Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 315: Old Dominator

Chapter 315: Old Dominator

Translator: Yamir Moon


”A great will?”

Fang Yun thought deeply about these two words. This is the keyword he got from the information he gathered. According to what he learned, the original inhabitant of this planet, the weiners, lived in harmony along with all living creatures in the world.

However, in a small time period, turmoil quickly spread in the whole world, many natural disasters occurred simultaneously around the world, followed by everyone falling into madness then getting controlled.

After being controlled, the Weiner race started to develop space technology, traveled to and controlled one planet after the other, then started ‘infecting’ the intelligent creatures on those planets.

This disaster didn’t erupt instantly. Humans have obtained records about the beginning of the disaster. It basically went like this. One day, in a certain city of the Weiner race, the guards’ leader received a certain report.

A man reported seeing a certain group of people doing some sort of crazy activities not far from the city. Because that activity looked too evil, the man decided to report his discovery to the guard station.

It didn’t take long for the guards to go to that place under the guidance of the witness.

”It was on a clearing in a mountain forest. A special circular pattern was painted on the ground with some kind of monster’s blood. Around that pattern, there were many stone statues.”

Fang Yun continued scrolling through the story.

”Many people were dancing around these stone statues while chanting some sort of obscure and weird language. The most disgusting and evil thing is that there were the decapitated heads of many of their people along with the bodies of many children within that circular pattern.”

Fang Yun already has an idea about the type of this ‘Great Will’ owner. He had some doubts before, but now that he is basically certain about what kind of creature has caused all of these disasters.

”It directly enslaved the entire planet’s creatures, but it should still be asleep. Since these Weiner race people weren’t enough to wake it up, it sent them to other planets to spread its will, to help it wake up even earlier?”

Fang Yun’s body was floating on the water surface. With his experience as a bookworm that read many novels across many years, he was able to roughly guess what happened from the few pieces of information he got.

However, after understanding what type of creature he is facing, he became very nervous.

Previously, he was afraid of encountering those powerful aliens, afraid of their high-tech weapons. Probably dimensional weapons, planet-destroying cannons, black hole generators, etc…

Although he knew that the majority of those weapons are from his fantasies, he isn’t sure what weapons an interstellar civilization has.

However, What he didn’t expect is that before encountering aliens at the peak of the science-fiction category, he encountered a powerful creature from the myth category.

Although this is just a single creature with no extremely advanced weapons, its danger level is still no less than a very advanced alien civilization.

”Speaking of which, I can be counted as a mythical-level creature.”

in terms of appearance, he can’t be described as an unseeable, untouchable, unmentionable creature. He is just a snake with a very exaggerated size and incredibly powerful skills.

The only similarity between him and that monster is that they can affect weaker creatures by their mere presence. For him, that would be with the electromagnetic field he is passively releasing, or ‘dragon aura’. He isn’t sure about that monster though.

”I wonder if I can defeat or even kill that monster right now?”

The monster that Fang Yun is worrying about, the owner of this ‘Great Will’ is basically a Cthulhu-type creature. In many of his past life’s myths, they were called the Old Dominators(great old ones), or the Elder Gods, basically a very evil type of gods.

Mortals can’t see them, touch them, or even mention their name, as that would usually incur great disasters.

The owner of this ‘Great Will’ should be a planet-class Old dominator (Great Old One). Evil gods like him usually begin with enslaving the planet’s creature after descending on it.

Some of them actively descend on those planets, while others are passively doing so. Some of them are relatively weak, as they are unable to return to space without growing any further.

In addition to Planetary-class old dominators, there are the cosmic-class evil gods. These cosmic-level creatures have immeasurable power, capable of destroying universes and reversing time and space.

The owner of the ‘Great Will’ sleeping on this planet is definitely not from that class. It should be a planet-class old dominator. Furthermore, seeing that it needs many people to know of it before it can wake up, it should be rather weak even in its class.

”That old dominator should be in a dormant state now. I wonder if it’s sleeping due to some kind of injury, or is it because it’s in its growth phase.”

Fang Yun had some guesses in his mind.

He is now certain that the owner of this ‘great will’ is an Old Dominator-type creature. What he is worried about now is what state it’s in.

”If the old dominator really shows up, can humans really cope with it?”

Before the arrival of the Old Dominator, the Weiner race wasn’t that scientifically advanced, its science and technological prowess was even lower than that of humans in the old era. Their outstanding space-traveling technology was created after the appearance of the Old Dominator.

Even those kaiju, including the kaiju mother, weren’t the original product of the Weiner people.

After the Weiner race developed the wormhole technology, they have been exploring other planets, but they didn’t achieve any result in terms of creating high-tech weapons.

Their conquering strategy was actually quite simple. After opening a wormhole to other planets, they will basically send monsters controlled using their natural ability to conquer the said planet. No other technology was used.

In other words, in terms of technological advancement, apart from their wormhole technology, humans in the old era were basically much more advanced than them.

Once the Old Dominator acts again, it’s uncertain if humans can resist.

Humans and especially their top leaders are very afraid of this Old Dominator. After understanding this Old Dominator might be in the Forbidden Land, they are trying their best to find its traces and trying to understand it.

”People’s greatest fortune is their ignorance. After knowing somethings, the previous happiness and relaxation will completely disappear.”

In fact, when the leaders of the Blue Planet Federation decided to send people to explore the Forbidden area, many researchers advised them against it. However, the leaders still remained firm in their opinion

”I have to admit, now is the best time to search for information.”

Fang Yun was in favor of the decision of the Blue Planet Federation leaders. That Old Dominator is in a wrong state right now, so it’s the best time to understand it and even deal with it.

It’s just that, after searching for almost 5 years, humans haven’t even seen its shadow.

”It would be best if they could find that thing sleeping place before it wakes up.”

Fang Yun felt that attacking it while it’s in its weak state is their best choice right now. A creature that can influence an entire planet is definitely terrifying.

Since both he and that creature live on the same planet, it’s likely to threaten his life, so he really hopes to kill it in its sleep or weak state, avoiding all trouble.

After reviewing all the information he collected one last time, Fang Yun dived into the depth of the sea. He is planning to stay in this area for 2 or 3 days to see if he could get more useful information.

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