The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 394 - Just Surrender (2)

"Master... You\'re here..." Yan slowly mumbled in his low pitched, hissy voice.

"Nah, I\'m still on my way. It\'ll take three business days for me to arrive here," Arnold shook his head before smiling. He could finally have some fun now that all of the problems have been taken care of.

He didn\'t realise it earlier, but he had been quite tensed in recent times because of all the problems that kept popping up in his life like mushrooms in rain. First, it was his intention for revenge, then the minotaurs, then conquering China, then Hercules and his army and finally this dumba*s brigadier. He didn\'t get much if any, time to relax. But now he only needed to do one thing and rest for a long, long time.

There was another reason why he was in such a hurry. Nina must\'ve been watching the battle from the mansion. And well, since he broke all of the cameras, there was no way for her to know whether the battle was over or not. Until the Council of Nations made an announcement regarding their victory. So, in short, Nina would be worrying too much about him... or maybe she wasn\'t worried at all. Arnold will never know what was actually going inside her head.

"Of course I\'m here. Now let\'s get going, shall we? Talos you\'re coming with us too." Arnold instructed his summons, before turning around to leave, " And the rest of you, feel free to have fun with him but try not to kill him. I have some things planned for that idiot-"

"ARNOLD LING!!!" The Brigadier roared in fury and charged towards him.

The only thing he forgot was where he was standing at that moment. He was surrounded by Arnold\'s summons. Summons, who were strong enough to kill him in one blow. So it wasn\'t a good idea to yell at their master. But this didn\'t stop him, not until Asterios grabbed him by his nape and lifted him off ground and started swinging him like a ragdoll.

"Did you forget your place?" Asterios smiled after seeing that Brigadier was about to throw up.

"Right, I forgot about his power complex," Arnold sighed in annoyance. He just wanted to get things done and get home, but they just piling up on him, "Dude... What part of \'I killed a demigod\', don\'t you understand? Hercules stood no chance against me and you think you can kill me? That too when you couldn\'t even take on my summons?"

"Your summons are your strength," The brigadier snarled at him once asterios stopped swinging him, "Without them, you are nothing! They are stronger than you are and I can take you on. Even now, you\'re only acting all high and mighty because of this fcking cow!"

"Is that so? Well, we can easily get rid of your illusion, can\'t we?" Arnold turned towards Asterios, "Let him go. I want to see how this idiot is planning to teach me a lesson. All of you, stand aside and don\'t interfere." 

"But master... you don\'t need to bother... yourself with filth-" Yan mumbled but Arnold waved him off.

"It\'s cool, Yan. It\'ll be over in a sec." Arnold smiled, "Asterios, let him go, will ya?"

Asterios nodded and let the brigadier go. All of the others stepped out of his way as well.

\'Got you!\' The brigadier smiled like the sicko he was before charging towards Arnold, \'Once my axes graze your skin, it\'s over for you!\'

Both of the brigadier\'s axes were coated with poison extracted from the most venomous creature of the wastelands. In fact, his goddess herself had blessed the weapon which made the weapon even deadlier. The only reason he was struggling against Arnold\'s summons was due to the fact that most of them were undead. No matter how deadly his poison was, it couldn\'t kill someone who was already dead.

However, it was a different matter altogether when it came to Arnold. He was as lively as anyone could be. Thus there was no reason for the brigadier to believe that the poison won\'t work on him.

The brigadier thought he was being sneaky. When in reality, Arnold could read him like a book. The way he was fidgeting with his weapon, it was clear to Arnold that the weapon was the reason why the brigadier was boasting so much. So he used the probe skill on the weapon to see exactly why was the brigadier jumping so much.


OBJECT: Hel\'s Axes (Poisoned)

TYPE: Weapon

GRADE: Cosmic C

THREAT: Negligible

REMARK: A weapon bestowed upon Hel by her loved one. However, the goddess herself had no use for such a trivial weapon. Thus after carrying the weapon with her for millions of years, she handed it down to her Paladin. The one who, in her eyes, would change the mortal realm for her gain. Upon receiving the weapon, the paladin further reinforced the axes by coating them with a special kind of poison brewed by using multiple ingredients from poisonous plants and venomous monsters. the weapon itself is extremely dangerous to mortal beings.

Sadly for the people who put in so much effort in making the weapon, it won\'t have any effect on you, since you\'re no longer a human being but something between a full-fledged demigod and a human. 


\'Poison? Again? Come on, get creative for once damn it!\'

As soon as Arnold was done reading the stats, the brigadier lunged at him. However, Arnold already knew he would attack first. Hence, he easily grabbed the Brigadier by his neck, lifted him up and slammed him down onto the bloodied ground, in one swift move.

"That must have hurt..." Talos mumbled, thinking if this wasn\'t supposed to be manhandling, then Talos didn\'t know what could be the true meaning of the word.

"Listen, you piece of jacksh*t." Arnold glared right through the brigadier\'s soul and a moment later, all thoughts about revenge flew straight out of his head, "It\'s been a really long day for me and I\'m tired. Very tired. When I\'m tired, I get easily irritated, and when I get irritated, people tend to lose their life. Now all I want is to have a nice, long and hot shower, put on some clean clothes and go and visit my fiance who most probably stressing herself out for no reason whatsoever. And that isn\'t good for our baby. Is that too difficult for idiots like you to understand?"

Brigadier General remained frozen on the ground in fear. Arnold may have been exhausted quite a bit after fighting with Hercules, but it didn\'t require much of his energy to handle small flies like the Brigadier. If he wanted to, he could have put an end to brigadier right then and there. But Arnold had some questions he needed answers to and only the brigadier could\'ve provided those answers to him. So Arnold had to keep him alive till he got Amanda and Natasha to use their magic on the Brigadier to get the answers to his questions.

"Do yourself a favour. Be a good lad and just surrender," Arnold let out a heavy sigh, "If not, then I\'ll have to kill you, resurrect you and then get those answers out of you."

"I... give up."


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