Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 20

You\'ve got to be kidding me. Ash thought as the bubbly Savior, somewhat shyly, waved at her in the distance. As though she hadn\'t been the same person who held a weapon to Ash\'s neck just a day ago.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Ash asked, looking past Satsuhiro.

"I\'m asking myself the same thing," Satsuhiro said as well, displeased. "What are you doing here?"

"Greetings, sir." Upon hearing the voice belonging to the man who stood next to Kaori, Ash got shivers. It was like two people speaking at once.

"The Royal Council?" Satsuhiro identified quickly.

"What?" Ash asked, standing up. She stomped over to them, crossing her arms. "What\'s going on?"

"This vessel\'s name is Talo. We are here to inform the hybrid Savior of a potential mission that she may be interested in undertaking." The man gestured at the inside of the house. "May we sit down?"

"Sure," Satsuhiro replied.

"What? We can\'t let her in here!" Ash pointed at Kaori. "How do we know she won\'t cut my head off?"

Keiko, who had heard the exchange, made her way over to them and was standing just a bit behind Ash.

"Kaori?" Keiko walked up too. "What\'s happening?"

"Please, it would likely be much more convenient and less stressful for all of us if we could sit down during this discussion," Talo said.

"Ugh, fine." Ash marched back to the living room table and sat right where she\'d been. The others, Kaori included, started filing in slowly. Metsumi stood up.

"I\'ll make some tea for everyone!" She announced. Opah, the family\'s daughter, was peeking from behind a couch, eyeing them all cautiously.

"Splendid," Talo replied. "Now, as we were saying. Here are the details of the mission." Talo placed a paper full of eloquent writing on it in front of Ash, but Satsuhiro took it and started scanning over the contents. Ash raised a brow.

"I read faster than you." He said and Ash shrugged. "Let\'s see... a Nightmare?" He asked, looking up.

"Low-level," Talo quickly clarified.

"Still," Satsuhiro muttered as he continued reading through the paper. "Between Sapphire and Jade."

"So, what\'s it about?" Ash asked.

"Well...." He finished up. "The gist of it is that they want you to fight a special kind of demon. One that\'s capable of turning other things into demons." Satsuhiro summarized. "It\'s in a low-level area, but even then." Satsuhiro scratched his chin. "Might be a bit too dangerous."

And, honestly, I\'d love to just spend my time training for now. Ash thought.

"Well, that\'s why I\'m here," Kaori said and all eyes went to her. She took a deep breath as Ash glared. "I want to go with you."

"Uh, no. No thank you." Ash instantly countered but Kaori leaned forwards.

"Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot-"

"When you kicked the shit out of me in front of dozens of people, you mean?"

"Well, yeah but-"

"And also, when you nearly killed me?"

"I mean, okay but-"

"Yeah, I\'d say that\'s a slightly negative first impression."

"LISTEN!" Kaori slammed her hands on the table. Ash flinched and Satsuhiro raised a brow. The other Savior took a deep breath and leaned back. "I... I didn\'t mean to do any of that. When," she continued, "when I told you that I wasn\'t going to fight, everything went black. Okay? And as soon as it did, the world came back, and suddenly, I was standing over you, holding my swordstaff out. I don\'t even remember what happened in between. Seriously! I never meant to do any of that."

"Wait, wait, what?" Satsuhiro suddenly stepped in. "Run that by me again, what did you just say?"

Kaori turned to him.

"I don\'t remember what happened. I told Ash I wasn\'t going to fight her, everything went black, next thing I know I\'m standing over her."


"What is it?" Ash asked him.

"Well... if Kaori isn\'t lying, that sounds like mind control."

"Mind control?" Ash asked. "Listen, I don\'t know much about magic, is that a thing? That sounds insane."

"In the practice of alchemy, yes. There\'s a potion that exists that can allow you to control someone else\'s mind." Satsuhiro responded. "Sadly, I\'m not an authority on alchemy."

"But you\'re a mage?" Ash asked. "Isn\'t it roughly in the same ballpark?"

"No. Magic is way less... Physical. Alchemy is an entirely different beast."

"I swear to you," Kaori stressed, "I swear this is what happened. Think about it," she looked at the group, "what reason would I have to want you dead?"

"Because I\'m me." Ash shrugged.

Kaori shook her head.

"I\'ll admit. I do think you\'re pretty scary looking, but that\'s it." Kaori replied. "I-I don\'t really care that you\'re a half-demon. I don\'t want to hurt you in any way."

A brief silence spread amongst them. Talo was pretty much sitting by, watching all of this.

"Hey, wait, if, right, because it\'s a pretty big fucking if, if mind control was used here, is that legal?" Ash asked. "Doesn\'t sound like it would be."

"It is not legal, no." The representative of the Royal Council said. "However, as Satsuhiro alluded to it just now, evidence of the use of the Red Tear, the potion that grants mind control, is incredibly hard to acquire, by regular people, at least. The liquid is only has a color before it is mixed in with other liquids, which is usually how it is administered to the people who end up drinking them. Admittedly," they turned to Kaori. "Had we known this, we would have likely looked into it on our own."

"I... It never even crossed my mind." Kaori told them.

"So, do we have a way to find out if she\'s lying?" Ash asked.

"I know a Savior that should be able to help," Satsuhiro announced.

"Who\'s that?" Ash asked.

"An alchemist. If I\'m not mistaken, they live somewhere to the east, near Onyx. I could try to send them a letter and hope they can help out."

"Okay... but until then?"

"I\'d... I think I can vouch for her." Keiko stepped in. "I haven\'t exactly known Kaori for long, but I never got the sense that she was bloodthirsty in any way. I think we should wait for this alchemist\'s response before we do anything else."

"Hm, that also would mean we should wait for the alchemist\'s response before we go on this mission," Ash noted.

"Well, the Nightmare is certainly not going anywhere, we would guess," Talo added. "Should you decide to go, send us a letter and we will have a carriage sent here, to take you to the Nightmare\'s location. It would then wait there until you finish your mission."

Ash made eye contact with Kaori. After what she\'d seen, she simply didn\'t trust the bubbly-looking blonde. But, it was worth a shot. She understood that much.

"Fine," Ash muttered and Kaori grinned.

"Trust me!" She got up and leaned across the table. "You\'ll see! I\'m perfectly sane!"

"Well, I don\'t know about that," Satsuhiro said, "regardless, it\'ll be good to get some training in before then anyway. You\'re welcome to stay." He told Kaori.


"Yes. Until we hear from the alchemist." He told Kaori.

"Wait, wait," Ash waved her hands back and forth. "What if she like, tries to kill me in my sleep or something?"

"I wouldn\'t do that!" Kaori protested.

"She\'ll sleep in the living room. She tries anything, she won\'t get to blink before I burn her to a crisp." Satsuhiro stated calmly and shrugged. "Think of it this way though, at least you\'ll have another training partner."

"That is actually true," Keiko added. "It is good to practice against people of a similar skill level to your own, from time to time. It gives you a feel of what the enemies you will be facing should behave like."

"Then, it\'s settled. We will wait to hear from you once more." Talo told Satsuhiro and the older Savior nodded.

Then, Talo left.

Kaori stayed with a joyous look on her face as Ash let out a deep breath. This is too much for the start of the fucking day, dammit.

And, just like that, Satsuhiro\'s farm had one more resident for the time being.



Today, the church was the same as ever, with the same priests and priestesses running around. Varcon was busy looking at reports of recent battles against the demon army when a deacon approached. The deacon announced something to him and Varcon paled.

"What?" He asked, baffled.

"Kaori was seen leaving Jade with the Royal Council\'s representative, your holiness." Varcon heard this and narrowed his brows. But why… Oh. It didn\'t take long to understand. The Royal Council must have ignored his suggestion and went to go see the hybrid. Maybe, hearing that they were going to do that, Kaori chose to tag along.

Of course, he quickly understood the danger of the situation. The longer Kaori remained there, the higher the chance she\'d talk things out with Ash\'s party. Especially being as reasonable and clearly kind-hearted as she was. Plus, to make matters worse, Varcon guessed Satsuhiro had the resources necessary to investigate what happened to Kaori. She would obviously bring it up and Satsuhiro would definitely look into it.

This is far from good. Varcon said as the eyes of Magia\'s statues looked down upon him. If Kaori turns on me, at best, it would hurt the church\'s reputation as they would most likely spread rumors that I\'d stripped her of her will. At worst, they might actually come for revenge. Varcon took a deep breath.

I need to delay whatever it is Kaori is doing. I need her away from them. Away from that group. But, how? She must already be concerned. If I call her back for a mission, that would very well be a confirmation of her suspicions. No. I need to do something indirectly. Something that would give just enough reason for her to want to leave.

I need to create an emergency. Varcon closed his eyes, picturing what he needed. The deacon waited for him to speak his mind patiently. I need to have something happen. Something that would make Kaori come back as fast as possible. It would buy me time so that I may explain to her why I did what I did. Why it had to be done.

"Deacon." He called out, finally.

"Yes, father?"

"Look for Kaori\'s home address. I need to know where her family lives."



The sunlight-haired Savior was pleased to know she\'d have a chance to prove she wasn\'t a psychopath. Truthfully, it was the first time she\'d been in a situation like this. Over the course of her life, everyone had liked her. She didn\'t know how to go about earning someone\'s trust. Trust was a resource she usually just got effortlessly.

No problem. She thought as she watched Ash train with Keiko. She was still shocked that the Zayama she\'d spoken to was Ash\'s teacher. It\'s just like making any other friend, right? Just chill, talk to her every now and then, and be myself! She\'ll see how cool I am.

Behind her, Satsuhiro was writing the letter to the alchemist. Kaori turned around to face him.

"So, uh, who is this alchemist?" She asked.

The older Savior stared at her for a moment. Then, he looked back down.

"Savior, about my age," Satsuhiro said, without taking his eyes off the paper. "Doesn\'t really go on missions often. They help out in a different way, supplying the different cities, but mostly Onyx, with potions and the like."

"Why Onyx?"

"It\'s where they were born and raised, as far as I know. Saviors are supposed to serve all of Nova, but we all have our biases." He shrugged. "Hm. There. Should be just about done."

Kaori leaned over him and took a glance.

"How long will it take to get a reply?"

"About a day or two, most likely… provided of course, that I remember where they lived."

"Wow, isn\'t Onyx like, way, way to the east?"

"Hmph." Satsuhiro scoffed. "You must not understand how mages send letters."

"Well, no… I\'m not a mage, so, yeah." She shrugged.

"Come. Watch." Satsuhiro stood up and walked outside. He had Kaori follow him to the dirt road that led to the farm. "Now, what was the incantation again… Ah, right." He folded the paper into a bird-like shape. Then, he said, "Arrive, seek the friend, send word."

And Kaori was startled as the letter burst into flames and flew out of his hand, soaring up into the sky where it took a proper bird\'s form.

"Now, we wait," Satsuhiro replied.

"Oh my gosh!" Kaori chuckled. Satsuhiro passed her by. "U-Uh, wait!" She said. He stopped. "I really appreciate that you\'re… you know, treating me like I\'m not a murderer or something."

He raised a hand.

"I\'m only giving you the benefit of the doubt, especially since Keiko is vouching for you. Only time will tell if I keep treating you like this."

With those words, he walked back inside. Kaori turned around, looking back up into the sky where she thought she could still see the bird starting its journey.

She smiled.

I hope so.

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