whole fiasco," he argued.

"Unbiased comments about everyone, and that included you."

"Why did you ask Ethan, then? You just met him a few days earlier. You\'ve known Sean longer. You could\'ve asked him."

"Sean is biased and prone to emotions that make him easy to influence. Even though Ethan shows gratitude, he doesn\'t get carried away. He doesn\'t beat around the bush; he goes straight to the point. That is one thing I like about him." He raised his brows at my little declaration.

"You have a crush on Ethan." Silent anger made his voice shake. I smirked but made sure to control it enough to not get him angrier than he was.


"You invited him over to your place."

"And the two of you gossip more than old ladies!"

"We live in the same house," he admitted sheepishly. My eyes widened at that. From my research, I had known out that he lived near the mansion, but it must have been a new development.

"I still don\'t get the point. What\'s the fuss about?" That was a good question. I really did want an answer to that.

"You ask me anything you want and to no one else. No one has the authority to answer any of your questions apart from me." That hit a nerve and a conversation from weeks back struck me.

"But sir, I believe you warned me in the past about my misdemeanor. You strictly asked me not to question you." That comment brought along the narrowing of his eyes. Clearly, he remembered the heated conversation as well. And by the looks of it, most conversations we had were heated and led to the two of us seething in anger and loathing.

"Don\'t be a smartass, Mia. You ask me questions about everything apart from the reason behind my orders. Remember that I am the only one you are to approach with any of your questions. No one else." He almost made no sense in his anger, but somehow, I understood.

"Yes, sir." I offered him a mock salute at which his lips twitched in amusement.

"Get to work now; I need help transporting these things to the hall downstairs." I nodded and hurried to put together the materials and carried them downstairs. He followed me, his own hands filled with contents. When we reached the hall, he took over.

He asked me to help me move all the furniture towards the wall and make an empty spot in the middle of the room. It took us a few minutes to do, but we did it. He then asked me to spread out the contents and put them in order for everyone\'s convenience.

It was easy. Both of us made no smart comments and we didn\'t reprimand the other for mistakes that were made. We just worked around each other, constantly bumping into one another but excusing ourselves with polite smiles.

I had never imagined something like that could have ever happened. At the end of the task, I took a huge breath and looked at the neatly arranged papers on the floor. Yes, we were going to make battle plans on the floor. Classic idea, I must admit.

We slumped into one of the sofas that we had pushed into the wall and leaned back.

"Job well done, Mia. What shall we do next?" his voice was light.

"Why don\'t you debrief me on what you found? We could start working before the others come," I suggested. He shook his head.

"We\'ll start when everyone arrives. In the meantime, I think it\'s a good idea for us to help ourselves to some food." The way he said it made it sound like a question and not the usual way he commanded people around.

"I am hungry. What do we have?"

"Peanut butter and jam sandwiches." He laughed.

"Oh, my. I would love to have one of those." I think I patted my stomach with a feeling of satisfaction even before we had made the sandwiches.

"C\'mon let\'s make some for us and the others. I need to feed those wolves anyways. Or they won\'t stop whining or start working."

"Don\'t want the wolves to start lying around doing nothing." I heard the growl of his stomach and laughed. "I do think there is one wolf that is extremely hungry."

"I\'d eat you if you let me," he told me playfully.

"I\'d rather you treat yourself to peanut butter and jam sandwiches, boss."

"Yes, those will taste better." I looked sharply at him and saw his eyes twinkling with wicked amusement. I shook my head and followed him into the kitchen.


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