The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 452 - FOURTEEN YEARS OLD (3)

Chapter 452 - FOURTEEN YEARS OLD (3)

"What is this?" Hope whispered at Ian beside her.

When the bell rang for afternoon break, Ian popped out of nowhere and immediately ushered Hope to the other side of the school building where she introduced her to two other people.

"This is the girl that I told you in the math class!" Ian was very happy as he gave Hope a little bit push, so she could be the center of attention.

"Uhm, hi." Hope waved her hand at them awkwardly, one boy and one girl, but in closer look she recognized the boy had the same exact face like Ian. She blinked her eyes and shifted them back and forth between Ian and the other boy.

"I know." The other boy sighed. "This stupid mutt is my twin, so stop staring at me like that."

"I am sorry." Hope said sheepishly as she took a seat in front of the girl while Ian plopped his body next to her. "This is my first time to see twin and both of you look very identical."

Ian grinned. "He is Ethan, my younger brother and he is Rossie, my stupid younger sister." His voice softened when he mentioned his sister, who waved at Hope.

Ethan was slightly leaner than Ian, with the same hazel eyes and golden brown hair along with their warm skin tone, they were perfect portray of the boys next door.

Only, Ethan wasn\'t as vocal as Ian, but without closer inspection, it was hard to tell them apart.

While Rossie… her expression reminded Hope of a cute little puppy that was at lost. She looked like she was the obedient one with his dark platinum hair color and pair of hazel eyes.

"She is in eight grades." Ian told Hope.

"So?" Hope opened her lunch box, Lana would make it for her every day because she was strictly forbidden from eating anything without their permission.

Sometime, Hope wondered, whose random person would poison her, but after what happened last time, she was more than willing to oblige.

"So, all of you can see \'them\' too?" Hope lowered her voice.

"\'Them\'?" Rossie opened her burrito and took a bite. "Who is \'them\'?"

Rossie has shoulder length hair with curl on the end of it, there was a stain of sauce on the corner of her lips that wiped off immediately by Ethan.

Hmm. Despite his slightly ignorant personality, but he was taking good care of his sibling.

"Supernatural creature." Ian answered his sister\'s question while Ethan answered Hope\'s

"We are one of \'them\', of course we are able to see it." Ethan drank his juice and didn\'t seem to eat anything.

"We?" Hope caught that word with frown. "You mean the three of you?"

"Including you of course." Ian said in matter of fact as he leaned over to take a bite of burrito in Rossie\'s hands, but before he could do that, Ethan had pushed his head away and glared.

The message on his twin was clear; stay away from her! She is eating!

Hope was fascinated by the way they interacted with each other. Was this a sibling relationship looked like?

Hope never experienced it and never had a chance to see it because all of her friends were not very close to their sibling.

"Including me?" Hope kindly pushed her lunch box and silently gave permission for Ian to take whatever he liked from it. "I don\'t think so."

Ian plopped a sausage into his mouth. "What do you mean, you don\'t think so?" Ian talked while eating. "You are a werewolf too, I can smell it."

Only then Hope understood what Ian meant when he said he was following his scent this morning and met her in the second floor.

"I think you are wrong." Hope was quite sure the scent of shifter that lingered on her body wasn\'t hers. It probably Lana or Kace, since the later just visited her last night. "This is not my scent."

Hope sniffed her sweatshirt, though she couldn\'t smell anything except her own cologne, but she was sure those creatures with acute nose could tell the different.

"No." Ian protested, not so happy for the possibility that he was wrong. "I am sure you are a werewolf. You can\'t deceive my nose." He tapped his pointed nose.

However, before Hope could protest again, Ethan had leaned over and sniffed her more thoroughly as his nose scrunched.

"I don\'t think this is her smell." Ethan said before he straightened his back. "It most likely she lives with shifter, thus her scent almost like them."

His guess was right.

Hope was unsure if she could tell them or not about Kace, Serefina and Lana. It must be Kace and Lana\'s scent that mixed with her since Serefina was rarely at home.

Ian sniffed Hope\'s shoulder, too close for her liking, but thankfully Ethan pushed away his twin\'s head and glared at him.

"Really?" Ian frowned. "I think you are right." He talked to his brother and drifted his attention back to Hope while eating another sausage from her lunch box. "Now, she smelled like human."

"If she is a human you are in big trouble." Rossie chimed in, her round eyes glared at her brother. "We are not allowed to reveal our existence to human." She lowered her voice and stared at Hope warily.

"Why so?" Hope knew that she wasn\'t allowed to tell her friend about her \'special\' family, because all the people out there that she met couldn\'t see what she was able to see, but the three people in front of her was different.

Rossie didn\'t talk as she sat closer toward Ethan, eating her burrito.

"Because human shouldn\'t know we are exist." Ethan explained it simply.

"I am in big trouble!" Ian widened his eyes and took the last sausage from Hope\'s lunch box as he leaned back his body as if she would attack him in the next second.

Ethan looked at his twin\'s reaction with disdain. "The question is; why she lives with shifter and is able to see them in their beast form."

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