Pet King

Chapter 1381: Unexpected Windfall

Chapter 1381: Unexpected Windfall

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There are many loves and marriages in this world that cuts across social class, but the chances of such beautiful things happening are slim.

Zhang Zian doesn’t hate Zhuang Xiaodie. She didn’t do anything annoying to him. As long as he can accept her hobby of traveling around in traditional costume, who would hate such a peerless beauty?

To say how much he likes her... If in other situations, maybe he will like her very much. However, now the situation is a bit special, and he has been feeling uneasy about some things in his heart. It is difficult for him to find the answer or completely forget about it and go all out to love her.

His mother’s excitement and joy overflowed with each passing word, and her voice increased in octaves. She urged, “Child, you are really... you obviously got along well with her, but still kept it from your dad and me... Don’t be embarrassed, come back quickly, then go out shopping with her. Boys should take the initiative, do you understand?”

Zhang Zian doesn’t know whether to cry or laugh. These words sounded really familiar. Putting the pressure of the blind date on the man’s body, and do not check in detail whether the woman truly does not resent the guy or was simply too shy to say anything bad.

However, blind dates are like this. Everyone came through like that. If you have the ability to find a girlfriend, you don’t have to go through a blind date.

No choice. He hurriedly buried the puppies’ feces, then took them by the leash and prepared to go home.

“You also want to come home with me? Or do you want to stay here?” He asked the black and white kitten.


For this kind of problem that it cannot simply give an affirmation or negation, it neither nods nor shakes its head.

When he returned to the pet shop, his parents forced him to change into his clean clothes, and then he was driven out of the store. They ordered him not to come home before nighttime. It was then when he saw that the kitten was quietly waiting for him outside the store.

He looked down at his own clothes, and reluctantly said to him, “Ordered to date.”


It certainly knows.

Although he is not willing, he does not want to make his parents anxious and angry.

With his keenness and tact, there is a certain chance that the truth of the world can be discovered by his own willpower. However, with his parents still alive in this world, perhaps in his subconscious, he is deliberately avoiding certain things.

If you have a sweet dream at night, you will not want to wake up in the morning. Even if you know that it is a dream, and hope to sleep for a while and continue the dream. This is human nature.

Maybe his subconscious mind has already guessed something, but he has been saying to himself: Even if it is a dream, I want to sleep a little longer.

“Well? Do you want to follow?”

He took a few steps to the bus stop and found it following behind him.

“I am going by bus.” He pointed at the bus stop.

Seeing that it did not respond, he added, “It seems that it is not allowed to bring pets on the bus... Besides a guide dog. You should be able to understand what I mean? I can find a place to let you wait...”

He intends to send it to the pet clinic.


It looked like it understood, but it didn’t plan to stay, and so quickly approached him.

“Okay... let’s go together.”

Seeing its grieved look, he changed his mind and called for a taxi.

“Come up here.”


He sat in the co-pilot position, and it happily jumped into the back seat.

The taxi started. When Zhang Zian was busy assuring the driver that the kitten would not mess up the cab with its urine, it squatted on the backrest of the back seat, and its silver-gray eyelids stared through the rear window.

There are several light spots floating behind the car. The red light of the car starting, accelerating, decelerating, turning, stopping, etc., The light spots are all close, but the light spots are very dim and are even lighter than the reflection of the window glass. It’s hard to notice them if you don’t pay special attention to it.

The taxi stopped at a corner in the downtown area.

Zhang Zian paid the fare and got off the cab with the kitten.

“The thing that gives me a headache is shopping,” he said to himself. “She has set the meeting place here, but it is better to look for a movie in the cinema, at least we don’t need to talk.”

The kitten knows why the butterfly elf chose here because she would look for a chance to take him into a jewelry store and replace the memory when Fina appeared.

However, there is a problem here. Zhang Zian will not buy a diamond ring for a girl whom he had just met. Put aside first, the issue of whether he is willing or not. In normal people’s view, this is mentally abnormal.

So how will she deal with this problem?

Ring Ring——

Zhang Zian’s cell phone rang again.

He took it out, and a look of distress and helplessness was all over his face.

He didn’t want to pick up the phone, but he had to pick it up.

“Hey? Boss, what’s the matter?”

In the face of the call from the boss of his startup company, he did not dare to express dissatisfaction with being disturbed during the holidays. He even tried to create a positive and capable attitude, in the case at the next meeting the boss emphasized the collective sense of teamwork, and use him as a sort of bad case study for this.

Is it because of the sudden receipt of orders that he had to end the holiday in advance?

Overtime pay is estimated not to be given as well...


However, the boss brought a message that made him feel at a loss.

“... This is what’s happening. That industry juggernaut judged that our company’s products have great value and potential. They think that it is the next industry for growth and so they proposed an acquisition plan. After I considered it, I decided to agree to it. The company’s other big shareholders have also agreed, after all, such opportunities are hard to come by. The other party will carry out mass layoffs next time because they are only looking at the product itself, so you don’t have to go back to work after the holidays, and I don’t think you will think of working here again... Yes, your options have been converted into cash on a pro-rata basis, and you have been entered into your bank account. Thank you for your contribution to the company and hope that we can work together next time. Goodbye.”

Zhang Zian hasn’t reacted to the news yet, and the boss has already hung up the phone. It is like a recording from beginning to end. He didn’t even have time to ask.

Just as he stared at the phone and tried to figure out the situation, he received another text message from the bank, reminding him that his account had just received a remittance. It changed his balance from five digits to eight digits—Not counting the numbers after the decimal points.

Seeing this string of numbers, the first thought in his mind is – did the bank remit him the wrong amount of money? The bank’s money can’t be spent casually. He had heard that someone carelessly spent the bank’s money and was eventually sent to prison.

Then, his WeChat sounded, and there were strings of messages. All the former colleagues who had left the job because they couldn’t stand the harshness of the boss, including colleagues who had not contacted him for a very long time, sent messages to him to ask if the company was really sold. They also asked how much money he was allocated with, and some directly asked to borrow money. Some even half-jokingly ask him whether he still lacks a girlfriend and boyfriend...

It seems that even when the holiday is over, he will not leave Binhai City.

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