The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 358 - Subjugation (1)

"What do you think T?" Arnold smiled towards the automaton, "Tragic, isn\'t it?"

Arnold and his company, that is, Talos and Yu Zhung were travelling to Wuhan, the territory that once belonged to Kang You. But now, it was a part of Arnold\'s self-proclaimed kingdom. The disastrous after effect of the dungeon breakout just came in their view as their flight arrived in the airspace of Wuhan. It looked like no one has lived in the place for decades. All of the buildings had either collapsed or were on the verge of collapsing.

However, the situation on the ground was far worse than what they could view from the sky. Minotaurs were running amock in the city and surrounding areas. When Kang You, came there for help, he mentioned that 40% of the city had been obliterated at the hand of the minotaurs. But in reality, only 25% of the area was left intact and untouched. Kang You had given his all to protect the small area. It was also a safe haven for the people they had evacuated.

"Saying that it\'s tragic would be an understatement, master," Talos replied, "Especially when it all happened because of us in the first place."

Arnold nodded as their flight prepared to land on the makeshift runway. It might seem that Arnold was happy with the amount of destruction he indirectly caused, but on the inside, he was feeling guilty. Destroying a city was something he would have never done before but ever since the incident with Andrex, it felt as if something had snapped inside of him. He had become someone he never wanted to and no matter how hard he tried to suppress his evil side, he just couldn\'t.

It wasn\'t as if he had been a non-confrontational person before that happened, but at least he knew to respect other\'s lives and was even compassionate to some. Yet now... he just felt like he didn\'t give a crap about what others think of him or his actions. As long as he got what he wanted, nothing else mattered to him anymore.

Now that he thought about it, he wasn\'t even interested in being this \'One Emperor\' of China. He didn\'t need to control the other regions to ensure a consistent influx of money. The income from his Dad\'s company was enough for him. Yet he went out of his way to look for an issue with the other emperors only to abuse them with his unparalleled strength and knowledge. And the most concerning thing was... he enjoyed doing it when he was not self-reflecting on his actions. He enjoyed showing arrogant people their place while he himself was turning into one.

He thought taking his revenge on his uncle and cousin would quell his rage. But it actually made it worse. It was also a reason why he decided to stay put in China for a while. He had to get rid of his unstable rage first before heading back to West America. 

\'No point crying over spilt milk.\' Arnold sighed before shaking his head as the plane came to a halt, \'I have to make my peace with the man I\'ve become. That\'s the only thing I can do.\' 


"Greeting, Lord Deathless and Master Zhung. I, Deng Xiaofan, will be your guide and assistant through the duration of your visit." Deng Xiaofan bowed and greeted Arnold along with Yu Zhung.

"It\'s good to see you as well, Ms Xiaofan." Yu Zhung courteously replied he knew what kind of woman Xiaofan was. She tried to act all innocent in front of the public eye, but was a nefarious beast on the inside, "After all, you don\'t get to meet the mind behind the Dragon fist every day."

Arnold did not say anything. He just stared at her through his mask, carefully analysing her every move and expression. Just like her name, Xiaofan was short when it came to the height department. She was just 5\'1" and at first looked as timid as a meerkat, but according to what Arnold\'s probe skill revealed, she was as a sly fox if anything else. The system\'s analysis also went according to what Yu Zhung referred to her as; The Mind behind the Dragon fist.

This 23-year-old had a long face with a cleft chin, a flat nose, and very thin lips. Her mysterious black eyes were angular. Her beautiful face was further beautified by the subtle blush and steel eyeliner she was wearing. Arnold could feel those eyes measuring him up. A particularly notable feature was the small beauty mark she had between her lower lip and left chin. She was wearing an executive tuxedo, symbolising that she was there on a duty. 

"You flatter me with such compliments, Master Zhung." Xiaofan humbly accepted Yu Zhung\'s compliment while she was still eyeing Arnold.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" Arnold blurted out in a stern tone which seemed to snap her out of whatever she was doing.

"No, my lord. I\'m just intrigued about your identity... that\'s all." Xiaofan replied calmly, "Now if you\'ll be kind enough to follow me to the car."

Even though she did not admit to what she had been trying to do, the system made Arnold well aware that the little brat was in fact trying to use her mind controlling powers on him. The only thing he didn\'t know was her motivation for such a hostile welcome. After all, he had come to save them from the minotaurs, and this wasn\'t how you welcome a saviour.

"Ms Xiaofan, do you mind telling us where Emperor Kang is?" Yu Zhung tried to indulge in a conversation with the lady because she hadn\'t spoken a word to them after asking them to follow her.

"He is waiting with our main attack force near the dungeon. And that\'s where we are headed as well." Xiaofan replied without turning around to face them.

In the meantime, Arnold looked at the makeshift survivor camp made for the evacuees. Everyone around them was looking at them with a weird sense of insecurity. It was almost as if they were afraid of him. There were more than a thousand tents in the area. Within these tents, anywhere from 10 to 15 people were cramped up together. They barely had enough utilities and resources for long term survival. Which was obvious given that all of them had lost what they had earned throughout their lives. Although those people were living their lives, they were more or less dead already.

It was the first time Arnold had felt a sense of guilt as strong as in that moment. Never in his dreams, he had thought his actions would have such a severe effect on the people. But he wasn\'t the only one at fault. The Chinese government should have also prepared for such incidents. After all, there were more than a hundred thousand underground survival camps in America made just to protect the people in an event of a breakout.

There were a few such camps even in Shanghai and surrounding areas. But not in Wuhan? It was then Arnold realised something... Kang You had told them they already had a few underground camps as well. If what he said was true, then what were all these people doing there?

\'Something\'s off...\'

Arnold could feel that not everything was right. Throughout the years, he had grown to trust his hunches no matter how absurd they were. So he did just that and quietly used <Foresight> to make sure that his hunch was correct... and sure enough, it was.

Arnold quickly cancelled the ability and pushed Yu Zhung aside. The following moment, there was a small burning hole in that place. Yu Zhung was shocked. Someone had just tried to blow his brains out. Talos immediately went in action and pulled out the good ole\' vindicator while Arnold grabbed the little minx by her throat.

"How... did you... know..." Xiaofan mumbled as Arnold\'s grip got tighter around her twig-like neck.

"Just a hunch..." Arnold shrugged his shoulders before summoning his entire army there, "Don\'t kill everyone but show no mercy to those who resist. Take away their weapons and Tiamut, bring me that man over there."

"Yes, master." Tiamut replied before rushing to the location Arnold had pointed.

Arnold had pointed at the sniper who tried to kill Yu Zhung without even looking in that man\'s direction. His sole focus was on the midget in front of him.

"You better start speaking now. That is, if you don\'t want me to kill everyone here."

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