Pet King

Chapter 1389: One Punch One Cry

Chapter 1389: One Punch One Cry

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhuang Xiaodie learned from Zhang Zian’s memory that he had practiced a few self-defense techniques with the tea-colored cat. However, she only briefly browsed and blocked these memories, as they were related to the elfins. She gave them no further thought. She looked down on this so-called kung fu; she thought it was nothing more than a way of exercising, similar to the gymnastics exercises on TV. Besides, she also felt that the elfin called Old Time Tea was the most overrated one among them.

Under her horrified gaze, Zhang Zian took two steps forward and smiled at them while she moved her hands and feet. “What? Are you all coming together, or one at a time? In other words, is it a one-versus-one fight or a free-for-all?”


The red hair spat on the ground. He was cautious about how to proceed but was nevertheless inclined to. This was because Zhang Zian was too calm. He was not sure whether the guy was really psychotic or had a hidden trump card.

“We are seven heroes of the sea, and we all fight together. Even if we fight one thousand opponents, we also do it together!” The red- and yellow-hair guys were on the same page and unwilling to jump ship as of now.

Zhang Zian didn’t say anything. This time it was not an illusion. This sentence was very familiar!

“Let’s go!”

The red-haired guy rushed over and cranked back his fist to hit Zhang Zian’s face.

In Zhang Zian’s opinion, all of the red-haired guy’s movements were flawed, and his form was also ridiculous. In addition, he was thin. A master fighter could easily strike him down. Even an ordinary adult man needed not be afraid of him. It was unlikely that he would prevail in any fight. However, when ordinary people encountered this kind of situation, they often did not fight first and only thought of running away. In addition, his six companions were waiting for the opportunity to move, but they were also unable to focus on the red-haired dude’s movement.

When the red-haired dude’s fist was close, Zhang Zian simply moved to the side, dodged his fist, and used his foot to strike his calf. He had already seen that the red-haired guy was vain and only focused on building his upper body. He was merely using his arm to generate the force and not his entire body.

The red-haired dude didn’t pay attention to his foot at all, and the force was too strong. In the next moment, he’d already been beaten to a pulp and fell heavily on the ground. When he fell, he saw stars, and his whole body was in severe pain. He couldn’t stand up.

“So now... Are you the Six Immortals of Binhai?” Zhang Zian looked at the remaining six.

The remaining six people saw the red-haired dude’s defeat. They became more vigilant and learned from the mistakes of the red-haired dude. They gave each other looks, shouted, and scattered. They evenly surrounded Zhang Zian, each person about three meters apart. They slowly approached.

Zhang Zian certainly couldn’t wait for them to get close to him. By that time, as long as they got close enough to each grab one of his limbs, he would likely be beaten because he’d been so passive.

His body moved involuntarily, striking the yellow-haired dude and then quickly twisting his body and kicking the purple-haired dude in the stomach. This might not have been a real move but a response to the situation. He focused on finding the weaknesses of his opponents and used the quickest method he could to subdue them.

This move was no problem, and the execution was very beautiful. However, after kicking the purple-haired dude, he felt a dull pain in his waist, just like the feeling a person who sat in the office for a long time but suddenly engaged in highly rigorous exercise might get. Thus, he had to be more reserved in his subsequent attacks to prevent further injuries.

When one was being besieged, each second is precious. He could have escaped the punch of the next guy, the green-haired dude. The result was that, because he reacted more slowly, he could only be struck by the fist on his face.

Fighting a group of men, he did not expect to retreat. However... How should he say it... He at least did not want to be humiliated under the fist of this green turtle-head!

He really couldn’t figure out why someone would be willing to dye their hair green. It must be the barber at the barbershop who’d used the wrong bottle to dye his hair!

There were 10,001 ways for Zhuang Xiaodie to help Zhang Zian block the punch, ranging from natural meteorites to the green-haired dude having a sudden heart attack, but none of them seemed natural.

She was anxious and angry. If she had not cared about blatantly revealing her powers in front of Zhang Zian, she’d really want to send all these guys into the depths of the sea to feed the fish.

Just then, a fierce cat screamed from the wall next to the alley. A group of brownish-yellow figures with black stripes fell from the sky. They quickly came together and became a bunch of blurred outlines. They then landed on the green-haired dude’s shoulder.

Zhang Zian was close by, and he looked at the object. It was an old-fashioned Chinese raccoon cat. Although it was old, its movements were still flexible. It tried to use its claws to forcefully scratch the green-haired guy. The deep scratches caused him much pain, and he cried and screamed. He twisted his body from side to side, trying to reach behind him to grab the raccoon cat.

The raccoon cat succeeded in its goal and jumped to another person. In the air, it seemed to give Zhang Zian a look. He couldn’t understand it, but there was a weird feeling in his heart.

A person and a cat could cooperate with each other very subtly. That was the tacit understanding that only a long-term relationship could create.

At the appearance of the raccoon cat, Zhuang Xiaodie did not know what it was. She had become accustomed to Zhang Zian’s elfins, who broke through the barriers and entered the dream world. She still felt indignant and humiliated, but the appearance of the raccoon cat made her feel relieved. She was even glad that its appearance helped solve her problem... Although they were somewhat contradictory.

The raccoon cat was still very intelligent and quick, as it was, after all, a cat. It didn’t have any special ability that surpassed the cat itself. It used the dynamic vision of the cat family and the agile body of the cat family to jump back and forth between the men, scratching their hands and smashing their feet. It succeeded in making full use of the concept of harassment, and Zhang Zian used the opportunity to continuously land a few more blows. He quickly succeeded in bringing them down.

Seven people with different hair colors lay on the ground, moaning in pain and holding various body parts.

In fact, Zhang Zian felt that his fists and his feet had no strength. He hadn’t thought that the guys would stay down for a long time after being hit. For example, the red-haired dude who had been knocked down first should stand up soon, but perhaps the red-haired dude saw that the situation was disadvantageous to him and did not want to be beaten again, so he cried out louder to fake an injury.

Zhuang Xiaodie thought that Zhang Zian would follow the raccoon cat... But once again, he simply gave a fist-bump to the raccoon cat, and the raccoon cat returned it. It then ran towards the courtyard wall and disappeared.

In the face of her confusion, he smiled casually and said, “The many people who travel on the road, when they see injustice, will come forth and help. Where will there be any red tape around offering assistance?”

He took her hand again. “Let’s go. The police should come soon. Let the police handle them. This is a rare moment of a good time for us to spend together. I don’t want to spend it making a statement at the police station.”

“If you don’t want to go to the police station, stop pretending and run quickly,” he said to the seven people on the ground.

He dragged her away again.

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