The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 231 - Crystal White Egg

I turned into a golden bolt of lighting and shot towards the forest at the fastest speed I could muster in this form and without using lightning of absolution. It took me a few minutes to get to the forest and even longer to reach the hole that was the entrance of the wyvern\'s laboratory.

I deactivated the lighting body and allowed myself to fall into the hole, letting gravity do all the work forme rather than having to shoot down at full speed. It only took around 30 seconds for me to reach the bottom, making me instantaneously activate lighting body again before flickering off into the tunnel as lighting crackled off me and onto the walls.

It only took me a few more minutes to traverse through all the different tunnels while using my divine eyes to find the fastest way to where the strongest mana signature in the entire underground laboratory was. Of course, on the way were some beasts that the wyvern had forced to patrol the tunnels, and since they didn\'t know that the wyvern was already dead, they decided to attack me almost immediately.

I did not pull any punches back when killing them since I simply did not care if they remained alive. But since they had chosen to attack me, the least I could do was to punch them once and let them see their maker.

In a large hall with a slightly big podium in the middle stood a few beasts, one of them being the warhorse that I had talked to before. One second he was lying on the floor with her eyes clothes, and the next second, it had gotten up and looked in a certain direction with narrowed eyes.

\'What speed...\' I could not help but inwardly comment as it felt my traversing the tunnels that had taken them more than an hour to move through and get to their destination. It\'s surprising only turned into fanatic fervor a few seconds after feeling the speed I was moving at.

\'Truly worthy of the title goddess!\' It got up and made everyone get ready to greet me when I entered.

They did not have to wait for too long because not even 30 seconds later, they watched as an insanely fast golden bolt whizzed past them and finally appeared behind them.

The momentum caused me to slide a few meters before finally halting and looking up to look at the beasts around me. 

The moment I looked up, a fanatic expression glint flashed within all their eyes before kneeling in front of me.

"Your majesty! I am glad you were able to make it." the excitement was extremely vivid in their voice. Their body language alone could barely hold back the excitement they currently felt from being in front of me alone so it was no surprise that their voices would be filled with so much excitement.

"Is that the egg?" I nodded towards the large podium in the middle of the room. It was about two meters tall and 5 meters wide. At the same time, the crystal-like white egg sat comfortably in the middle of a cushion placed on the top of the podium.

"Yes, your majesty... It has been there for the last few months, however, it could have been here for years. The first time I saw it was when Lord Fraduil allowed me to come down here, and since then, it had been months and the egg has still not hatched. He believed that it would take some kind of energy to get the egg to hatch but I still don;t know since he died before he was able to make it hatch" the war horse spoke with an apologetic tone.

"His name was Fraduil?" I tilted my head to the right while simultaneously scanning the entire egg with my divine eyes. 

I could find nothing wrong with the egg. More precisely, I could see nothing about the egg that was an off-putting or clear sign that indicated anything, and while some might think this egg is nothing by getting just that information, this was a huge flag for me.

\'I can\'t see anything about this egg. Not what is inside, not even anything on the surface... The only thing I can see is that mana is entering it but that is it. It is like an empty black hole... This doesn\'t make sense\' I frowned and took off my mask.

"Yes... What is the matter my majesty? You seem t be frowning..." the horse began to become covered in a cold sweat. Did it do anything that had pissed off its goddess? Did it say something wrong? Was it because she called the wyvern \'Lord\' on accident?

"This egg... I want it" I mischievous smile stretched across my face

"Of course. Anything for her majesty, but I\'d just like to remind you that there are many more things you can take alongside this egg. I am sure with your heavenly vision you were able to already see what was so special about this egg so it is understandable that you would get excited" The fanatic fervor returned and the horse stood up straight.

\'The excavation team will be raiding this hideout in a few days so I might as well take any valuables with me, right?\' I smiled with eyes twinkling with dollar signs

"Really? What else is there?" I glanced at the horse. Seeing how excited I was to see the other rewards they would give me, the horse was even more elated than before.

"Please follow me!" The horse galloped towards one of the walls.

"Oh wait! Let me take this egg first" I flickered next to the egg and stretched my hand out to touch it. It was then that it happened hundreds upon hundreds of golden runes began expanding from the location that I was about to touch, covering a portion of the egg in gold with gaps of white.

"What the-" I couldn\'t even finish my sentence before angular cyber-like tendrils expanded out of the egg in a 3-dimensional format rather than a 2-dimensional one.. All the tendrils immediately stabbed into my hand before making golden runes expand along my arm all the way down to my shoulder and finally clustering around the base of the right side of my neck.

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