Magic Shop System

Chapter 36 - Poisoned?

"Alright," Kadyn said. "We are going to brew Soothing Drops. You can hardly brew intermediate grade, so don\'t worry about that as we don\'t have much time. I will take care of intermediate and high grade potions."

Elora nodded and rushed to brew potions excitedly. Eager to complete with her brother. she wanted to show him her skills.

Kadyn eyed her and shook his head. He wondered from whom she inherited her competitive nature? His mother was a gentle person and didn\'t look like she would compete with anyone—for anything—while father seemed proud and calm and dignified. No way he would do such a thing.

Anyway, Kadyn let her do what she wanted. Her competitiveness would help her grow faster. However, as he brewed the potions, Elora lost her enthusiasm bit by bit.

In an hour she concocted three low grade potions while he concocted three high and three intermediate grades. The blow was a bit too fierce to her gentle heart.

Kadyn saw her disheartened face and said. "Why are you standing like a statue?" He went on. "Do you think I learned this in just a night or two? I have worked my ass to become this proficient. If you want to learn or even surpass me, work harder."

After speaking, Kadyn once more started to brew. He showed his skills because he wanted to pressure her, and remind her that there are many talented people out there and this is just a start of her magical journey.

"Work harder if you want to surpass me," Kadyn wanted to maintain her competitive spirit so he provoked her.

"Humph! Just you wait," Elora snorted. "I\'ll surpass you one day."

"Yeah, sure." Kadyn chuckled and teased her. "But before that, complete your task."

Elora pouted and turned to work with more determination. Kadyn eyed her and curled his lips in satisfaction—the brother-sister duo continued and after two hours laters, Kadyn stopped for some rest. In this time, he and Elora and Hicka had dinner together. They talked and laughed and ate like a family. Hicka was overwhelmed by Kadyn\'s kindness.

"I\'m done with intermediate and high grade Soothing Drop." Kadyn said as they strolled towards the Potion Hall once more. "I will help you brew the low grade potions."

Elora looked at her brother in confusion. "But you have concocted so few potions. I don\'t think that would be enough for everyone."

"Who said we would sell everyone?" Kadyn said.

"You," Elora replied.

"Ah, yes, though I\'ve said everyone will get potions. I\'ve also said that those who don\'t get by any chance can buy later, after all we can always concoct more." Kadyn shook his head at her naivety. He came from earth so he knew how people do business there and he tried to do the similar thing. "One needs to maintain the dealing of his product or it would become just a regular soap or shampoo that anyone can use."

Hearing his reasoning, Elora\'s eyes went wide. She had never thought that her brother could be so scheming sometimes. Then why did he fight with Fenon like a fool? She shook her head—for sometime he has become really capable and daring. From time to time, she wondered what changed her brother so much.

The duo immersed themselves in brewing potions and continued to do so for two more hours.

"It\'s enough." Kadyn said. "Thirty low, ten intermediate, and five high grade potions. Holly shit, that would make over 150,000!"

Elora\'s eyes widened in shock at the shocking amount of money they would earn from these potions. She just wanted to bury herself in potion making. Therefore, she didn\'t really care about the price. But at this moment, her heart raced faster and faster.

Over 150,000. Kadyn thought. After converting it would be 1500. At that time I can spin the Wheel of Fortune without much caring about the points.

[Warning: The host will receive energy points according to the standard price given by the system. Extra money wouldn\'t change]

Kadyn left dumb for a brief amount of time. He had the urge to curse, but he knew that would only reduce his points even further. "What is the standard price for the other two grades?" he asked, after taking a deep breath.

[Name: Soothing Drop]

[Intermediate Grade Price: 1500]

[High Grade Price: 2000]

He clenched his fist and had the urge to shout. The effect of the potions becomes around two times with every increasing grade. So Kadyn thought that the price would, at least, double if not as high as he made. Nonetheless, he didn\'t complain, he could still get a vast amount of energy points that would be 550.

Kadyn checked the time. It was 12:03 A.M. "Alright, get some sleep. We have a lot of work to do in the morning."

"Ok." Elora nodded and went to sleep on the sofa at the corner of the Potion Hall. Kadyn looked at his sister and strolled towards the Meditation Room as many thoughts lingered in his head. I hope mother and father are fine.


"Salona, Salona!" an anxious and anguished and angry shriek echoed in the dark cave. Magnus fell on his knees as he hugged wounded Salona—his body was also ridden with blood, and gashes covering his entire being as blood oozed out of his injuries, puddling on the ground drip by drip.

"Don\'t worry," Salona said with a weak voice. "I won\'t die that easily. The wounds are just superficial. They would heal after some time. However, the key problem is poison. It\'s very hard to deal with and it\'s corroding my insides with every passing breath."

"Why did you do that?!" Magnus complained, his eyes filled with tears—there was a saying that man never cries—but at this moment even someone like Magnus couldn\'t stop his eyes from wetting. "I was their target!"

"Silly." Salona shook her head. "I can fight against this poison due to my "Healing Element". If it was you—the outcome would be terrible. That thing was made to deal with vampires. Now we have at least three months to find the cure."

Magnus wanted to argue with her, but he heard footsteps from outside and became alert. However, when the newcomer appeared, he sighed in relief. "What\'s the status outside?" he asked.

"They are still searching." Eddena said with misty eyes. She looked fatigued, and her beautiful face was covered in blood and dust and her red hair entangled with each other.

She scuttled towards the wall and laced with the help of her back, slouching on the ground, and murmured with a sad tone. "Hagens are finished. We are the only survivors."

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